India's first mission to Mars"Mangalyaan".
Launch of India's Mars Orbiter Mission " Mangalyaan"
Mars Orbiter Mission " Mangalyaan"
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has launched Mars Orbiter Mission named " Mangalyaan" on 5th November 2013 from Sriharikota, Andhra pradesh .
It is India's first mission to Mars,in fact, you can say first interplanetary mission. Mangalyaan leaves the earth orbit and cruising to Mars orbit and it is expected to reach Mars in September 2014.
India is now the first Asian country and fourth country in world, who has launched interplanetary mission.
Two main objective behind the mission is
(1) To develop the technological growth needed for interplanetary moves of spacecrafts.
(2) To conduct research on Mars surface features, morphology, minerals and martian atmosphere.
Indian government and ISRO's scientists are much excited to research on the results from mangalyaan.
Spacecraft Specifications
The spacecraft design is based on experience gained by ISRO through their earlier mission "Chandrayaan" (Moon Orbiter Mission).
Specifically Mars Orbiter Spacecraft has liquid engine,three solar panels, bi-propellant system and has improved structure , communication and power system.
The weight of spacecraft is around 1300 Kilograms and it will take around 300 days to to reach the Mars and orbiting around,
See the picture to understand more.
Payload with Mars Orbiter Spacecraft
The results from mangalyaan will be shared by ISRO with various international space agencies. It will enable space agencies to make relevant research on red planet and to explore more technological growth for future interplanetary mission.
Following five payloads installed with Mars Orbiter Spacecraft to observe and research on martian surface, atmosphere and exosphere.
(1) Mars Colour Camera (MCC): Primary objective of this instrument is optical imaging.
(2) Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer(TIS): This instrument will study map surface composition and mineralogy,
(3) Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM): This instrument will search of methane at Mars.
(4) Mars Enospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA): It will carry out research on martian upper atmosphere, to find out its composition.
(5) Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP): It will carry out study of escape processes of martian upper atmosphere.
Present Position of Spacecraft
Now the spacecraft has completed 110 days from launch (05-Nov-13 to 22-Feb-14). Spacecraft's health were checked by ISRO's officials and all payloads are healthy and serviceable.The spacecraft is at a radio distance of 16 million kilometer causing a one way communication delay of approx 55 seconds.
Thanks to ISRO , for sharing some useful information.
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Interesting facts about Mars.
Some interesting facts of Mars research are :
(1) Mars is almost half of the size of Earth but total mass of Mars is 10% of the mass of Earth.
(2) Mars has the tallest mountain in our solar system. It's height is around 27 KM in height.
(3) Mars has two moons one is Phobo and second is Deimos.
(4) Mars has almost no atmosphere.
(5) At almost every two years Mars and Earth line up so that spacecrafts may be sent with a minimum amount of fuel and time.