UFOs unidentified flying objects Fact or fiction
Most UFO pictures and videos are of poor quality
Flying saucers usually have alternate causes than aliens.
lmost all Unidentified Flying Objects that are seen have an alternate explanation. Let's look at the alternatives and why the existence of what people think of as alien craft visiting Earth could in fact be something else. It is true that there are phenomenon that manifest all over the globe and that some of these are actually photographed and filmed. It is also true that military establishments are always working on top secret technology and some UFOs are actually sightings of this.
Consider the distance between the planets. With our current technology that relies heavily on gravity assists, it takes years to reach the planets. Now consider the stars; much further away than our remotest planet. The closest ones are the Centari group and it takes light more than four years to traverse the distance. We cannot move anything even close to that speed. To move a spacecraft even at one percent of the speed of light (3,000 kilometres per second, 180,000 kilometres per minute or 10,800,000 kilometres per hour), requires a mode of propulsion that we do not currently possess. Let's look at it a little differently. Moving at one percent of the speed of light means we can get to the moon in a couple of minutes. Can we do that now? Moving at this speed means we can get to Mars in several hours at its closest approach to Earth. Can we do that now? I think we all know the answer to this one. Our most sophisticated rockets can gradually increase their velocity, but this takes months. Ion propulsion used to chase comets can propel spacecraft upwards to 60,000 kilometres per hour, but this is well short of even one percent of the speed of light.
Einstein recognized from works of preceding giants of physics that increasing relative velocity also increases mass. This means that every little piece of debris whether man launched into low Earth orbit or in orbits of comets and asteroids can pack a mighty wallop if it strikes a space vehicle containing hardware, astronauts or alien pilots. The wallop is greater than a high muzzle velocity bullet as most of this material is travelling tens of times faster and thus has a gram for gram relative velocity mass hundreds of times that of a moving bullet. That is but one danger of deep space, which is what we are looking at for interstellar travel. In order to travel between stars, one would have to travel at near light velocity and have technology to deal with hazards far in excess of our current ability. The difference between that and what we can do is as great as a scram jet compared to a crawling insect.
Let's look at some alternative possibilities. Science is aware of something called Earth Lights. The military of the US has a black budget where super secret technology is under development and experiment. Then there are mistaken sightings that are actually something else. Some sightings can be attributed to lenticular clouds, ball-lightening, comets, meteors, meteorites and even Venus. Then there is the possibility of religious type manifestation or response to propaganda. There is the “Rorschach” type of sighting as well and this would take an explanation in itself. Much of what we hear and see is fraudulent and has proven mostly to be a fraud. There is only a very tiny chance that some are really alien in origin.
Earth lights result from electrical ball lightning and discharges from regions under pre-earthquake stress. Some have been photographed. Whole studies have been done on Earth light phenomenon. There are groups that have arisen around Earth lights. They see these objects as "orbs" that have a spiritual message for humanity. Whether orbs are connected to stress earth lights or not has yet to be determined. Spiritual messages are ideas imposed on these sightings by the witnesses and often have noting to do with our social responsibility to one another and nature,
The US has a black budget that stands at about ten to fifteen percent of the total military budget that is used for research into advanced weaponry and propulsion. In fact, the once secret stealth jet was once part of this black budget before the cover of secrecy was exposed. The whole question or Roswell and Area 51 and 51a come into mind. Areas 51 and 51a are super secret and are under heavy security that has the power of deadly force to protect its secrets. Many strange sightings have been seen coming out of these areas and flying toward them. Some have been filmed. These have been the focus of many documentaries and even more and wilder speculation.
Mistaken sightings are made all the time. When witnesses are called to court over an incident, the testimony of each one has differences from the rest. People notice different things depending on their level of awareness and what is important to them. Some want to see something that an extension of their own beliefs, so a subjective factor enters into what should be an objective observation. It is the duty of court administrators to sort out objective truth from subjective opinions and determine the reality.
One of the better UFO videos out there, but even this has little beyond being tantalizing.
Meteor sightings have been mistaken for unidentified flying objects and have been blown out of proportion. Movie making has run away with the idea where aliens penetrate our defences inside meteors and comets. The most famous of these ideas is "War of the Worlds."
There are those who like to cash n on crazes like UFO flaps. They will go out of their way to fake photos and videos to achieve their objective. Often there is a profit motive or notoriety behind it. Sometimes they are caught, but more often, they are not due to the sensationalism attached to UFOs. In the end, these kinds of fakes only serve to discredit anything that is genuine, which is rare enough indeed.
Then there are tricks of light caused by the atmosphere that cause a host of mirages. These range from mistaken impressions of water on the desert, objects floating in the air near the horizon and other weird effects, some of which can be mistaken for UFOs. Some interesting mirages that have actually been photographed and filmed are those concerning two suns side by side. All kinds of speculation has arisen from two videos; one from China and another from eastern Europe. The way mirages work has to do with refraction of light by the atmosphere. The refraction itself is caused by different densities usually associated with local temperature differences by altitude and local columns of heated air rising from the ground such as over fires and chimneys.
Before there were UFOs, there were visitations by angels and devils. Some people were tried as witches for these types of visions. So we know from this, that sightings have been going on throughout history. In our machine age of flying craft, these angels and demons are now seen as flying craft. We see most what we are familiar with. The propaganda side comes in where the US told its citizens to look to the sky for the invading Russians or Chinese. In the "Duck and Cover" era, the paranoia over ICBMs caused the government to recruit people to monitor the skies just in case something got by NORAD, the DEW line and radar. But then again, this can be turned on its head for political reasons and home grown destruction is blamed on outside enemies. A whole group has emerged from domestic made destruction. Admittedly, this is not UFO related, but there exists at least one video on the net that suggests a UFO encounter with the trade center on or about 9-11-2001. No date is given on the video released shortly after that tragic day, but a rocket contrail can be clearly seen from something quickly leaving the side of one of the towers before the impact of the planes. Could this be evidence of a false flag that so far has been ignored? This shot was filmed at a location that could have been made near the window inside the tower and after that the witness fled to safety.
After eliminating all of the possibilities, a handful are left over that have no explanation. Are these the aliens? It is possible, but there should be corollary evidence. The evidence should be the existence of a mother ship of colonies on Mars or the moon as a base of operations. It makes no sense to travel halfway across the galaxy only to turn around and go back. A modified Drake equations suggests at least two interstellar civilizations at or beyond our level in existence. Chances are one lives within 10,000 light years of us in the galaxies habitable zone. If they are here, they already inhabit other planets and are monitoring us. The chances against this are far greater. No evidence of off Earth alien colonies exists in any of our detailed photographs and videos of other planets and moons in the solar system. At this time, we have photographic and video evidence of their non existence in real time video in full colour and high resolution photos in the millions. They are available for the free download on the NASA pages and many others. If we can see the pyramids and the great wall of China from the moon, should we not be able to see evidence of off world civilizations? There is no released evidence of such on Earth; note I said released evidence. In the end, UFOs, even the real mysteries, have alternate expansions. In the end, there is a little room for doubt.
The UFO cult is a later day religion or more accurately, a cargo cult. As the earth people reel from disaster to catastrophe and back, we look to space for a benevolent helping hand to save us. We need to consider that saving ourselves is the best option and that does not come from a destructive way of life in an economic system that considers only profit.