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Make Money On Hubpages While Learning By Participating In It's Community.

Updated on April 25, 2019

Make Money By Sharing Information And Ideas About Life

Everyone needs a good word of advice now and then, or a tip on how to clean or repair something. We all gain practical experience throughout our lives that may be helpful to others. An excellent way to share this knowledge is through Hubpages! You can participate your information or retrive tips from other hubbers as well.

If you monetize your hubpages site, you can earn a little extra money either for yourself or for your favorite charity.

What does "lifelong learning" mean to you?

One day I logged into my HubPages account to try to get some ideas as to what to write about, and I saw this question sent to me from a fellow Hubber by the username of MazioCreate... 'What does "lifelong learning" mean to you?'

I pondered for a while and thought about many of my older relatives who did not have such easy access to information like we do. They worked hard their whole lives, reading very little and eventually stopped asking questions about things because they were resigned to believe that this is just the way things were. So they simply stopped learning.

I then answered the question with the following:

"Life long learning" is what each and every one of us experiences from the day we are born until the day we die. Life long learning can either be encouraged by leaving our minds open to new ideas, or we can 'learn' the hard way by closing our minds and realizing to late that we should have learned how to learn at an earlier age. Personally I believe that our curiosity is a strong tool to learn about new things. I believe that writing can be a great learning tool. Writing challenges us to learn about new things through research about the subject at hand. It helps us form educated opinions and stokes the curiosity of others thus encouraging others to continue learning.

I had an Uncle who worked in a grocery store his whole life. A very respectable career to have in his day. He was able to bring his family fresh food every day and was our walking, talking, weekly flyer. We were always kept well informed of any future sales and always got the best quality produce. Yet that was all he knew. The day he was retired he was a hollow shell of a man, there was nothing left of him. He was completely lost for his job was his life and now that it was gone his life had no meaning. He did not know how to learn, Reading was not his thing so to say that he could have gone to the library is not really a fair statement. Personally, if it was not for the internet I would not have learned as much as I have in my life, perhaps I would have been like my uncle. I know that if it were not for HubPages I probably not be writing as I am now. I'm very grateful to the tools that we have today that allow us to express ourselves through writing and a huge community to share our writings with. HubPages is great! Thank you MazioCreate for jumpstarting my brain! Thank's HubPages community for being there!

Since joining HubPages, I have experienced a great boost in my curiosity. Just by HubHopping and reading the articles, stories and poems of others. It really is a great place to gather different points of views of topics that, in the past, I thought were cut and dry. This HubPages thing is stretching my brain by allowing me to see how many ways a topic can be seen.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

© 2011 Ardot


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