What's Wrong With Hubpages?! Why is this happening?

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  1. RanaKm profile image44
    RanaKmposted 10 years ago

    So, I've had a hub unpublished due to HP claiming that it's overly promotional.
    The hub only has 2 outbound links ( which is the number of links we're allowed to put for the other external sites ) this is the only thing that I'm having in my hub.
    There is also NO amazon products or Ebay or anything!
    The two outbound links are also mentioned with other 3 inbound links to the other articles that I've written.
    I have a lot of hubs which have the same thing ( 2 outbound links with 3/6 inbound links ) and are published and featured, so what's with this particular hub?
    P.S: it's a review about another writing site ( Dailytwocents).
    I would also like to add that the links that I've provided at the end of my review have a proper title and not these " Click or follow these links to read more/ teasers and what's related " title.
    What's wrong?!! Are they playing with us?
    Isn't it enough that they have prohibited me from linking to my own site stating that my site doesn't comply with their rules? Although, I have the same kind of content that I write here on my site and the ads are normal and clean on my site.
    I'm really getting discouraged with this site!

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The truth of the matter is that although what was unpublished may be overly promotional, if the English you used on those hubs is as poor as that which you have used on a few that I read, they should be citing you for low quality. 

      You clearly are not a person who has English as a first language, and although your ideas are good, your ability to express them is so garbled that they are actually uncomfortable to read.

      There are others here who also are not English language speakers, but they have educated themselves well enough to be able to produce quality work here.  I strongly suggest that you take some classes and become involved in language immersion groups before trying to write on an English language website such as this one.

      Your flaws are not the fault of HP, and you should not be blaming them for unfeaturing your work.

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        They could have stated that the reason of getting my hub unpublished is because of my English language or something but they didn't, thanks for the note though.
        It doesn't take me more than one/half an hour to finish a hub because I think it's not worth it to give all of your concentration into it. After all, we are not getting enough compensated for all of this work. Are you? Or are we?
        The issue is not the quality, the issue is the links which I have added to my hub and it was linking to DTC ( the site which I was making my review about in the hub ).
        Please don't act as if you know it all, it's my fault that I didn't add additional info about that so I don't blame you for giving me such an answer.

        Also, if the issue is about quality then my hub would be available for readers and it would have Google ads showing on it but this is not the case because my hub has got unpublished.

        You'll understand me once the same thing happens to you smile  Make sure to remember me when it does, lol.

        Good luck.

        1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
          TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I was a Language Arts and also an ESOL teacher for years, so when I discuss language issues it is not because I think I know it all, it is because your limited abilities are so obvious.  I have been on this site for more than three years and have had more than 200,000 views during that time, so I do think I know a bit about what looks good and what does not.

          There are tens of thousands of writers on this site but only 15 staff members.  They cannot possibly catch every error...so just because some of your work has "slipped through" do not think this will continue.  Obviously, what you have done has already caused you problems.

          Google is a tough task master, and any of us can be damaged by them...certainly, I have.  However, it is neither because the quality or readership of my work was lacking.  We all have to do whatever we can to improve our work.  My comments to you suggest this, and I hope for your own sake, that you pay attention to what I said here.

          If you are spending so little time on the work you publish, you cannot expect to do well here.  "As you sow, so shall you reap".

          1. RanaKm profile image44
            RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I do have a difficulty in trying to explain my points and ideas sometimes even in my own mother language so this does not have to do with the language itself being bad.
            I do not consider my English as perfect as yours and I'm not ashamed of admitting that, however, my English is still good and I used to get some very high grades in this subject during my education times.

            And yeaah, well, I do not take a lot of time to write hubs, this is just not my thing and I've actually tried to make some perfect hubs
            ( followed every possible thing to get me through like a good grammar, organization, SEO, interesting titles, images, met goals, written over 1000 words and and etc... )
            And I did get some good high scores and high quality articles but they didn't get me nothing, my earnings per month on here can't even buy me a gum.
            I have over 100 hubs on this site and my daily earnings are not getting above $0.04 and sometimes 0.02 - So discouraging.
            This is a total joke, this site is a total joke and the only people who are getting benefited out of the whole thing are the admins and their editors.
            Whenever a problem happens on this site, the admins directly blame it on the changing rules of Google....
            Anyway, let me get back to my subject... What's the relation between a weak English and a statement that says " Overly promotional "?, you know that hubpages could simply tell me that my hub was unpublished because of the weak grammar or organization or or, yes?

