What can educate a person more, a college book or a life experience?

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  1. cgcorey profile image61
    cgcoreyposted 15 years ago

    What can educate a person more, a college book or a life experience?

    Is college for everyone? Whose to say that learning from mistakes made from experiences in the field isn't the key to success??

  2. mrstorms profile image59
    mrstormsposted 15 years ago

    I think life give the best education, yes school can give you the book smart's, but bumps in the road tell you which way to go from there. How many time have you come across a person who cannot read or write, but they know that red means stop and green means go.

  3. profile image0
    collegecareerlifeposted 15 years ago

    College primarily involves sitting in a classroom memorizing facts that will be forgotten once the test is over.  The most effective way to learn is by doing.  An education can provide a good foundation of knowledge, but transferable skills are much more important to success than specific course work.

  4. Torch Harrison profile image68
    Torch Harrisonposted 14 years ago

    College is a wonderful thing...but it certainly is not for everyone.  There are many people who attend colleges who really don't belong there...which is a pity.  College gives you book knowledge and practice in things like reading, writing, mathematics...but real-life experience teaches you more in terms of a career.  Mistakes are real opportunities to learn, if you pay attention.

    I'm friends with a gentleman who never went to college.  He wanted to start a pizza business.  So he opened his first restaurant and filed bankruptcy.  And he did it again.  And he did it again.  After 17 tries, he finally achieved a successful business in pizza...and his business is now a massive empire of franchises throughout the United States.  The point is, every time he failed, he learned something valuable about being in the restaurant business...and eventually, because he didn't give up, he was successful.

    Life experience is every bit as valuable as the degrees I worked so hard to get!

  5. vocalcoach profile image94
    vocalcoachposted 14 years ago

    While a college education is good training, life itself and how we learn to handle experiences is by far the best education.  Having said that, our day to day experiences can be much more difficult and even impossible without some college.  I think we have an "edge" if we are educated, particularly if we want to go into a particular field such as teaching, engineering, medicine etc.

    Good question.  Thanks

  6. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
    Shahid Bukhariposted 14 years ago

    Education ... is the Polishing of what you have ... a situation, where the Abrasive used ... is College  Education.

  7. Kind Regards profile image67
    Kind Regardsposted 14 years ago

    Both.  In different ways.  I wouldn't trade either my college experiences or my life experiences.  They're both so valuable.

  8. profile image51
    Jannineposted 14 years ago

    Well I believe that a person has to be open and ready to learn from their circumstances and situations.  If a person goes to college and they do not take the time to absorb all that they can, then they have wasted an opportunity.  I met many people who were like that when I went to college. 

    I believe that the beauty of college is that it enhances the person that you are.  As long as you hang on to your core, college expands your boundaries.  I feel that going to college is not just about taking classes.  It is about an exchange of ideas and getting involved with people other than yourself.  I don't really like going to school online because I do not get the interaction and the feedback that I need. 

    There is also a lot to be said for learning things on your own through your own experiences.  I have taught myself a lot of things through reading on my own and by trial and error.  Sometimes it would have been helpful to have some assistance but it is also rewarding to learn something all by yourself.  I really don't feel that this is an either or situation.  Learning is eternal so no matter how you get your education, just never stop learning.

    The issue comes in when businesses do not appreciate the "school of hard knocks" and want a piece of paper just to differentiate applicants.  Going to college does not mean that a person is smarter or more adept at handling situations. 

    On top of that, many jobs want the experience and the degree so that adds insult to injury for a graduate with no experience. 

    At the end of the day, a person has to do what is best for them.  The object is to never stop learning, no matter how you get your information.  Knowledge is power!

  9. prasannastudies profile image59
    prasannastudiesposted 14 years ago

    Education is a real polishing to your career. you must need education. for decorating you career you need right kind of education. choose abroad study , and abroad education consultants for getting right kind of education.

  10. selfbetter profile image60
    selfbetterposted 14 years ago

    The good thing is that your life is long enough to get through college and then get some experience "in the real world". You really don't need to choose between the two.

    But if I was choosing between two candidates for a responsible position in my company - one with college degree and no business experience and one with high-school degree and valuable business experience, I would probably choose the one with experience.

  11. Hubpaper profile image54
    Hubpaperposted 13 years ago

    Of course life experience. because we can burn book not experience.

  12. profile image48
    pmpaustraliaposted 12 years ago

    I think both education and experience is important. You may replace education but there is no substitute of experience.


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