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Help! Life didn't come with an instructional manual.

Updated on July 1, 2014

Easy as picking a card


The choice is yours.

Have you ever thought to yourself "I wish life came with an instruction manual" Something that you can refer to when you're confused and not quite sure what to do. Everyday we have to make major decisions that can impact our lives. Which rode should we go down and why? How should you raise your family,what career path should you take? It's hard to know what's best, because every action has a reaction. Plus we need our journey to be a good one,one that can be remembered and also one that will possibly inspire someone else.

9 to 5



What would you ultimately like to do for your career? Are you where you want to be as far as your career is concerned? Most people aren't, they struggle with deciding on furthering their education or even completing education that they abandoned years ago. Are you doing work that your passionate about, or are you merely paying bills and biding time? Working day in and day out and hopefully you're off on the weekends to have some time to yourself. This is existence to some and they feel powerless to end it. You have bills to pay and other responsibilities, maybe you don't have your dream job,but are you happy? Your life instruction manual could give you the step by step on what path to take career wise. Wouldn't that be great? It would read something like this: Refer to pages 100-102 to tell you what career would be best beneficial to you and your personality.

Family is forever



There are so many aspects that go into this one word. How do you know when to start a family, how big should it be? What about the family you're already in, how do you deal with family members that aren't in your life for all the right reasons? How do blended families merge happily? Family is a very touchy subject for some, some people feel like you have to be loyal to your family no matter what. Others feel they will only be as loyal as their family is to them. Life brings people in your life for certain reasons,and leaves them out for others. Maybe if your not close to your family there is a good reason for that. Everyone has to be an individual and also be in the family unit, It's possible that some people in your family may be meant to be loved from a far. What if your life manual gave you a detailed description of what family members to deal with,and what family members were mad news.

The inevitable



When a family member or a friend dies, there is a level of confusion and bewilderment associated with it. Why did this happen is the best response we have when something happens of this magnitude.When someone dies tragically for unexplained reasons usually people are left feeling lost and alone. Feeling like their life is over or may end because the lose is so great. They say the good die young but still that doesn't give any comfort. Sometimes death doesn't bring people together especially if the person holding things together dies, how do you cope? How do you move on, and where to pick up the pieces left behind? Your life manual would give you the necessary tools to realize that death is a part of life and understanding the cycle as a more natural process.

Our greatest gift



Love is always one thing,that a lot of people could use a life manual for. When someone you loves hurts you emotionally were often thrown off. However, if we do not have enough love for ourselves we may mistake this hurt for love. Some people only recognize love as pain,we need to learn that pain and love have no business being a part of the same sentence. They are polar opposites, love should be uplifting,why do we think it should be anything but? If we had a life manual, it could tell us exactly who to love and how to love. If we are loving in vain or if we are not in love at all. Sadly life doesn't come with a manual and we are left to figure things out on our own.

If it really existed!

What would you most use your life manual for?

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The reality

The reality of it is, there isn't a life manual. Things happen that we can't explain. People come and go and some never give us the reasons why. Life can be as easy and as stress free as we make it. It's best to not dwell on the things we don't understand Understanding will come when the time is right,Things truly do happen for a reason. Also, everything that happens in the dark eventually will come to the light. It's important to live your life with pride, find the things that make you happy and that speak to you and go with them. Take things day by day,and enjoy your journey, it's the only journey you get. Make it worthwhile and make it count!


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