            1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
              TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              You are correct...your hubs are overly promotional.  However, you also have a language problem, and it is good that you understand that.  When there are two issues, I guess the team chooses the most obvious one, which in this case, has to do with linking.

              As for not making any money here...plenty of people make money...I am one of them.  However, I spend many hours constructing my articles and correcting them when the need arises.  It takes time for the dollars to add up...but the reason they do not is either that you are not writing what people want to read or are writing in overly saturated topics.  Also, we all fight competition for the topics we write about...so even though you may produce a good hub, someone may be writing a better one that is ranked higher by Google.  You don't make money by writing articles that, for one reason or another, people do not want to read.

              Not all articles are well read, but it only takes one or two really good ones to bring in views and money.  There are people on this site who have millions of views, but they did not get those by spending only a half hour writing their articles.

              1. RanaKm profile image44
                RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I think that spending a lot of time writing and constructing isn't really the rule & the key to get you views and things, there are other things..
                Speaking of the language, I have just remembered that when I search Google, I find a lot of top ranked articles having 100- words with a very bad grammar and vocabulary.
                So, from that I noticed that it's not all about spending too much time on an article, there are really some other things like the tags and having uniqueness in your titles and things...
                Let's not talk about Google lol, it seems like Google itself is not understanding how it works big_smile

                Talking about the earnings, you said " It takes time for the dollars to add up..." So, I guess that you're not really earning as good as you're claiming...
                If you don't mind me asking and on a monthly basis, how much are you making on HP? You can answer me by saying " not more and not less than **** " for example...Feel comfortable... but I really need to know some answers concerning this to know that I'm not the only one Lol tongue

                1. Marisa Wright profile image84
                  Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  I think you may have unrealistic expectations about the earnings potential of writing sites.

                  Ask yourself, if you sold your article freelance, how much would it be worth?  Revenue-sharing sites like HubPages can't magically change the value of an article a thousandfold.  No - the reality is that over time, your article will earn as much as, and hopefully more than, it's potential sale price.  A Hub is doing well if it's earning $1 or $2 a month.

                  1. RanaKm profile image44
                    RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Mmmm yeah you have a point and you're right but freelance writing gives you rapid & instant money while revenue sharing sites take time for one article to accumulate the same/more amount of money that you would earn by selling it...
                    If you don't mind me asking, how much are you making on here per month for your 101 articles? ( Feel free to answer that or not )

                  2. CatherineGiordano profile image79
                    CatherineGiordanoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    A single hub earning $! or $2 a month. I can only dream of that.  I'm lucky to average a dime a month.  I hope that over time, it will get better. They are all high quality.  I earn HOTD and EC, but not money.  I promote the hubs every day. I guess I  haven't found the right subject.

                2. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
                  TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  It varies from month to month but let's just say that I have been known to make three figures.  Some people here have been known to make thousands, so it all depends on what you want.  Most people earn very little, though.  If you want to see what some good hubs with good earnings look like, read some by Writer Fox and Relache.  That will give you an idea of what it takes to really earn here.

    2. Millionaire Tips profile image87
      Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, there are new rules. They have been announced in this forum post:


      and the blog. The forum post has a link to the blog.

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I'll take a look at these, thanks for this.... Appreciated smile

    3. moonlake profile image88
      moonlakeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Try just removing all links on the hub and see if that will help. You can go back later and add ones you think relates to the hub.

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I removed links linking to the site which I was making my review about and I replaced one by a link which does not have to do with that site.
        The other links posted are inbound.
        Now, I'll wait some 2-4 days until they review it and I'll update you big_smile
        Thanks for trying to help, I've already submitted it.....

    4. PegCole17 profile image96
      PegCole17posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I read your hub on how to get more traffic and this quote from it seems to give an answer to your question.

      "Philosophy for example is not searched by many people, not a lot of people are interested about it especially that they've already got sick of studying it at school and it doesn't really need tutorials or whatever, because let's assume I'm a student and I'm finding difficulties in what I might be studying, what I would personally search for online is for the things that need examples and more applications like mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English Essays, these subjects are practical and not only created and put to students to make them only memorize, they include applications to be done and practiced in order to get better in the subject and understand it more."

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Wouldn't you ever search for the meanings of your dreams or astrology? I do and I know a lot of people that do too... But anyway, I write in many other diff categories as well...

