Violation + Duplicated Content - Still No reply from HB Staff

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  1. profile image0
    feelhungryposted 13 years ago

    Hi all,

    Initially I was not planning to publish the information of my hubs here because I think it is somewhat personal. So, I have sent a message to the hubpages support about 24 hours ago. But since I haven't get back any reply and my hubs are all still unpublished, I guess I have to do more to get their attention. :p

    I registered the account about 8 days ago. I was just looking around and didn't use the account for about 5 days. My hub points dropped from 30 to below 10.

    On the First day of trying to get active in hubpages, I published about 8 articles. I put the RSS feed in all the articles that I published as well. I clicked on "Check for Violation Now" every single time I published a new hub. I didn't receive any violation and I was happy to see the score was going up slowly. The articles that I published are all original and never being publish elsewhere before hubpages. But, I sent the article to ezinearticle the 2nd day I published on hubpages.

    After 2 days I published the articles, I was shocked to see the error "Overly promotional" in all the hubs that I published. I click on the error and I just knew that I can not put the RSS of the same site that I included in the article. I removed all the RSS feed instantly and click on "check on violation" again and didn't see the error any more.

    On the morning of the next day, I was shocked again to see all my hubs were unpublished. It is without a doubt it was due to the earlier "Overly Promotional" problem. But, I have fixed the problem. So, I have to submit for "Publication" again.

    After like 12 hours, the next problem came out - "Duplicated Content". This is my ezinearticle profile You can see the date of the article published there is later than hubpages. So, I sent a message to the support and no reply yet.

    It has been about 36 hours since I sent all my hubs for "publication" and about 24 hours since I sent a message to hubpages support.

    It is sad to see my hub points to go down to below 40 again due to some problems that I have fixed. I really hope someone can review my accounts and my hubs as soon as possible.

    Thanks for reading my boring story. ^_^

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like you've got the overly promotional thing fixed, but at the same time have duplicate material.

      Yes, it is your work that you copied, but you still copied it and published it elsewhere.  It is duplicate.  It will take some time for HP to find that duplicate, but when it does they will unpublish your hub, just as you found.

      HP requires original, unique content.  Any form of duplication is prohibited outside of a small amount of quotes or such.

    2. readingwriting profile image60
      readingwritingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I recently had an issue with HP telling me I had duplicate content as well.  It turns out someone had copied and pasted my article into their wordpress site verbatim.

      I'm still waiting for the duplicate flag to be removed from my article so I can publish it again.  In the meantime I contacted the blogger on wordpress who copied my article and warned them to remove it before I have to file an official complaint.

    3. Cogerson profile image75
      Cogersonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry that you are in the frustrating land of the hub police....I just spent 4 days there last weekend....I think they took Labor Day weekend off...and put all issues like duplication on hold.  I hope your issue gets resolved much faster than last weekend.

    4. crashcromwell profile image79
      crashcromwellposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am facing a similar problem at present. Some time ago, I received an email from a friend with a collection of photographs related to members of the armed services, along with the text called "Soldier's Prayer." I took each of the photos and wrote original captions beneath each one, and I added to the text of the prayer. Initially the hub was flagged as unoriginal, but this was in the days before they would outright unpublish such a hub. I could live with having a reduced hub score, though I did point out that I had taken substantial steps to make the hub more original. Ultimately, they agreed with me that I had taken the necessary steps to make that hub sufficiently original.

      Last night, I received an email from a friend with a collection of 12 photographs of the World Trade Center in the aftermath of the 9/11 disaster. Remembering how I had resolved the issue with the Soldier's Prayer a few years ago, I decided to take the same steps with this hub.

      I was displeased when I received a hasty response from telling me that my hub had been unpublished for being un-original. Still, I decided to heed their warning, and I removed the language of the text that had accompanied the email my friend sent to me (and to which I had already added several paragraphs of original content.)

      Now I have to wait for hubpages to review my revised content. Obviously, I am disappointed, because as today is September 11, I might have realized a significant amount of traffic, given the topic of the hub. It seems that the hub was flagged by an automated program, but now that it has been flagged, it will need to be reviewed by a living, breathing human being.

      I am somewhat stressed by the warning that if I repeatedly resubmit copied material they could close my hubpages account. I have over 100 hubs, all of them original, and I would be really unhappy if all of a sudden all my original work disappeared from the net if the powers that be decide to close my account.

      Jim Henry, aka Crashcromwell

  2. Haunty profile image74
    Hauntyposted 13 years ago

    Hi feelhungry,

    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. As someone who has been here for quite a while, I know that sometimes it takes a few days for the HP team to get back to you depending on the workload they are facing. The fact that they haven't replied yet doesn't mean they ignored your email.

    Your hubs are unpublished at the moment, so only a staff member can tell you what this is about. I suggest that you wait 1-2 days and if there is still no reply, resend your email.

  3. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    You ezine article will count as duplicate. It doesn't matter which was published first, hubs are meant to be unique online content.

  4. Haunty profile image74
    Hauntyposted 13 years ago

    In any case, I'm still hoping there was a misunderstanding and feelhungry gets reinstated, as this clearly doesn't send the message that HP is very accommodating to new writers.

  5. Thriller profile image61
    Thrillerposted 13 years ago

    HubPages is really overdoing it. They flagged one of my hubs as linking to a prohibited site. I sent them a detailed email showing that the blog in question is an educational blog and in full compliance with HubPages guidelines.

    But to my utter dismay instead of whitelisting my site or at least having the courtesy to list some specific violation they merely repeated the warning in their reply email that is visible on the hub in question.

    Really HubPages, you guys need to improve your own moderation standards and have a better system of communicating with your Authors else it's not just Google that will sandbox you, your old time authors will as well.


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