A New Earth and a New Heaven Emerging
The earth is a complex and dynamic body that is influenced and influences.
The changing geomagnetic field presages changes on the earth that can be seen as a "new earth"
One of the latest signs of changes that are afoot due to the reversing geomagnetic field is on the eastern part of Africa, near what is called the horn of Africa near Ethiopia. Africa is being torn into pieces! There is a rift that has started to speed up in separating the east from the west and this started to speed up in 2004-05. Last year, it separated by a further 8 meters (28 feet). Geologists confirm the East African Rift has opened up 28' during a recent earthquake and this was also detected by GPS satellite. The current state of the geomagnetosphere is a state of magnetic chaos. There is an accelerating trend with decreasing clarity of the magnetic poles. Coupled with this, are the reports of strange sky phenomenon from around the world, especially from those who live in the country and photograph peculiar electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere, such as electric blue skies glowing at night. Typical aurora are those that are green, sometimes red, a combination of red and green, but seldom blue. The sight of blue glow is not patterned like aurora either, but is a phenomenon of its own, rarely witnessed, let alone photographed.
“Satellite images show that the Arabian tectonic plate and the African plate are moving away from each other, stretching the Earth's crust and widening the southern end of the Red Sea.” scientists reported in this week's (June 20th, 2010) issue of journal Nature. In September 2009, a series of earthquakes started splitting the planet's surface along a 37-mile stretch of the East African Rift in Afar, Ethiopia.
This spreading has as its cause, activity below the surface of the earth, in this case, some 10 kilometre or 6 miles. The upwelling magma is a newly activate plume that reflects the overall changes that are currently going on all over the earth. Earthquakes in Australia are also virtually unheard of, but have been happening recently. This is one of the new and unexpected occurrences. Though it is true that this split has been going on for some time, it has been very slow until recently, where it has accelerated dramatically.
Deep in the earth, the core is rotating slightly faster than the crust. This generates the main magnetic field of the earth. The slightly faster rotation of the core is an effect of the moon slowing the rotation of the earth, but this is happening in an unequal way owing to the fact that the earth exists in a variety of states from solid to plastic and molten liquid. So the moon plays a part in the creation of the geomagnetosphere. The moon slows the rotation of the earth while the moon itself gradually recedes from the earth while it orbits the planet. This fact has been established with observations by bouncing laser light off reflectors left by the Apollo astronauts. The average orbital distance has been increasing by about an inch a year. This is called the conversion of angular momentum to linear momentum. It can also work in reverse.
Another anomaly occurred on Dec. 26Th, 2004 when the massive Malaysian earthquake and tsunami was accompanied by a speeding of the earth's rotation. This speeding should have another effect that so far, no one has reported on and that is, the moving of the moon slightly closer to the earth instead of away. The speeding up of the outer earth also means that the difference between the outer rotation and the inner rotation is less than what it was before. This in itself makes the earth more susceptible to geomagnetic reversal.
The issue of geomagnetic reversal is not cut and dried or straight forward as the interior of the earth is in a state of turbulence. This is reflected in the surface at various plate tectonic boundaries and plume spots like the Hawaiian chain of volcanoes. The whole affair is kept in volatile circulation owing to a radioactive core in a state of perpetual melt down at the very center of the earth. Plumes of super heated material rise somewhat like those in lava lamps that have never really died in popularity. The whole process takes on turbulence for the reasons already mentioned. With the exterior changing speed of rotation, though slight, this tends to change everything below as well. The amount of energy that accompanies such changes is enormous by human standards and if converted to power we could use, would take care of the needs of civilization for a long time. There may be more of this in store as this process may function in a feedback manner. In other words, changes in crustal rotation, leads to changes in geomagnetism and this further changes plate tectonics and volcanism. In addition, we should see some minor erratic behaviour of the moon as the earth and moon are a dual system, or as some say, a double planet system.
There those who have reported changes to the orbital patterns of the moon, but none of them are astronomers. The changes that we are talking about here are subtle and not likely to be seen by naked eye observation. It is unknown at this point if there have been slight orbital changes in the orbital distance and speed of the moon. There are enough changes otherwise upon the earth that tell us that there is emerging a new earth. The new heaven is yet to be revealed in detail unless we look into the distant future where the star patterns themselves are changed.
Additional resources for new earth changes
Recent Earth Changes as of fall 2010
More Changes afoot! New Zealand has seen a large influx of earthquake activity in Sept. 2010. In Christchurch, a long series of earthquakes has caused a major earth light show with intense green light following the fault. It was described as a green flash running above the fault. Since then there have been hundreds of aftershocks, changes in topography and numerous reports of sulphur smells by people living near the fault. This is very unusual for New Zealand, but this is not the end of it.
The US mid-west is no stranger to weird goings on in Michigan. A huge, 200 foot crack has ruptured in the ground with the land rising under and around it. Some people reported hearing a loud boom and then found the crack which was five feet deep in parts, Trees on either side were tilted toward it. It was later noted that the land in the area is rising in an apparent reversal of all the sink holes forming elsewhere. It is too early to see what is developing here, but we can't say that for New Zealand of Africa anymore.