Would you agree that most doctors are arrogant?

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  1. Anti-Valentine profile image67
    Anti-Valentineposted 11 years ago

    Would you agree that most doctors are arrogant?

    I don't know if it's something that only I happen to be unlucky enough to experience, but I find that a lot of the doctors (particularly specialists) -- mostly male -- I've been to are supremely arrogant, rude, and unprofessional. What's your take on this? Maybe I'm just generalising. They're not all bad, but some of them really are!

  2. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Yes, I agree with that. Not arrogant to the point that it is rude, but yes to the point that it is uncomfortable. Just by them walking in the room you feel a little intimidated, but it goes away in a few minutes.

  3. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    Like most people some doctors are arrogant and some are not.  However, I have found that many of the doctors that I have come in contact with are too full of there perceived self importance.  It would do them good to remember that we need carpenters, house builders, engineers, fishermen, and farmers, etc, all the time, doctors are only needed by someone who is ill.

    1. Anti-Valentine profile image67
      Anti-Valentineposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, you're right. I think a lot of them need to be brought back down to earth, and they should stop thinking they are gods among men.

  4. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    I have experienced my share of arrogant doctors but also I would say it is half and half. It may be because I am in a small town but my doctor and those in his clinic are very kind and approachable.

    It maybe be that the distance they need to maintain from their patients can be perceived as arrogance.

  5. nstrang profile image61
    nstrangposted 11 years ago

    After working in an orthopaedic office for 5 years, it's very easy to see why most doctors would be perceived as arrogant. Like most human beings, they are going to have their "good days" and "bad days", often influencing how they approach and react to patients who visit the office. However, after being to a few specialists myself, I have realized that they aren't all bad. The physicians who generally love the work they do and strive to help as many patients as they can are the ones who make you forget about the arrogant jerks you may have come across previously - turning your negative experiences into a vague memory and allowing you to look forward to the visits you may have with future providers.

    1. teamrn profile image60
      teamrnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      For the most part, physicians love the work they do. They're not in it for the money (very few make the large salaries that incredibly successful cardio-thoracic surgeons do). Many need to have egos, which give rise to arrogance; Most are kind, care.

  6. Georgie Lowery profile image86
    Georgie Loweryposted 11 years ago

    I've only had one rude doctor. I told him that I didn't appreciate his attitude and he actually apologized. My issue with doctors is when I have one who won't listen to me. I'm not the type to self diagnose, but I won't just invent things to mention to my doctor either. If it's bugging me enough that I want to talk about it, it's an issue to me and I don't appreciate a doctor (or a nurse, for that matter) that treats me like I don't know what I'm talking about. It's my body, so I ought to know it better than anybody else.

    1. Anti-Valentine profile image67
      Anti-Valentineposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Precisely. I hate it when they don't listen.

  7. teresapelka profile image80
    teresapelkaposted 11 years ago

    I happened to teach English to physicians. That would have been a bit of the other side of the story -- I needed to mind not to be too authoritative or assertive, just as with all students.

    Well, honest, one is happy if the doctor 'does not remember' him or her, that is, having to see a physician means being ill, and probably no one likes this often  -- I haven't seen a physician in about two years and I'm definitely happy about this aspect of my life.

    Doctors know that illness can't make happy and people come to see them in moments, let us say, not most joyous. This might take some 'toll'.

    It is important to be able -- the ability being obviously also financial -- to choose the doctor you feel you can have a good rapport with.

  8. Amber Vyn profile image60
    Amber Vynposted 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, the research backs up your claim. If you speak for 20 seconds, then doctors perceive that you've been speaking for one minute or longer. Doctors are the least effective communicators of a surgical team, but they perceive themselves to be the best communicators.

    However, I think the hard evidence is changing things for the better.

    Personally, I've been blessed with great doctors.

  9. teamrn profile image60
    teamrnposted 11 years ago

    I've found through years of nursing practice that surgeons can be incredibly arrogant and egotistical. However, they must have that ego strongly intact to have the power of their convictions.

    There are some docs who get off on the power thing, the 'I'm better than you are and you csll me "DOCTOR.' On occasion, I'll call them by their first name to disarm them and remind them that they put their pants on one leg at a time, too. (they ARE human, just like me)., BUT I'D NEVER DO THAT IN FRONT OF A PATIENT.

    On the other hand, docs do know a heck of a lot and should be commended for mastering what they've mastered. THey've worked and studied for years and they perform such a service and they deserve our RESPECT.

    But, I agree (and this is true more of men than women) that specialists can be hard as nail. Femles who specilize in surgery still have a softer side. They can be tough as nails, with a softer side.

  10. sangre profile image92
    sangreposted 11 years ago

    I think they learn how to act that way in college. smile Doctor don't want to take the time out to actually explain anything to a person. They want  you in and out as quick as possible as they have so many patients to see. Getting to the point is real important with them. They need all the facts to help them find the problem. If they made a person feel more comfortable then they might actually have a better chance of getting more information out of them to help in the diagnosis.

    It all about the way you act when you go in. Being confident is a big factor. Don't go in been quite and reserved. Go in with the idea that you need their help immediately and that they need to stop and listen to you. You are the one who knows something is wrong with your body.

    1. teamrn profile image60
      teamrnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In medical school, I don't think they have an arrogant bone in them. They grow into that person, sometimes, depending on their personality. They call the shots-well, I let them think so, and success in medical practice can go to their heads.

  11. Iammattdoran profile image95
    Iammattdoranposted 11 years ago

    I'm not sure what country your 'lair' is in but I'm guessing it's the US? I've met an arrogant doctor before but generally all doctors I've seen have been very professional and more often than not very humble.  But that's if we're talking about GP's.

    You say 'particularly specialists' and that seems to be altogether a different kettle of fish.  For this I only have experience of one guy.  He's an ear, nose and throat specialist.  I have no sense of smell and many allergies.  I've been referred to the clinic several times and always met this same guy who doesn't let me get a word in edgeways.  I'm kind of waiting for him to retire so I can see someone who will actually talk to and listen to me!

  12. Uninvited Writer profile image75
    Uninvited Writerposted 11 years ago

    I don't find mine arrogant at all. He is always polite and helpful.

  13. Markie W profile image61
    Markie Wposted 11 years ago

    I have this same exact problem. They often times don't listen to me when I tell them what's wrong or symptoms I'm having, but instead come through the door with tests they already have planned for me before we've even talked. It drives me crazy! I've also asked questions before and they've come back with belittling remarks. I'm sorry, I thought I was paying you to help me, not make me feel like an idiot for not knowing something that you've learned by years of medical school. I know exactly what you mean!

  14. peachpurple profile image83
    peachpurpleposted 11 years ago

    yeah, some doctors are kind but rare to stumble upon. Most are arrogant especially those working the the general hospitals. Hate them !


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