Do you think that our legislators need to revamp our public educational system?

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  1. Sundaymoments profile image60
    Sundaymomentsposted 12 years ago

    Do you think that our legislators need to revamp our public educational system?

    Within in the last decade statistics have shown that our public school system has weakened and further the curriculum that is being taught has been so watered down that our children's future is in jeopardy. Do you think that our legislators needs to reform the system and if so what suggestions might you offer

  2. ThePracticalMommy profile image89
    ThePracticalMommyposted 12 years ago

    I think educators need to revamp the public educational system, not legislators. Legislators created the laws and acts that educators are being forced to follow, creating this whole mess.

    Education needs to be real again, meaning that real life experience needs to be taught. In English/Language Arts, students need to learn how to communicate effectively with others and learn how to conduct useful research instead of writing pointless, meaningless essays (don't get me wrong: essays have their place, but not in excess). In Math, students need to learn how math, algebra, calculus, etc. applies to every day life. Science needs to be about exploring the world and trying to learn more about it.

    In essence, education needs to be made real to the students again. Endless testing and teaching to the test is not helping in the least bit.

    1. EDU 101 profile image61
      EDU 101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Voting you up, we basically said the same thing! (I was writing before you posted this in case it sounds like I was just repeating what you said!)

  3. EDU 101 profile image61
    EDU 101posted 12 years ago

    Yes. America fell into a self-set trap starting in 2001 with the implementation of "No Child Left Behind". In theory, this law sounds good, who would want their children left behind? It was supposed to tighten the gap between students, not letting any "slip through the cracks". In reality it "kind of" did this but at HUGE costs. The law mandated that every 3rd-8th grader be tested yearly in reading and math, with the results being the SOLE determiner of whether the child moved on to the next grade. Teacher retention was determined by these test grades; entire schools could have their faculty replaced if their poor test grades were not steadily improving. This may sound good but the laws expected IMPOSSIBLE perfection. EVERY student needed to be above average by the year 2014 (If 100% are above the 50th percentile, where did the 1st-50th percentile go?). We became a nation focused entirely on testing, NOT on learning. Teachers taught children how to pass tests, answer questions, and regurgitate facts for fear of their jobs. Science, social studies, and the arts got pushed to the bottom of the barrel for many schools. Writing became hugely downplayed.

    There is a simple fix to this terrible problem in my book. Let teachers write the content portions for new law. Yes, it is that simple. Teachers can tell you what is possible in the classroom, what good learning involves, and how to go about insuring accountability without an axe hovering overhead. Will this ever happen? HIGHLY unlikely. Who would consult a teacher? I mean, look at our education system, something must be wrong with them...

  4. Pamela99 profile image88
    Pamela99posted 12 years ago

    Considering our children rank 25th in math and 21st in science when compared to 30 industrial countries certainly says our educational system is a failure. The Department of Education in Washington has grown massively, costing a fortune in our taxes and the quality of education has steadily fallen. I think they should be dismantled this agency to save the taxpayers money. I believe educators should make the decisions and take a good look at what has changed over the past 20 years. It should be decided on a state level.

  5. Dennis AuBuchon profile image63
    Dennis AuBuchonposted 12 years ago

    This is a good question and one in which our legislators need to look at the responses received to it.

    The structure of the education system is not the issue but what is being taught.  Today in our education system political correctness has been inserted into what the leaders of tomorrow will learn.  The system does not need more regulations or rules but it needs less.  Our education system was doing great before new laws and regulations invoked their requirements.

    Some suggestions to improve our education system is it needs to create an environment where students can learn to think for themselves.  Issues being presented in school curriculum always has two sides and students need to have the opportunity to insert their opinion based on the information being presented.  In conjunction with this the information being taught needs to be complete and not present data leaving out information which may have an impact on what students feel.

    It is true that from recent polls we have lowered our rank in terms of math and science.  In determining the right path the requirements need to be evaluated and determine the differences in the system requirements today and those in effect in the past.  This applies to other areas in addition to math and science.

    The main point of our education system is to prepare students to be a viable part of society and have the necessary qualities to be successful.  If our schools do not properly prepare the leaders of tomorrow they are failing the future needs of our country.

    Another aspect which needs to be examined is the role of the federal government in our education system as to what it is today and what it should be tomorrow.  Too much government involvement in our education system limits the freedom for it to address the needs of students across the country.  Each individual has specific needs and those needs must be met.  White there may be some consistencies between individuals there are also differences which must be addressed in the teaching methods being utilized.

  6. Addie Price profile image60
    Addie Priceposted 12 years ago

    I agree 100%.  Here in Georgia our legislators are working hard to give the people a choice when the local school system is failing their children and they need more options.  Charter schools would create an amazing and healthy competition that I feel would fuel a more friendly and effective learning environment.


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