Can there be such a thing as the best religion, why so long for any confirmation

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  1. Sky9106 profile image66
    Sky9106posted 12 years ago

    Can there be such a thing as the best religion, why so long for any confirmation?

    From a young boy I remember asking my Dad . Why are there so many different religions if there is only one God ?
    He did not really answer but my dear mother, always there, said to me son: don't worry, to thyne own self be true. This never left me, even till now.
    See my Dad was Methodist , My Mom was Anglican. I ended up ge  into Pentecostalism for a few years . I said all this to say , thanks to my mother that her words resonated and I have grown to be a church of one, unfazed by any religion in existence, believing fully that ones body is the true church. "To thyne own self be true!"

  2. Doc Snow profile image86
    Doc Snowposted 12 years ago

    Logically, there *can* be a "best religion."  But which one?  After all, a "best" religion requires some standard by which to judge.  And many people claim to, or actually do, use their religion's precepts as their main standard of ethical and moral good.

    And of course that takes us right 'round in a circle.  Unsurprisingly, there is a strong tendency for people to take an honest look at your question and conclude that *their* religion is best.  (Me too, actually!)

    Others tend to find their arguments unconvincing.  So we remain locked in to our separate "bests."

    I like your take, personally--but then it's not far from the stance of my church, the Unitarian Universalist Association.  (We covenant as individuals to undertake a "free and responsible search for truth and meaning," and do not collectively prescribe to individuals what they "should" believe.  We are not a collection of "churches of one," though, since we also covenant to relate to each other, to the larger human community, and indeed to the whole world, in certain ways.)

    Be well, Sky9106!

  3. Sky9106 profile image66
    Sky9106posted 12 years ago

    Thanks Doc Snow , that's a prescription for the soul, which contains  what I call having the touch of truth, and here it is  "(Me too, actually!)" sincerity
    A statement that have to be present in you to squeeze or ease itself out from your existence to ours while doing so with a sense of conviction. That  easily convinces me that your quest is for truth also contains the human factor which is a little humor and an open mind. That's what  I feel emanating from your answer. You have found it within yourself.

    Blessings and Give Thanks!

  4. profile image0
    msivakumarposted 12 years ago

    There cannot be such thing as a "best religion". Just like there cannot be a "best mother", "best father", "best spouse" or the "best child" - we cannot have something as a "best religion".

    There is a Tamil proverb says which says "Kaakaikum Than Kunju Ponn Kunju". Loosely translated it means - "Even a Crow thinks its Child is Golden".

  5. Man from Modesto profile image77
    Man from Modestoposted 12 years ago

    Jesus was not fond of the religious. They also did not like him.

    The Bible is very clear: follow God, not man. Read Psalm 118:8, which falls exactly in the middle of the Bible:

    [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

    All through the Bible, we see stories of those who took God's advice. They came out on top. We also see those who listened to the advice of others- and then paid a price. Or they used their mind, or they used their flesh (Balaam). Any method besides trusting God and putting God first can end in devastation.

    Anyone who goes to any church of any kind, and does not read the Bible and have a personal relationship with God, has put man before God.


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