    5. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You came to this forum to complain about how poorly  and unfairly HP is treating you, yet after reading over all of the responses from other writers, I see one thing:  You want to earn money but you think providing substandard work will get it for you.  It won't.   You think that you should be paid NOW and THEN you will start working more diligently on your hubs...that's now how things go here.  First you have to produce quality, correctly written articles that follow the rules and then, if you do well and are patient, you will start earning.  You've got it all wrong, and you are blaming the wrong people.  Your lack of income is directly related to the low quality of your work.  Just being featured does not guarantee income.

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hehehe I complained about the links at first but then we moved to the earnings and things while commenting...
        " You want to earn money but you think providing substandard work will get it for you.  It won't."
        It does actually, It happened before but it stopped once this stupid panda came around lol but things haven't changed since then, my traffic is still low even though it was 100000 times better before the panda...
        I'm not blaming anyone on here n you didn't answer me about why a lot of brilliant writers have left this site for good just because of its low earnings....
        So now since you feel like commenting, can you take a look at this thread and help me out with it please? big_smile http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/128246
        It's about some lyrics for a song and I need some help to edit them.... big_smile

        1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
          TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          As far as I know, most of those writers who left became frustrated with the constant rule changing that went on here for awhile.  Many were making money but felt they could make more elsewhere and without the hassle.

          1. RanaKm profile image44
            RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah so the main two reasons of why they've left are:
            - The constant rule changing.
            - The dissatisfaction with the earnings.

    6. peachpurple profile image82
      peachpurpleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      english is m mother tongue but i don't write well either. Sometimes, I do get over promotional messages too, so I removed all the links and got published.

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Oh I love to have links in my hubs sad HP allows us to put 2 max outbound links n the others must be inbound ones...
        I'm just getting surprised now because I have too many other hubs with the same number of links that I was having on the hub which has got unpublished by HP, and these hubs have been reviewed and accepted and are just doing fine....
        Strange, isn't it?

    7. Susan Trump profile image59
      Susan Trumpposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This is taking a lot of your energy.  Why don't you email Team@hubpages.  They will give you an answer rather than an opinion.

  2. novator profile image60
    novatorposted 10 years ago

    I wonder when an editor or staff member will chime in? It seems like there is a new standard.

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The team has clearly explained numerous times that they have tightened up the rules due to changes in Google's algorithm.  HP has always held writers here to high standards because doing so is the only way  they have a chance of surviving Google's constant changes.

      Read the blogs.  Read the guidelines for writing quality hubs in the Learning Center.  Adapt. Every writer here must do this, and it is a much better use of their time than constantly trying to blame the team for their problems.

    2. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, tell me about it big_smile -_- I don't know how I should be feeling about this lol

  3. rebekahELLE profile image86
    rebekahELLEposted 10 years ago

    The links have to directly relate to your hub content.  I looked at one of your hubs and the bottom links go to your various sites, but there is no direct relation to the content.  That is considered overly promotional.
    It's happening on HP because of recent, necessary changes.

    1. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The links I had in the hub which HP unpublished were related to the content...

      1. rebekahELLE profile image86
        rebekahELLEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I suggest reading thoroughly the latest posts about new guidelines for publishing on HP.
        I don't know about the specific hub you're referring to, but in looking at a few of your hubs, you have unrelated links to your hubs at the bottom. If you're writing about how to gain traffic to your hubs, all links need to directly relate to that specific topic.

        1. RanaKm profile image44
          RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, you've found a lot of my hubs having links unrelated to the content, perhaps but guess what? These hubs are still featured and published, isn't this just so ironic? It's a complete joke..
          Speaking of that, I need to edit these hubs and remove the unrelated links from them...Not my fault, the new rule states that and I was hoping for the editors to help us out with the hubs and remove some of our " unrelated to content links " since we cannot handle that alone..
          I think that 50/30 of my hubs contain these and I'm just not getting time to fix them...
          I'm personally done with writing more hubs because imagine how hard it would be to edit and manage 200+ hubs whenever HP changes its rules.... I'm tired... I might as well retire from here soon...Lol

          1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
            TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Why would you think the team should be removing links for you?  If you went through your hubs and even removed links from 5 per day, eventually you could clean them up.  What in the world were you thinking when you were linking things like "dreams of your lover" in an article about hair?  The team hasn't caught up to you yet, but unless you fix these problems, they will and you won't have to worry about retiring from the site, they'll do that for you!

            1. RanaKm profile image44
              RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Okay, yeah you're right... There are just so many hubs in here... Gotta work on that whenever I get time.. Thank you for your comments and help smile * Appreciated *

          2. Marisa Wright profile image84
            Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            The rule about unrelated links has been in existence for as long as I can remember.   You'll notice the latest blog post has been all about "tightening" the rules, not "changing" them - they are just being more strict.  The editors can't be everywhere on a site with thousands of Hubs - if they had to employ people to do our work for us, they'd have a much bigger salary bill and would be giving us a much smaller slice of the pie.

