Hubmob Topics, How They Are Chosen
To Answer the Question...
This hub is in response to a question asked by Hmrjmr1, who was inquiring about HubMob topics.
"Can we get a hubmob going about Volunteerism, Community, Red Cross, Church Troops, vets etc etc"
It's a good question. The short answer is, maybe.
First things first, though. Some readers may be unfamiliar with our HubMob. For those of you who would like some clarification, HubMob leader, Princessa, has written an informative hub titled, What is a HubMob and How to Join One. I highly recommend it a resource for anyone who may be contemplating becoming a HubMobster. By the way, a HubMobster is a hubber (writer) who participates in the HubMob.
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Anatomy of a HubMob Topic
Topics are important, obviously, but there are a few different things to be considered before presenting a subject matter to HubMobsters.
- Is the topic conducive to evergreen content?
- Do we need to fill some holes in the HubPages content categories?
- Will the topic content be pleasing to search engines?
- Does the subject matter appeal globally?
These points are not only important to HubPages as a business, they are also important to hubbers, whether you realize it or not. Evergreen content in your hubs means that they are always current, or at least they are for a long time and that means continued visitors to your pages. HubPages loves that, so do the search engines and so will you and your ad revenue sources. It's a win/win/win/win. Oh and let's not forget the reading public who will be eternally grateful that they are able to find real answers to their questions in one convenient spot. Add another win to that list.
HubPages has a great deal of interesting diversity, which is wonderful for us hubbers and makes for a terrific reader offering to those who surf in via an internet search. Sometimes though, in order to be a full-service site, a few categories may need to be 'plumped up' a little. As a writer, this can be a great chance to stretch your writing muscles if the topic is outside your normal range of subjects. You'll have a little more variety in your hub offerings and HubPages has even more wonderful reading for the surfing traffic.
Just a Few of Our Many HubMobs
So, How Are the Topics Actually Chosen?
Weekly HubMob topics are a collaborative decision of our mightly leader, Princessa, and our awesome HubPages team.
I had the incredible fortune to write the roundup hubs for a year. When I was doing them, each topic was the result of a discussion between the HubMob leader and the HP Marketing Director. This year sadly, I could no longer fit the HubMob into my schedule and passed the gauntlet into the capable hands of rmcrayne, who is doing an amazing job but in doing that, I removed myself from the loop. As far as I know, the topics are still borne of those discussions.
Getting back to Hmrjmr1's question, it is possible that some of the topic suggestions he listed may have been written within a topic of a different name. For example, one week HubMobsters wrote about earthquakes and other natural disasters. Beneath the umbrella of that HubMob topic, hubbers addressed a variety of perspectives, including titles such as:
FEMA: Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Aid
The week that our topic was 'Improve Your Life in 2009', we had hubs like:
Garden Your Way to Self Confidence
Green Your Life with Geraniums
You get the idea. We have such a large, talented group of writers that there are a ton of interesting ideas and perspectives. The above examples are hubs that fit the HubMob criteria and were related, they just took a different slant from what you'd expect. So many unique viewpoints helps keep us fresh and vibrant.
The point is that proposed subjects may be covered within the frame of another topic. If not, never fear. One quick email suggestion to Princessa or the HubPages team may see your topic as next week's HubMob writing fodder. It's perfectly okay to contact these helpful people, as long as you aren't spamming.
So, go ahead and submit suggestions about topics that you feel passionate about or want to read about. If we have creative angles when writing the topics then why not in the selection of them, as well?
Hmrjmr1, we'll be watching for HubMob forum thread to see if, one of these weeks, your suggestions are being written about by our HubMobsters.
Happy HubMobbing!
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