The Stellium of 23 Sept. 2010
And Comet Elenin AKA C/2010 X1
The stellium of Sept. 23, 2010 was important as Earth, Jupiter and Uranus were all be closely lined up with the sun and close to their nodes in relation to the solar equatorial plane. The moon was be in it's opposition too, making a full moon. From earth's point of view there was an opposition of Moon, Jupiter and Uranus to the sun. Jupiter may well occult Uranus around this time. All, including the earth will be in as straight a line as possible in orbital dynamics at this time. This is an exceedingly rare occurrence as the orbital periods all have to synchronize with this point in the heavens. At this time (late 2010 and now 2011), a newly discovered comet Elenin (3) will be inside the Earth's orbit and near perihelion with the sun between the earth and the sun. It will emerge and cross the Earth's orbit around October 28th, approaching very close to the earth. The problem will be compounded if the comet breaks up at perihelion. It is thought that the earth will pass through the debris tail from Oct. 30th through November the 1st, 2011 and this could present some problems with potential Tungeska like explosions such as occurred on June 30, 1908. On or about October 25th, the earth may pass through the tail if it is long enough. At this point, May 5th, 2011 it is too early to tell just what will happen to the comet. Astronomers do know that its origin lies outside of the solar system due to the hyperbolic orbit. This in itself suggests some force the perturbed it into the vicinity of the solar system and there will likely be more of these visitors in years to come. The comet will be moving very fast, so will have plenty of mass of momentum. The comet is in a prograde orbit, and this lessens the potential for destruction if it should encounter the earth due to its relatively slower velocity than if it were in a retrograde orbit and traveling in an opposing orbit to the planetary orbits. In any event, its close proximity to the earth should provide the most spectacular comet show in several decades. And this is not all! There is also a 400 meter asteroid that will pass closer to the earth than the moon in November of 2011 (8).
During the Stellium of Sept. 23, 2010, Trade unions in France launched a country wide round of strikes that occupied every major facility in response to President Sarkozy's plan to lift the pension age to 62 and many other austerities. The situation in France evolved to a virtual state of dual power that almost brought France to its knees. At the last moment after France was shut down for a month, the people were told by their leaders to abandon their strike and the austerities went through anyway. Similar events threatened Greece, putting Europe in turmoil.
The last planetary alignment of April 10, 2011 almost brought the shut down of the US government due to lack of funds. A similar thing occurred on Aug 2nd, 2011 when the US narrowly passed a raised debt ceiling. At the 11th hour, more debt was approved to keep the government going. Everyone says it's unsustainable and so it is, debt escalating out of control at $14 trillions plus and still growing. There was a six month "reprieve" to get the financial house in order, bringing us to Sept.-Oct. of 2011 when we will see even greater disorder. The next issue is whether or not we will see a successful harvest this year. We already know that the Japanese rice crop was largely wiped out due to the tsunami of March 11, 2011. Most of the lowland rice paddies are now salted and rice won't grow in salted earth. In Canada there is a winter that just won't let go. We reached a point of no return and there is still ice cold temperatures and snow in some places during May. In addition, massive flooding both natural and man made curtailed crop production in the Canadian grain and produce belt, effectively eliminating 15 percent of the world's food supply for 2011. Australia had "Biblical" scale floods starting in Dec. 2010 and into early 2011 after more than a decade of bone dry drought. Economically, almost everyone has seen massive inflation and this has fueled riots and revolts throughout the entire Middle East and North Africa beginning on Jan. 25Th, 2011 and continuing well into the year. It can't really be stated much for the rest of the world except for last year that was an unmitigated disaster for almost every region like firestorms in Russia in the summer of 2010, massive floods in Pakistan etc. Pakistan is now sinking into the sea as is Malaysia; both confirmed by satellite telemetry and mapping. Due to the huge earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011, a whole series of volcanoes have erupted injecting massive amounts of dust into the air. This is in addition to all the industrial pollutants and that caused by war. This alone has been a contributing factor in photosynthesis reduction over the last several years leading to reduced crop yields. There have been massive fish die offs and we are now in the second year of this. One of the most unusual events is mass animal suicides that run the gamut of the species. In addition, there is the deliberate destruction of food "because there is no market" and overproduction. This is extremely wrong headed and will reap horrible consequences down the road. The prognosis for the period around Sept. 23, 2011 is bleak for most people who have not achieved economic independence and who have no food options. People need to have alternatives right now and this has to be done independently of any support structure and must be locally sustainable. We can no longer rely on money, credit or debit and this will become increasingly obvious. We can expect to see massive riots, civil war, tension, hunger for most people, plagues and a severe winter of discontent as the whole thing speeds up in unraveling. To escape the woes, there will be a huge increase in suicides. By far, the worst of it is that all of this could have been prevented except for greed the spoiled it all. The innocent will suffer along with the guilty as this is the nature of things going into this period. Even with a successful harvest, the cost of shipping will be so high that much stuff will be left to rot such as happened to the Spanish grape crop in the fall of 2010. The key word for this entire period is instability. Add to it the appearance of comet Elenin, some of the pieces of which may hit earth at extreme speeds, there will be woes of all sorts are very possible. The skies on or about Oct. 25th, 2011 should be spectacular if the comet's tail engulfs the earth.
During the earlier part of the comets orbit, it will cross earth's orbit after the earth has past, so the earth will not be passing through the tail. But the tail will sweep towards earth' orbit starting in June and on it's return from perihelion, the tail will be in advance of the comet and it will cross Earth's orbit and Earth may pass through the tail around the date mentioned. Comet tails being made up mostly of dust and luminescent gasses get blown away by the solar wind and thus carried off away from the comet's core and away from the sun. There may well be fragments though, that will trail behind and pose a threat to the earth when it catches up to the crossing point. There is no way of knowing just how fragile the core is as it comes from interstellar space and may not have gotten any warmth for millions of years. If the sudden addition pf solar heat has any effect, it will be to rip apart this virgin deep space comet.