            1. RanaKm profile image44
              RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Okay, thank you smile I'll work on fixing these links ... but gosh I'm just too lazy big_smile

              1. Marisa Wright profile image84
                Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                You seem to think lazy is a virtue?   

                Four or five years ago, you could be lazy and make money on the internet.  These days, to make money online you have to work just as hard - or harder - than in a real-world job. 

                Many people are willing to do that anyway, because they prefer working for themselves, or maybe because they can't get a real-world job.  Sounds like you're looking for easy money - sorry, you're a few years too late.

                1. RanaKm profile image44
                  RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  I cannot spend my whole times on the net sweetie, I have my life too... If the internet was already getting me at least 50$ per month then I would consider trying to spend some more times writing and things. I'm not asking for more, but nothing's encouraging in here...
                  Even if you try your best to write as much as you can, you would still need at least 2-3 years on this site or other similar sites to start making some good money online.
                  Yes, about the old times you're right! I wish I could be able to work online though. I was living in a country ( Lebanon) where nothing was available in it ( No Paypal - No youtube etcc ) I mean, the sites do open but the earnings/sending services are not available in there.
                  Now you see why I didn't start earlier yeah?
                  You think I would waste the chance of working online? I wish I could start doing this long ago, just like you but you have to understand that people in some countries are not getting the same rights that you guys are getting in your own countries.
                  For now, I'm working according to my potentials and my capabilities and at the same time I cannot put too much pressure on myself because I'm always trying to follow a particular type of a lifestyle....I have some health conditions...
                  Btw, I'm not going to say whether I'm looking for easy or hard earned money because it doesn't matter, the result is earning so yeah..I start from the easy steps and methods  to see how they work then I move on to the hard ways if the easy ways don't just work... Things need time as well...In general...
                  Let's talk about HP okay,
                  If you go to my profile you'll see that I have 115 articles. There are  more 39 unpublished hubs in my account ( the editors have unpublished them due to issues in the links ) Okay?
                  You see, I wrote all of these within just a period of 4 months.... and I still call myself "Lazy" smile
                  You get my point now aha....
                  When the total number of my hubs was 154, I was seriously so discouraged with the earnings ( not more than $0.04 and it has even decreased to $0.01 per day ).
                  Are you really going to be active on a site that pays u as such? Also, the traffic is so low in here..
                  When I post articles on my website, I get at least 100 views per day on an article but when I write one here, I barely get 1-3 views per day ( note that my website is really new and it doesn't have well rankings at all but I do get a lot of human traffic per day ).
                  Hubpages is a huge site! It has numerous of visitors coming and clicking on its articles everyday! It's just unbelievable to only be getting around 1-3 views on an article per day especially when it gets posted as a very recent article.
                  What do you have to say to all of that?

  4. Mark Ewbie profile image62
    Mark Ewbieposted 10 years ago

    What is amusing is that for a 'writing' site HubPages has a problem explaining issues with quality and promotion.

    Even experienced and extremely high-quality writers such as... oh myself I suppose... sometimes have trouble understanding what is meant.

    For example - the other day I was writing an excellent and witty piece about a cat or something - when up popped a message from the 'editor'.

    "Your work is crap" it said.

    I still have no idea what they meant.

    1. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      OMG! Really??? Woow!!
      Why would an editor write a comment as such? It's just simply amateur even if it was true but I believe and know that it was just the editor's opinion.
      I guess that Hubpages should pay attention to some of its bad and uneducated editors.
      I still can't believe that you've had such a comment from an editor... Very childish and unprofessional.

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image62
        Mark Ewbieposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Er not really.

        I was trying to make a joke.

        1. RanaKm profile image44
          RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Lol, sorry for not understanding your joke so well big_smile hahah Okay well that's cool then big_smile

    2. Writer Fox profile image41
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this
    3. colorfulone profile image78
      colorfuloneposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This must be going right over my head. wink

  5. Uzochukwu Mike profile image71
    Uzochukwu Mikeposted 10 years ago

    Ranakm, I feel sorry for what happened to you. I believe Hubpages is doing this intentionally for this new year and not really over promotion because I personally witnessed this early this week.

    When this happened, I heard others who reported they had the same problem. When I said that more hubbers are yet to have the same issue, people thought I was joking.

