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Simply Human

Updated on December 3, 2012
When looking at this picture, it is easy to see that The Beatles are just like us. They look normal, even if this is the scene right before taking the famous Abbey Road picture.
When looking at this picture, it is easy to see that The Beatles are just like us. They look normal, even if this is the scene right before taking the famous Abbey Road picture. | Source

So many of us fantasize about the lives of the rich and the famous. We wonder what it would be like to be them; we wonder if there life is somewhat like ours. Yet, even though they are simply human, just like us, it is hard to figure out what it would be like if we were in their shoes, even if only for five minutes.

This thought crossed my mind as I was stumbling across suggestions on It was there that I saw a picture of The Beatles, only this was a picture of them before they were about to cross Abbey Road. We all know the photograph of The Beatles crossing Abbey Road. It is a famous work of art. Yet, what we may have never seen was their reactions before the photograph was taken. Oddly enough, it was nothing short of normal. Maybe a little bit attack of the nerves; maybe some laughter with friends. We can’t tell what was going through their heads, but based off pure body language, it shows they are truly no different then what you or I are on a daily basis.

So, while we may hold those actors and actresses, musicians, princes and princesses, authors, and the many other famous people of the world in high regard, it is important to realize they truly are simply human. They put their pants on one leg at a time. They have moments when they are sad. They have children they raise. They take vacations. They have experienced their first kiss and were just as nervous as all the other normal human beings out there. They have feelings. They are just like us!

A World Not Known

I am not famous. I can not comprehend what it would be like. I do know that on a regular basis, these humans are forced to showcase their lives to everybody who cares to see. There faces are plotted over magazines, they sometimes get caught up in bad stuff that has every movement plastered over the news. Not too many people can say they aren’t familiar with the Tiger Woods scandal or Charlie Sheen’s latest play in the news. And who can keep track of everything Lindsay Lohan has been involved in. Yet it makes me wonder. Why do we care?

When these news stories interrupt my day, by broadcasting that some Weiner was sending private pictures, I get infuriated. Not because such a person was stupid enough to do this, but because if I sent the same type of pictures, there isn’t a single news broadcaster that would be interested. Believe me, they wouldn’t be interested if you sent those pictures either. These are public officials - and suddenly every person must care! And it isn’t that I don’t care. Do I feel these people should be role models for our kids. Definitely not (but then again there isn’t too many politicians that I would choose as a role model!)

As for movie stars - I don’t much care about there personal life either. As long as they put out a decent movie that I don’t fall asleep too, I am pretty sure it doesn’t bother me if they are going through their 10th divorce or if they are gay. It makes me sick that people are so judgmental about these so called “famous” people and act as if their personal life is part of their business.

Are you goofy. Do you take life as it is. Do you enjoy the small moments in life. Well, then you too are simply human!
Are you goofy. Do you take life as it is. Do you enjoy the small moments in life. Well, then you too are simply human! | Source

Simply Human

Do you know what it truly means to be simply human. It means we are not perfect. We will make mistakes. We may get lost occasionally. We cry, we laugh, we yell, we scream and we hurt. There is absolutely nothing so perfectly imperfect than being simply human.

As a person, I am sure you look back at your life and you wonder what if. What if you did this? What if you did that? Would you be the same person you are today if you made other choices. The option is not there to go back; we must live with the choices we make. With those choices, we can decide whether we are happy or sad. It is completely up to us. It is the amazing part of being simply human.

Don't Judge

So the next time some scandal crosses the news, you have a choice. Do you choose to judge or do you choose to ignore? Does what that one person did really impact you? Granted, you might be infuriated if it is your kids favorite athlete or actor. It might make you upset if you find yourself heavily involved in politics. But this is were you need to take a deep breath and realize these people are people too. They will make bad choices and they will make mistakes. Remember the mistakes that you have made. Remember that you are grateful your mistakes aren’t broadcast to others.

I know there are people out there that will be infuriated by this thought. They think it is our right to judge them because of their fame. Yet, why can't their private life be left as private. Ours is. It is only fair!

Everybody Hurts

We are all...

We are all simply human.

We all put our pants on one leg at a time.

We all need food, water and air.

We all must use the restrooms.

We all occasionally smell - sometimes good and sometimes bad.

We crave attention.

We crave chocolate. (At least I do)

We all have feelings.

Everybody hurts.

Everybody cries.

We have the ability to love one another.

We have the ability to hate as well.

We get angry.

We get frustrated.

We can experience pain.

We can experience immense joy.

We can choose the wrong path.

We sometimes get it right.

We can make people angry.

We can be judgmental at times.

We are all made from the same mold, just slightly distorted.

We are all simply human!

I am only human....


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