No Adsense Acount, No Income? Is This The Way It Works?

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  1. Daniel Mollat profile image53
    Daniel Mollatposted 7 years ago

    Being new I'm not sure I totally understand the way to generate income here in HP. Am I to understand that one must have an Adsense account to earn income? I've applied for an Adsense account some time ago but have not heard anything from them. Does this mean no matter how good my hubs are and how many hubs I have I won't be generating any revenues for as long as I don't have an Adsense account?
    What happens, if for some reason, Adsense denies my application? I can't ever earn money with my hubs?

    1. lovebuglena profile image81
      lovebuglenaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      To be able to earn with the Ad Program you need a valid AdSense account. But you can also earn on here with Amazon Associates. You can use the one that HubPages has and you do not need AdSense for that.

    2. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If it makes you feel any better, when I came to HP I literally earned pennies a day for a  very long time.  That was in 2012 and things have changed considerably for me but you just have to be patient.  HP is generally NOT a money making machine.  Many here make less than $10 per month/  However, those who are patient, hone their skills, figure out how to play the online writing game and write on searchable topics can do well.  Having said that, I would never want to count on income from this site for earning a living!

  2. Glenn Stok profile image95
    Glenn Stokposted 7 years ago

    That is correct. You need an AdSense account to be eligible for the HP Earnings Program. After you have ten or more well-written hubs, as you do, then AdSense should approve you. But it’s also important to have had your hubs published for at least 6 months.

    Did you apply before you reached ten hubs and 6 months? Either way, you should hear from them by email. Make sure you gave them the correct email.

    Details are in the learning center here: … up-AdSense

  3. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 7 years ago

    You mentioned that you applied "some time ago". Did you apply even before having anything published on the internet? Adsense is unlikely to approve your application if you do not have a presence. Check the link that Glenn included for you but you should wait a month, at least, before applying again.
    Even if you do not have Adsense yet, you are only losing pennies a day. You will not start making decent money until you are getting a thousand or more views per day.

  4. Marketing Merit profile image84
    Marketing Meritposted 7 years ago

    I'm a little confused Daniel as your profile indicates that you only joined 2 weeks ago. Is this when you applied for your Adsense account?

  5. Daniel Mollat profile image53
    Daniel Mollatposted 7 years ago

    I applied after publishing my 11th hub. My account says that AdSense is in active status. What does that mean?

    1. Glenn Stok profile image95
      Glenn Stokposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It just means that HP has the proper account reference in your earnings configuration. But as I said the other day, you need to log into Adsense to be sure everything is completed on their end and that you set all your parameters correctly.

      For example, if you opted to verify your domains, then you need to add all the niche sites where you have you hubs in order to get paid for hubs on niche sites. Verifying domains protects your account from plagiarists in case they copy your AdSense ID along with your content and use it on a site that doesn't meet AdSense TOS (A porn site for example). This can get your account canceled. But if you only allow verified sites, you're protected.

      I know I just threw something new at you and you're already overwhelmed. But it's important to know. It's under "Settings > My Sites" in your Adsense account.

  6. Daniel Mollat profile image53
    Daniel Mollatposted 7 years ago

    Here I go again with more silly questions.

    What are my niche sites?
    I went to my adsense settings and 'my sites' is grayed out (not clickable)

    One other thing I notice in my adsense account is that it shows my phone number of many years ago. Could this be the same account that I set up more than ten years ago but never used? Account Status says 'open'. Should I cancel this account and set up a new one?

    Appreciate inputs. Thanks

    1. NateB11 profile image85
      NateB11posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You're only allowed to have one Adsense account. I'm guessing you signed up with Adsense this time around using the same email. Which means you didn't so much as sign up with a new account but logged back into the old one.

      I'm not sure where "my sites" is in the Adsense account. Only thing I recall in my Adsense account is "my ads".

      As for your niche sites, you don't have any as much as Hubpages has them and some of your articles might be on the various niche sites. You can see which if any of your articles are on niche sites by going to "My Account", clicking on the "filters" drop down, then clicking on the "site" drop down. From there, there will be a list of niche sites where your articles are.