    Do not mind someone that claimed the problem is due to poor English because many Americans and others from English speaking countries have had the same experience.

    1. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for this...Why would HP do such a thing though? What's the intention out of this? Does it want to lose some writers?
      I've read some similar reports from a lot of writers on here too, I don't get it! hmm

      1. Uzochukwu Mike profile image71
        Uzochukwu Mikeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I felt the same way you are feeling as all my 108 featured hubs were marked as being over promotional while many did not have any link, amazon, and ebay capsule.

        Now to your question, I think they are doing this as a means of telling us to take a look at our hubs and edit them this new year.

        1. RanaKm profile image44
          RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah... pfff can't they give us a rest? big_smile hmm

  6. firstcookbooklady profile image86
    firstcookbookladyposted 10 years ago

    Okay, so if you write about relationships and moon signs, you get no traffic, but if you expound about the glories of travel and say RV life.... What kind of antifreeze is the best kind, etc... you will pull traffic galore. [Oh, sorry, Char make a joke... ]

    1. LeanMan profile image70
      LeanManposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Just because you write something it does not mean that you are going to get traffic even if you have written the most excellent piece ever written....

      Firstly if no one is searching for what you have written then you get no traffic.. So check your keywords to see if anyone actually ever types them into Google to search for them. If you don't know what keywords are do some research!

      Secondly check the competition; if there are better, authoritative, dedicated sites in the first page slots on the google search you are very unlikely to ever compete with them.

      This site does not send you traffic just because you have written something!! Google and the other search engines send traffic not Hubpages. You have to do the work to identify what people are looking for and what areas you can compete in - if you don't do the basics you will not get traffic...

    2. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Actually travel and RV'ing are saturated subjects so you are up against a lot of competition if you write about those, so there's no guarantee they will bring traffic.

      HubPages doesn't favour some subjects over others.  HubPages is just a platform for you to write on - it's Google and Bing and Yahoo! that decide whether you get traffic.    How do people find things on Google and Bing and Yahoo?   They don't browse at random, they type in specific questions.  If you write a Hub that answers a common question or solves a common problem - and does it better than what's already out there - you'll get traffic.  If you write a Hub that no one is searching for, or that has already been done countless times, then you won't get traffic.

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Aha, that's true smile

  7. Shades-of-truth profile image77
    Shades-of-truthposted 10 years ago

    RanaKm, this may not be the proper place to put my comment, but on some of your Hubs I read, about 43 super foods for anti-aging - I am paraphrasing the title - you link to another of your Hubs about hair. You use the phrase "taller and shinier hair", even in the title. Most people will not understand that. If you said "longer and shinier hair", they would. Taller hair is not usually what people are trying to grow, but longer hair, is!

    Apologies to all, if I should not be posting a specific piece of advice on this thread.

    1. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No, thank you for it...I know that it should be longer...
      However, the other word is understood too big_smile There's no difference for me, these two words have the same meaning so...What's not to be understood about " Taller hair"?
      Readers will not be focusing on whether it's the appropriate word used or not..Well, unless they're writers like u hahah tongue
      In Arabic or Turkish, these two words have the same one word for them and it is used to describe everything ( people or things )...
      After all, we're not making any tests in here lol..

      1. Shades-of-truth profile image77
        Shades-of-truthposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        RanaKm, the reason I pointed it out, is because "taller" indicates height to those of us who are accustomed to English grammar - height as in the height of a bookcase, or the height of a human, or the height of a box.

        When describing the "height" of hair, the term most commonly used, and easily understood, is "length"; root word "long". Hence, "longer and shinier hair" will get you more readers, than "taller and shinier hair".

        It is about credibility. You want people to believe that what you are saying is true, and if terms are used that are not part of their usual vernacular, they will not take what you say as seriously.

        1. RanaKm profile image44
          RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah I know all about that, however, the word is understood and the article did get me some good number of traffic..
          But yeah the word longer is more accurate and I knew I had that " Taller" word wrong but I've just ignored it lol...
          Anyway, I'll be editing that when I feel like it and when I get some time - not that it's gonna be taking a lot of time but I'm just not into the mood to write or edit hubs these days + this is not a very big deal IMO so yeah...

          Thank you for focusing into this and for your consideration about notifying me of it  big_smile smile

    2. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This is exactly what I meant when I referred earlier to language writing deficiencies in this author.  Her English is simply not good enough at this point to be trying to earn money writing here .

