Proof of Alien Existence by 2026
Is This Possible?
Seth Shostak, Senior astronomer at the SETI institute in California bets a cup of coffee for everybody in his audience, that there will be proof of alien existence by the year 2026. He says that now, due to new findings; the odds are in his favor.
What are these new findings?
Firstly, scientists have just announced, that there are three times the number of stars they thought there were.
Secondly, scientists had thought that, for planets to sustain life, they would have to be orbiting Suns like our own. As that excluded Red Dwarf stars, which 90% of all the stars are, they had anticipated that only 10% of the stars were capable of having planets that could sustain life.
Three years ago NASA got the top experts together to discuss this. They concluded that, a Red Dwarfs’ planet, could sustain life, although it may not be life as we know it.
This meant that scientists, searching for life on other planets, had billions upon billions of new planets to consider.
Thirdly, at MonoLake in California, a study team discovered that a microbe could live on arsenic. That expands the thinking on how harsh conditions have to be to exclude life.
They had considered that for a planet to have life on it, it would have to be a certain distance from its sun. This was referred to as the “Goldilocks Zone” around each sun. The arsenic incident means that they will have to expand the limits of their Goldilocks Zones.
Lastly, two new studies were published on Wednesday. The first shows that a super hot planet, larger than Saturn, had a large amount of carbon in its atmosphere, something scientists had doubted was possible. The second study shows the existence of four large young planets around one star. This dispels the assumption that scientists had made, that only a limited number of large planets could be present in any one star system.
!0 scientists, interviewed by The Associated Press, agree that all this information means that there is a higher probability of the existence of alien life.
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