Heart of Sky Lunar Eclipse
Is December 21st, 2010 the real long count end?
Every 19 years, there is a lunar eclipse right at the time of the winter solstice. This places the moon right on the point of the ``heart of sky``that is central to Mayan cosmology. This ought to be the signification of the end of the current long count and the beginning of the next. This differs from the 2012 winter solstice period where no such eclipse occurs. Nor will there even be a full moon on that day. Yet many people, influenced by popular culture accept the 2012 period as the marker. The claim is that the winter solstice sun will be aligned with the galactic center. Well, that also happens during the 2010 solstice with only a tiny variation from 2012. A grand deception has been going on and the people bought it lock, stock and barrel. All the important astronomical significations are exact in 2010, with a grand cross of outer and inner planets for this year, while the same is not true for 2012. The only great event in 2012, is the visible transit of Venus across the disk of the sun on June 6th; a far cry from either solstice position and the heart of sky. There will be eclipses of course, as there is in every other year, but nothing like a solstice eclipse.
There have been many dire predictions and even a large budget movie on 2012. Meanwhile, the current period sees a lot of events unfolding from collapsing economies, failed crops, wild weather, wars and threats of wars, earth changes and business as usual. There is also a furor of wild speculation going on all over the net from the cool headed scientific, to the religious, to the hare-brained. Among the wildest is the supposed approach to earth of the planet Nibiru that will cause major upheavals. NASA says there is no such planet making such a fateful approach and that it should have announced itself long ago with comets and asteroids being knocked out of obit. So far, all the signs seem to point more to human affairs than to celestial ones outside of what is directly observable and described.
The celestial events are not limited to the sun and moon for 2010. The other planets are involved as well. The Maya being avid sky watchers in the past, would have noted such things as they had developed their astronomy to a high degree of sophistication. The notable periods for 2010 include the current solstice day eclipse time. Contemporary astrologers gave us four periods to focus on. These are listed here.
October 30 to early December 2009
January 15 to February 15, 2010
June 25 to August 5, 2010
November 1 to December 26, 2010
The Cardinal (Tropical) Grand Cross of 2010
The events going on in 2010 are the watershed of what will come later by result. The news we have heard so far this year about austerity, general strikes, unjust assaults on humanitarians, massive pollution revealing sloppy safety and cost cutting, police state terror, false flags and all the like are the formative events as to what will come later by result-karma. The cross is one that forms and dissipates and forms again with the sun and moon being principle triggers. The last lunar and solar eclipses were important milestones.
We are already within the grand cardinal cross, but all of the planets have not yet reached the exact ninety-degree square aspect, but they were close as of June 26th, 2010. They will be though July 30th. The full intensity begins the end of June and carries through to second week of August 2010, but the effects will be long lasting throughout 2010
and beyond.
Crosses in astrology initiate conflict and this grand cross (top tropical) is initiating conflict on many levels, determined by planetary alignment, relationship and where they are in the sky. This cross that we now bear, strives to help us turn the corner from Uranus' and Pluto's union in the 1960's. The first quarter square seeks to bring that which arose forty years ago into conscious manifestation, i.e., green pathways, east-west political tensions, the rich-poor divide and individual alienation-atomization, healing and medicine into one. Below we see the sidereal chart as used by the Hindus. The sun and moon are in exact opposition at 5:03 AM Vancouver, BC time. In the sidereal position, the cross is mutable, which means that on this level, it's all about change. This confirms the tropical via the sidereal route. In both cases, the planets bear exactly the same relationship to one another. The sidereal chart of the Hindu system also grades the planets by their strengths, friendships and enmities. Jupiter and Saturn are natural enemies and are in opposition to one another. Sun and moon are also natural enemies and in this case, enemies are opposing and friends are in square, making for difficulty and misunderstanding all around.
This grand cross occurs in exactness within the 1st five degrees of all the cardinal signs, ie., Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in the tropical and close to mid-sign in the sidereal. Thus if you were born in the beginning of any of those corresponding signs or have other planets in cardinal signs (tropical) you are surely feeling their influence now.
Those born in the mid to later part of the cardinal signs or have planets there, will be impacted too, on a greater level as Uranus and Saturn make their way through these signs over the next five to fifteen years. Though the moon's nodes, north and south nodes, in Cancer/Capricorn activates everyone now, as we experience the closing contact with Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is a trans-generational planet affecting whole societies and generations with its unconscious transforming power, which is bringing up our collective memories of history as a species over the entire preceding aeon. Many thongs a culminating at this point including knowledge of the past, awareness of everything in the present and the need for deep changes that can come as a great, sudden shock. Most people will be caught unprepared as were millions in the economic collapse and resulting austerity leading up to now. Some will not, but there will be difficulty in this shock transformation. Jupiter and Saturn are in struggle.
In terms of right now, we are in the initial stages of what the cross will ultimately generate; the forging a new world, balance, right livelihood, and responsible action towards the earth and each other. But this is going to met with stiff, even extreme opposition where life itself is in the balance and what was taken for granted, becomes severely restricted. The so far elusive goal of justice may seem impossible, and it sure is if we are sleep walk through the eye of the storm we are entering and behave as if nothing has changed. The news says differently and people are starting to move at least in Europe, India, Pakistan and China. The call of the planets is away from selfish, subjective methods to inclusive, objective and scientific solutions to all the ill that have arisen due to past neglect by all of us.
The cardinal signs are archetypes of action: Aries treads where angels fear to fly; Cancer mothers, nurtures and contains home and family; Libra communicates, balances, relates and values others; Capricorn responsibly builds and respectfully manages communities. Aries can also be very aggressive and insensitive to others. Cancer can care take and not allow her children to grow up and take responsibility for themselves. Libra can be imbalanced and codependent. Capricorn can be cruel, depressed, and manipulative in business and corporate ventures. Thus we will see both sides of these archetypes play out as we progress. Again we see this functioning through what we hear in the news. We see the aggression of imperialist designs where drone bombs are used on innocent people half a world away. We see this in the censorship around us in all forms so that informed decisions cannot be made. We see this worked out in debts and unfairness in trade along with sanctions. We see this worked out in police brutality, false flags, and remote bombing to bend peoples' will by terror, not to mention torture that is given a PR spin of intensive interrogation. These are the kind of things that are now being brought to collective consciousness to get us to weigh what kind of world we really want. Do we want a world of courage to tackle the serious problems threatening all of life? Will we take on the task of being responsible stewards of the earth, our only real mother and abode in space? Can we really be just in the real sense of the word instead of getting the other guy to do it or make the sacrifice while we carry on in the merry old way? Will we learn to take responsibility for ourselves and others and stop tyranny in its tracks?
Remember, the planets, though mighty beings, impel, they don't compel. We have to be conscious of that and the fact that all is change and change we must, as what we have now is the path of destruction. Let us rise like the phoenix out of the ashes of the old worn out ways! See you tomorrow!
This just in about Beetlejuice near the Heart of Sky
- Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012
Earth could be getting a second sun, at least temporarily. Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, outlined the scenario to news.com.au. - Betelgeuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a reference description of the star for the link article above. It is close to the Heart of Sky.