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        It's not about the language, I know a lot of hubbers who write better English than yours and mine but these hubbers are not using HP anymore simply because of the low potential earnings in here...

        You guys just want to comment on everything.... I don;t even know where u get ur thoughts from.. This thread was meant to be about the LINKS and NOT the language ...  smile

        FYI, I had some very few days where my earnings were excellent but then they've dramatically dropped due to that panda..

        Do not mix and relate the earnings potential with something that cannot be the major one rule for it.
        And I'm not saying that you're wrong or the language isn't important or something but this is just not the major rule for getting a good income and or traffic..

  8. LindaSmith1 profile image59
    LindaSmith1posted 10 years ago


    I read a few of your hubs and didn't get past first couple of paragraphs!  Why?  You need to brush up on your written English. You could also have someone edit your writing before you publish it.

    As to the overly promotional, people are more concerned about hubs having even one product on them than they are quality, so hubs with products and links are more than likely being reported more so than low quality hubs, hubs with poor grammar, etc.

    As to earnings, it took 3 years before I received my first payout.  Then it was every month or every other month.  I have moved all of my hubs to my own sites, where I can do my own thing without dealing with the featured today, unfeatured tomorrow game that has started here on HP.

    I get more sales and traffic from my own sites than I did here on HP.  I am hearing the same thing from other writers who are moving their content to their own sites.

    Earnings here are from ad clicks and sales.  If people can't get past the first few sentences of your hubs due to the grammar issue, they aren't going to stay long enough to even see the ads, let alone click on them.

    Online writing is competitive. No matter what you write about today, there are thousands of others who have written on that topic yesterday, last month, 2 years ago.   Use Webmaster tools to see the search terms being used by your readers. From this you can get ideas for something to write about.  You can also find out which pages are getting the most traffic too. 

    However, no matter what you do with topics, SEO, and so forth, until you write in proper English, you are going to have issues with traffic and earnings.

    1. Pop Culture World profile image80
      Pop Culture Worldposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This is one stressful thread. I am sweating bullets here. Anyone for some chamomile tea?

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hahah thanks for passing by.... I need a shisha atm tongue ( Do you know what a shisha is? )

    2. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Linda, I;m not gonna write what I've already written on here,,,There were some very similar comments to yours and I've already replied...I'm tired now.. Can you give me a rest please?
      I would edit and focus on my hubs but I simply do NOT want to.. It's worthless and unnecessary IMO..Besides, the major topic talks about the links and not the language or earnings or or or...

      My head will be exploding from everyone commenting on something other than what the major topic in my thread talks about.. seriously ...
      Yeah, even if the language isn't good, it;s not important for me to make it good on here... I might make it good and focus on it whenever I feel like it, I'm not obligated into making it perfect, we're not making any tests or something - gosh I don't even focus during tests but I do get high grades lol ...
      You guys are making a big deal out of a very silly thing - my opinion and it's not a fact lol...
      Anyway, thanks..

      1. Shades-of-truth profile image77
        Shades-of-truthposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        RanaKm, I believe the people who commented here are merely try to help you. I can read some in German, and some in Spanish, but I still wish to read grammatically correct German and Spanish.

        Occasionally, in "fun", I will post something that is grammatically incorrect, but when we write articles that we want people to pay attention to, our writing should be the best we can produce.

        If you will re-read what advice was given by all, it should be very helpful. You have a passion for what you write; it just needs to be in proper English.

  9. tlcs profile image63
    tlcsposted 9 years ago

    Wow! This particular hubber has really stirred things up with other hubbers hasn't she!

    1. Shades-of-truth profile image77
      Shades-of-truthposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So many people are simply trying to help.

  10. RanaKm profile image44
    RanaKmposted 9 years ago

    Yeah tlcs big_smile weird, isn't it?

  11. RanaKm profile image44
    RanaKmposted 9 years ago

    Thanks for everyone who tried to help ... All replies are appreciated smile

    1. CatherineGiordano profile image79
      CatherineGiordanoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Except you have made it very clear that you don't want help. You know what the problem is and you don't want to fix it. That is your choice, but please don't ask for help again. You are right, we need to give it a rest.

    2. Shades-of-truth profile image77
      Shades-of-truthposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      As of a few moments ago, I could not find your article about "taller and shinier hair", so if anyone is looking for what I was referring to, it is not available at the moment.

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        It has got un-featured when I edited it to correct that word " taller " and other things,  so I deleted it from here and added it to my site ...

        1. Uzochukwu Mike profile image71
          Uzochukwu Mikeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          That is a good decision.


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