Do today's high school teachers encourage students to think for themselves..

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  1. bethperry profile image80
    bethperryposted 11 years ago

    Do today's high school teachers encourage students to think for themselves..

    more, less or about the same as when you attended HS?

  2. donnah75 profile image95
    donnah75posted 11 years ago

    Yes, of course we teach students to think. Students are expected to think critically. Does school look the same as years ago? No, not everyday. Today's students need to be college and career ready for today's world, which is full of technology and different challenges. I wonder what prompted this question.

    1. bethperry profile image80
      bethperryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What prompted it was a discussion between two friends who both happen to be teachers. They have divided opinions, and asked for my opinion. I have not yet drawn one, though.

    2. donnah75 profile image95
      donnah75posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think the division often comes in the disconnect between what we teach and what students learn. It goes back to the idea that "you can lead a horse to water..." I believe teachers are teaching these skills.

  3. Rebecca Furtado profile image61
    Rebecca Furtadoposted 11 years ago

    Yes, I think more than ever the importance of critical thinking is being recognized in High School. It is what the Common Core is about. It is about encouraging students to think and interact with the material they lean. It is not just about giving rote reports on subjects, but researching and forming opinions on the subjects. This is the ultimate way to teach kids to think for themselves about what they learn in school. It also prepares them for college where they have to prove to everyone they can form rational and supported opinions about the things that they learn.

  4. profile image51
    tbHistorianposted 11 years ago

    Due to the "one-size-fits-all" concept being perpetrated by the education system, today's high school teachers are compelled to robotically train students.
    While some teachers attempt to encourage personal thinking, the dictatorial agenda promulgated by the educational system erroneously classifies students based on a "prescribed value".
    While some of this was attempted for a few schools during my high school days, the local education board of my school chose not to follow the radical robotic agendas.
    For me, this provided a solid critical thinking environment where I learned to objectively evaluate my potential for achievement and also for continual innovation.  This has led me, a child of a poor family, to reach the level of "rich" in this wonderful nation.
    However, as the technology advancements have grown through recent decades, the creation of robotic student has evolved.
    This miscreant evolution has led to immoral spread within socialization through a shadow-society whereby the robotic nature easily elevates to an evil violence and demonic prescription through lack of personal integrity and accountability.
    To quote the Department of Education;
    "The structure is designed for effective teachers to guide every student’s learning and that schools are collaborative and innovative workplaces where teachers and leaders have the capacity to improve student outcomes and close achievement gaps."
    "Teachers know that to productively engage in our democracy and compete in our global economy, students will need strong, well-rounded academic foundations; cultural and global competencies; the ability to collaborate, communicate, and solve problems; and strong digital literacy skills."
    While many of the co-authors of the Department of Educations policies and programs have achieved PHDs in theoretical education, few possess the ability to spur student growth through strategic thinking.
    Strategic thinking involves the unique generation and application of insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage.  However, in its current form, the Common Core Education policy implements a "dumb-down" strategy by eliminating almost all competition.
    This disingenuous structure hampers the student rather than spurs strategic thinking.  The education program based on this faulty organization is simply a bridge to nowhere for most students.  Especially those that need to first learn to implement strategic thinking in their lives.
    Individual advancement is lost


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