What hub should I write up about...What would interest you?

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  1. Nj17 profile image60
    Nj17posted 11 years ago

    What hub should I write up about...What would interest you?

    Instead of me writing about things that come up in my head, do you lovely people on here have any interests or topics you'd like to know my opinions about? I'm just thinking of a way to get us interacting more as an online community as well as possible friends?

  2. nisargmehta profile image69
    nisargmehtaposted 11 years ago

    Your thought is Delightful NJ. However what I believe is if you write and publish articles on what you like will be more interesting as I consider Publishing articles on HP as a part of my hobby and I do it with joy and interest. Adding to it, if you share writings about the things you like, I am sure, there will be a lot of people who will have the same interest and will admire your work. So Sharing things which interest you will be more intriguing than writing for others. Enjoy!!! [Smiles]

    1. Nj17 profile image60
      Nj17posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, I was just taking requests to get members of HubPages to get talking but I'll try to come up with something for my future hubs if you think that would be better. Thank you for the comment

  3. SweetiePie profile image81
    SweetiePieposted 11 years ago

    Why not write abut something happening to your friends, or something like that.

    1. Nj17 profile image60
      Nj17posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You know what? I love that idea as there are a few stories I could share...Thank you

  4. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image84
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 11 years ago

    Write what you know about.  That way, you give us good information from a credible source.

    1. Nj17 profile image60
      Nj17posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's true...I was just thinking of taking requests to get members of HubPages to get talking but I'll try to come up with something

  5. NateB11 profile image88
    NateB11posted 11 years ago

    While I agree with others who are saying that we ought to write about what we know, I've also thought about taking requests. The idea is kind of fun. Here's a couple suggestions, of which I've thought of writing and would like to see in Hubs: How to care for an aging parent who has dementia without going wack-a-doodle; and something about obscure, underground, strange comic books.

  6. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 11 years ago

    The gauntlet tossed upon the hardened earth cries aloud saying, "what." Those knights of old, of the grand land of Brittany seek to ponder the what while the when is in the near past seems forgot. The youth ponder the why and stand in lines wondering.

    I have a curious streak running through having met you Nj17 a few things you may answer.

    How did the Olympics affect the economy of Great Britain? Were there any short term gains and will there be long term revenue? Did it spark new entrepreneur ventures sparking the economy or did it become lack luster having little effect. Was it only a shot in the arm like Penicillin being more preventative than cure?

    How did the Olympics affect the social circles? Were new ones created? Were there more protesters than fans? Are there new myths of late regarding heroes and heroines? How has sports in Europe been affected with the new competition of late? Seems Sweden is creating a myth with soccer of late. Will Brittan seek their own to counter? How has the level of competition changed since the Olympics? Can the EUFA compete for the international marketplace for television broadcasting world wide?

    What about the little ones too. Do the children have a greater sense of self esteem seeing a future today? Is fitness on the rise in the school systems? Do they have heroic icons now. Did the theme 'Inspire a Generation' make a foothold with the youth seeking betterment and change?

    What is happening to the structures created for that event. Are they getting dusty or are they thriving centers now with the advent of change. What is Brittan doing with them now? Are they fuel for tourism and fostering more visitors from aboard. Has the tourist industry maintained since the event?

    I would rather read about some of these by hubpages authors.

  7. flashmakeit profile image60
    flashmakeitposted 11 years ago

    Write some more music reviews and make sure you add some pictures and add a music video from YouTube.  Most of your articles do not have images.  I hope you write an article about singer with the best dancers in their video.


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