What Message Will Your Life Send Across The Great Divide?
Living a Life
What message will our lives send across the divide between now and then?
How will the generations to come know us? Will they know us?
They will only know, they can only know our spirit and the residue of our living.
Our physical bodies will be gone but what we know and who we really are – our soul, our spirit can become eternal if we say yes to this question:
"Am I willing to live a life in the here and now, freely giving myself as designed by my creator with no regard for personal gain?" - Author Unknown
Of course all questions ultimately lead to at least one more question, but answering this one question will lead you to know your heart. You will discover what you need and what you don't need. You'll uncover what you want and what you don't want. You'll discover what you are willing to pay for what you want, and you will encounter a different perspective about time in relation to all of the above. From there you can make a decision about how you want to live each moment of the rest of your life.
I will admit that the answer to this question may not come easily or without a price. I can assure you that if you begin to ask it and continue to ask it until an answer arrives, a most remarkable revelation will occur. You will discover 2 aspects of yourself: 1) Who you are not and 2) Who you are!
Check that out; Knowledge and freedom in just one question. I can't wait to see what a contribution you'll make to those who will come after you!!!