What would you like to see me write a hub on?

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  1. MarieAlana1 profile image67
    MarieAlana1posted 11 years ago

    What would you like to see me write a hub on?

    I would love ideas about what I should write a hub on.

  2. Randy M. profile image74
    Randy M.posted 11 years ago

    Here are some ideas:

    1. What are the similarities and differences between love and joy? (related to your article on love and joy)
    2. What Jesus meant when he said, " your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit..." (I am just curious as to what you would say)
    3. Review your favorite appliances. (I have)
    4. Review your favorite books.
    5. Review your favorite restaurants.
    6. Review a favorite tourist attraction you are familiar with and have photos of.

    Enough ideas?

    1. MarieAlana1 profile image67
      MarieAlana1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the great suggestions! I'm building up the excitement for my Bob Evans restaurant review. I have been to the homestead several times. They have a museum there. Also, I'm thnking about the other suggestions as well. Thanks!

  3. Emanate Presence profile image67
    Emanate Presenceposted 11 years ago


    Randy gave excellent suggestions. He seems to be more familiar with your writing than I am, and that helps. I dropped by your profile again to get some feeling for your interests as a place to begin:

    Children's education, Chicken Soup Books, gardening and cooking. Coffee, but you would like to move on from writing about it. Is that accurate?

    You have already published a variety of hubs, with a few on your faith which seems important to you.

    My first suggestion is selfish. I've been asked to re-write an old educational curriculum. It will come in the mail, probably within a month. My emphasis will be on values, quality of life and personal development. Partly it will be oriented towards a summer camp for 'at risk' children 6 - 18 years old. There will be also adult courses with a similar core focus. The language is Spanish (Kati and I are learning Spanish now) and the culture is strongly Catholic influenced.

    I don't know what the old curriculum looks like, and it may even be best to start from zero. If you have interest later, I can share more about the volunteer assignment when I know more about it myself. We may become the educational directors, so that is a motive behind it.

    A hub on how to approach the re-write in organized steps, with additional online resources linked, would be great!

    Personally, I would also enjoy reading some of your Chicken Soup style stories.  Unless I have a strong interest in a subject and want to learn about it, like how to write a curriculum, I am more likely to read thoughtful short stories with insights based on true life experience than anything else.

    Several of my hubs have been unexpectedly inspired from my participation in the Q & A section. A hubber asked how people feel about picking up hitch-hikers and it sparked me to re-write short stories from experience into three new hubs.

    Some hubs came as suggested titles from that HubPages feature. You may know about it. You click on Start a New Hub and type a keyword or two, and a suggested exclusive title may come up. It set me off on self-assignments to re-write 'Is Destiny Real?' and write 'How to Regain Connection with Your Higher Self' and follow-up hubs. Lately there has not been so much of interest to me, but for a period it was a rich source of inspiring new hubs I had not considered.

    I am already following your writing but don't always see notification of new hubs. If you happen to publish one on writing curriculum (no pressure or expectation!), would you be so kind as to drop me a note?

    1. MarieAlana1 profile image67
      MarieAlana1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is very interesting. I would be willing to take a look. at it. I'm currently in college for k-8 education and I'm hoping to work in the field of curriculum later on. I would love to take a look at it.

    2. Emanate Presence profile image67
      Emanate Presenceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very good. To clarify, the native language of the people is Spanish, however the curriculum will be written first in English. Also, though the culture has a strong Catholic influence, the curriculum will be religion-neutral. More to come!


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