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The Role of Capitalism and shrinking Democracy in our Society Today

Updated on February 11, 2018

Capitalism Defined

This article was prompted by a vehement comment made on another writers article. The commenter was attempting to promote capitalism as the only solution to maintaining a free society.

No one can make such a strong comment with such complete assurance.

We certainly can see in today's world, that capitalism has taken a wrong turn, and unless re-directed it will eventually destroy our entire economy.

Nothing is absolute, and even the best of intentions can be twisted to become detrimental to the best interest of society as a whole.

"Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private, or corporate, ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision rather than by government control, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined by competition in a free market" {Webster's dictionary}

Is Capitalism Working?

Capitalism as is, is not working
Capitalism as is, is not working | Source

Saving Graces

While the dictionary definition provided above appears to be a positive thing; that "positive" is only a peremptory supposition.

In other words, it was meant to be applied within the boundaries of decency, fair play, and for the good of economic growth.

"Capitalism" as defined, can only benefit society when its implementation is aimed at growing and maintaining a healthy economy that benefits society as a whole.

Destructive Forces

When decency and fair play is abandoned, to embrace greed and self serving, the "core value" of Capitalism is corrupted.

Capitalism then quickly becomes a massive destructive force that only serves a few, while destroying the lives and livelihoods of the majority of people, and the entire economy as well.

Embracing greed and avarice as a national heritage can only lead to the societal decline that leads to a low, destitute, or demoralized condition that we see all around us today across the globe; that is a definitive result of capitalism gone amok.

Capitalism: Greed on a Global Scale

Reigning in Capitalism

We may believe that 'Capitalism', even in its current state, is the best we have in today's world, but to allow its further deterioration is unconscionable.

It has become shockingly unfair and unjust; and a truly destructive force in today's world.

We cannot get rid of it, but we surely can reign it in.

But, in order to reign it in, we must have leaders that understand the destructiveness of greed and avarice on the level of the individual and the corporation; as well as on the nations needs and aspirations for a better tomorrow.

Redistribution of Wealth

The wealthy of the world fear the words "redistribution of wealth".

They fear the loss of elitism and power over others that their excessive wealth may be subject to; and that fear also causes the ill informed to see 'restructuring' as duplicitous.

They fear the imaginary contradictory duplicity of any thought, speech and/or action that might delete or diminish their elevated status in society. As do those aspiring to gain that coveted elevated status in society.

But that fear need not come to pass if we as a society move forward from today; without trying to change the past, and leaving the devil with his dues already collected.

Let the wealthy stay wealthy but stop them from hoarding to the point of destroying society in the future.

The old adage:

"we can't change the past, but we can create a better future by what we do today", has never had a more profound meaning.

We just have to convince our government to consider the needs of (all) people and stop fearing, and catering to, the wealthy and financially powerful.

The article that is linked in this capsule tells it all - like it is - and as it should be.

It is a simple premise that would, could, and should change the dynamics of our economy, our social structure, and our core values.

We all, as human beings must face the fact that our individual existence on this planet is limited, and greed by any individual (s), or corporation has little or no meaning in the grand scheme of our limited time on this planet.

There is no reason we should see any hunger, suffering, strife, or other hardships at the hands of a few of the greedy and self serving people who don't see themselves as having an end. They hoard for themselves as if they will live forever at the expense of all others around them. Greed is truly the root of all evil on this planet. It is self serving, ultimately destructive to the morally corrupt greedy few, and everyone around them whose lives they impact upon, and to this fragile planet itself.

Capitalism as it stands today cannot sustain itself. It must, (and inevitably will), fail completely before mankind can rebuild itself with a fair, equitable, and sustainable way of life that serves every person on this planet. The only way to prevent this catastrophic ending is to accept the truth that the greed of a few will destroy us all and correct that problem before it is too late.

by Independent Mind July 21, 2014

© 2014 David Riley


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