      Edit: Okay, I think I maybe figured out the "my sites" thing on Adsense. On mine there is a button that just says "sites" and it shows all the sites that my articles are on. If you can't click on that, I'm not sure why.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image95
        Glenn Stokposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I just noticed your EDIT.  Be careful. I said "My Sites" not "Sites".

        They are two different things. "My Sites" is where you specify the sites (niche domains) your hubs are on.  Look for "My Sites" in the left column of links.

  7. Daniel Mollat profile image53
    Daniel Mollatposted 7 years ago

    What if I cancel my old account and sign up anew with fresh personal information? I would still have only one account but with new info.

    Would cancelling my old personal account put a bad mark on my adsense account?

    Nine of my hubs are featured in 'toughnickel'. Is this the niche being referred to?

    1. Glenn Stok profile image95
      Glenn Stokposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      As NateB11 said, you can't have more than one account. That is against AdSense TOS and you could lose both. Since you already had one, it's best to continue using that one since it is your approved account.  But since you got things confused, I would say that your should go slow now. Check every step you take. Check which account ID is specified in your HP earnings page.

      If you continue with the old account, check that it is in good condition. Update your contact info if needed.

      If you go with the new one, just make sure you clearly tell Google to cancel the other one. There should be an option to do that, but I never needed it so I can't tel you how to do it.

      You DO have a hub in a niche site. ToughNickel is one of our niche sites. Since your "MySites" is grayed out, that means you never opted to verify your sites. That's okay, but just remember that if someone steals your hub and copies it along with your Adsense code, then you may have problems if it's posted on a site that does not meet their TOS. Most Hubbers don't even know about that, which is why most never had trouble getting paid for niche sites. There was an entire thread on that in the forum when those who opted into site verification neglected to put all the niche sites into MySites.

      So, are you thoroughly overwhelmed by now? Hang in there. You're getting there. Lots to learn.

    2. Glenn Stok profile image95
      Glenn Stokposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "All Sites" under Performance reports shows you sites it found that have activity. That's a good thing if you are seeing HubPages and ToughNickel there. That means that's the AdSense account you have specified in HP. So cancel the OTHER one and keep the active one.

    3. Tinsky profile image91
      Tinskyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I also had an Adsense account when I came across HubPages some years ago. I just used that one rather than cancelling my current Adsense account and starting a new one.

      Check the email you applied with against the email linked to your active Adsense account if you're unsure if its the same account. 

      I also recommend keeping your current Adsense and just updating any details you need with Adsense if the information is out of date. Cancelling and starting a new one could delay earnings and create unwanted challenges.

      Welcome to HubPages!

  8. sallybea profile image82
    sallybeaposted 7 years ago

    I would be very careful not to do that.  You may risk getting an Account at all.

  9. Daniel Mollat profile image53
    Daniel Mollatposted 7 years ago

    Hey guys, guess what? I just saw that I earned $0.15 since joining HP!!
    Does this mean those questions and concerns about my adsense account no longer apply? An I good to go in so far as adsense is concerned?

    I presume because I got some payment everything is A-okay now with adsense?

    1. DanielJOwens profile image74
      DanielJOwensposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I am in the same boat and would like to know this answer as well!

      Thank you for starting this thread.  I've been lurking the forums and associated hubs trying to glean as much as possible.  It is very much a new world to navigate.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image95
        Glenn Stokposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Daniel, This will answer all your questions:

        An Overview of Making Money on HubPages … y-HubPages

  10. Daniel Mollat profile image53
    Daniel Mollatposted 7 years ago

    Glenn, you said: "Check which account ID is specified in your HP earnings page"
    Is the account ID a number or is it the email I use in HP? My email in HP is different than the email registered with adsense but somehow it seems things are working out.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image95
      Glenn Stokposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It's the Affiliate Code. Look under the earnings tab. Make sure that one matches the Affiliate Code of your account you are using. Then make sure you keep all the info up to date with that account so you don't lose track of it again.

  11. Daniel Mollat profile image53
    Daniel Mollatposted 7 years ago

    Got it! Thanks.


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