What makes something inspirational?

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  1. davidos profile image61
    davidosposted 7 years ago

    What makes something inspirational?

    People are inspired by all different things. What is something or someone that has always inspired you, and why?


  2. profile image0
    Leonard Tillermanposted 7 years ago

    I think it is true that everyone is inspired by something different.  What inspires me may seem silly to someone else.  However, I tend to be inspired by those who overcome adversity and great challenges.  They find themselves knocked down and rise up to overcome.  I would point to my own daughter as an example of someone who inspires me as she has done this.

    Great question!

    All the best,


    1. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It is a great thing to be inspired by those who have overcome difficult circumstances! Good for your daughter, and may she, throughout her  entire life, be able to use her experience to encourage others.

  3. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 7 years ago

    Being inspired by something is not necessarily a good thing because determinate factors include both the good and evil of this world. That is why the dismissal of moral/ethical judgements is detrimental.

    Much depends on the frame of mind when one grasps an idea.  A bad idea may be embraced by an angry person ready to be inspired to bad action or rejected by a person in a rational frame of mind.  Either way, the choice they make must be owned.

    That said, most people find positivity to be inspiring.  The trouble with things that sound positive is too many people do not give enough wise consideration to making judgements about ideas that may seem good but in reality are deceptively ruinous.

    Inspiration to do things we should do, being inspired to go above and beyond the call of duty, and/or to bravely step out of our comfort zone to meet a new challenge can all make huge positive differences in our lives, but it is important to remember that all that glitters is not gold.

  4. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 7 years ago

    I think inspirational falls into different contexts. Inspiration is most usually connected to becoming creative, which is highly diverse. What inspires me to write is different than what inspires me to make a leap of faith to overcome an obstacle. A common denominator for me is an inspiration is usually a result of spontaneity.

    Many times I 'feel' like it is a cosmic connection with the wonderment of being a gift (Creativity) from something greater than me. Even though the catalyst may be a flower, a person, while doing something like reading, or when solving a problem, it is from afar. And, it is an opportunity.

    I find there is a difference with a person or something being a continuous inspiration contrast continuous encouragement. I don't mean I am not inspired a lot by one person, yet those are individual inspirations. In other words, each inspiration is unique and has a life of its own.

    1. Joseph Caprara profile image61
      Joseph Capraraposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I like the way you put that Tim!!! Good Stuff!!!

  5. Joseph Caprara profile image61
    Joseph Capraraposted 7 years ago

    I understand there are many things outside of me that can inspire things such as beliefs, will power, or even love. However, is inspiration to be "In-Spirit." I try to understand what it is within me that allows, for my inner spirit to fly, to blossom, to grow, to evolve.  The vibration that that strikes a dynamic cord within the body physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually. 
    I think many things that we say inspire us are merely something we strive to become.  Which there is nothing wrong with at all. I wish I could play the bass guitar as good as Victor Wooten. I strive to be a great player, but what I really wish to aim and achieve for is to be my best self as a bass player.
         Being able to be inspired in my eyes means to be able to align with what makes the heart sing. Bringing out the greatness of who I am at the core of my being. Accomplishing the desire of what has been created within. Climbing that mountain of goals in life towards self-fulfillment. Knowing and being proud that I did it all by myself. That the Love I hold "In-Spirit" got me to where my Heart desired to be.

  6. Lorri Matthewson profile image59
    Lorri Matthewsonposted 7 years ago

    I find inspiration in the day to day things. A good song, a happy thought, a good cup of coffee inspire feelings of well-being. On the other hand, political posts that make me wonder about the human condition inspire me to live more authentically and to research facts to inform my own opinions. A good cooking video can inspire me to cook, a good article can inspire me to write.


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