I'm Not Wayne Dyer...But I am seeking inner peace.
Accessing the Peace Within
So how do we get to experience this inner peace? Is it a gift given to a select few or is inner peace something that can be developed by everyone? What can I do to initiate and maintain this state of mind – body experience?
I would love to say that I can answer all of these questions emphatically but the reality is that I cannot. What I can do is tell you what works for me and encourage you to be a student of your own mind, body and spirit. Being at peace within myself, I am privileged to share what I have experienced over the years but I am by no means an expert like Dr. Dyer. I encourage you to pay attention when much more expert advice is available, as I would actually consider myself a novice by comparison. Though I freely confess that I too work through periods of stress and internal conflict, I believe I have overcome the dominant inhibitors to living a peaceful and joyful existence by practicing what I am suggesting to you here.
I am one, however, who is committed to continuously searching for answers to the mysteries of life, internally and eternally! It is my mission, in part, to communicate the successes and failures of my journey for the benefit of those who would ask similar questions, seek related answers and walk a parallel path. I encourage you to open up your heart, launch your mind and signal your spirit to all the possibilities of the universe and consciously begin to walk toward this internal peace as if you could not fail to find it, believing in the reality of its existence within.
A Very Valuable Lesson
The greatest master of all time, the carpenter from Galilee, Jesus Himself said that the “Kingdom is within.” (Luke 17) If He was referring to the Kingdom of God, as I believe he was, there is in my mind no greater place of peace. Jesus demonstrated it and taught about it in one of most turbulent times of human history.
There are other ways to learn; other teachers, other analogies and other conclusions, and because there is no one way for everybody, the path to peace is an individual one. But, I believe there is one specifically for you and the sooner you initiate the search the sooner you will locate the truth and the freedom of the peace within.
Oh, and about the title; I have been reading Dr. Dyer since I was a very young man. Because of his work I am still a very young man even though the years have passed and I have changed significantly as a human being. Thanks Dr. Dyer, for your work, guidance and insight. You inspire(d) me, but what I learned most is that I don’t have to be Wayne Dyer, or anyone else for that matter to be content. I don’t have to be anyone else but who I am – me!