Who knows something about Solar Flares?

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  1. Aficionada profile image77
    Aficionadaposted 13 years ago

    A short while ago tonight I scanned an article that said "Dramatic solar flare [Tuesday, June 7] could disrupt Earth communications [Wednesday, June 8]."

    Recently I have been trying to research as much as I can about solar flares, because of a chilling coincidence.

    In one of my hubs, I wrote about a man who believed that solar flares caused or affected earthquakes.  In fact, he predicted the two strong earthquakes of the 1960s (both 9.0 or +).  But the USGS disagrees with that idea and clearly discounts the theory.

    Then, on March 10, I read that there had been a strong solar flare the day before, and I wondered....

    On March 11, the earthquake took place off Honshu.

    Is it truly just a coincidence, or is there some connection there that has not been investigated thoroughly enough?  I know that there are different types of solar flares, different magnitudes, different locations on the sun's surface. There are different ways to measure (here on earth) some of the ones that took place in the past.

    I would welcome any pointers about great sites any of you have discovered, as well as any information you would like to share!

    1. Beelzedad profile image60
      Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is probably one of the best sites on the internet for the sun. Enjoy.



      1. Aficionada profile image77
        Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, I'll check it out.

      2. Aficionada profile image77
        Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You are right about this site, Beelzedad!  It's fantastic.  I've just been over there browsing.  From there I found a link to an article about the Carrington Event (1859) that I mentioned obliquely. http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/newsroom … rstorm.pdf

        I also found a very brief (1-2seconds) movie of some unusual activity - a "somersault" - on the sun last week, May 30. http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/pickofth … rsault.mpg

        It's cool to watch!  I'm not sure I know how to post it here, but I may try....

        The references to the next Solar Max mentioned that one scientist (Dikpati) thinks/thought (article was from 2006) it will be in 2012; another, Hathaway, predicted 2010 or 2011. http://science1.nasa.gov/science-news/s … rmwarning/

        Prediction is not an exact science. big_smile !

        Thanks for telling me about that site.

    2. profile image59
      logic,commonsenseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Solar flares affect our communications all the time, just some times more than others.
      I believe I was reading where the solar activity was due to subside somewhat in the coming months.  My understanding there is a cycle to the intensity to solar flares.
      I'm sure if you search MSN, they will have archived links.

      1. Aficionada profile image77
        Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I know about the ~eleven-year cycle to solar activity. I'll double-check myself on this, but I believe the cycle we are in is due to continue through 2012 or maybe 2013.  Some astronomers have predicted the possibility of a major solar storm in 2012, which could affect communications and other electronics severely.

        A similar dire storm happened back during the telegraph era, and it caused all kinds of havoc.  But they were not dependent on the kind of communications devices that we rely on, of course.  Some people are saying the worry is similar to the Y2K fears, and that may be so.  I'm not so sure that it's a bad thing to "plan for the worst and hope for the best" - maybe not in every endeavor, but certainly in some instances.

        I'll try to find the links about the solar flares predicted for 2012 and post them.

  2. Beelzedad profile image60
    Beelzedadposted 13 years ago

    As well, if you're interested in viewing the sun yourself, I would recommend a PST (Personal Solar Telescope) made by Coronado - I've had one of these since they first came out and they are great.

    http://www.escience.ca/telescopes/RENDE … 11931.html

    And, if you like to view with both eyes rather than just one, you can purchase a bino-viewer from a variety of vendors. One of the best quality is made by Denkmeier.

    You can also purchase either a CCD camera made to fit into a telescope or an adapter that will hold your own camera. You can download Registax software to process the image.

    Of course, when you get into taking your own pictures, it's important to remember that you need a telescope mount that has a tracking system.

    1. Aficionada profile image77
      Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't even know that such a thing as a Solar Telescope existed!  (I'm behind the times in viewing the sky.)  I have a generic telescope from years ago that I have in storage, but it is definitely not a solar telescope.  Wow, I'll have to look into that.

      To be honest, though, at this point I'm more interested in looking at pictures taken by others and reading all the information I can find (and understand!), rather than viewing the sun myself.  But I appreciate the information here very much.  I'll file it for the future when I may decide to go that route.  smile

      1. Beelzedad profile image60
        Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        What's exciting about viewing the sun yourself is that you can watch changes to prominences and flares in real time. True, the changes take a lot of time considering the distances those prominences and flares travel through space, but they certainly are noticeable. smile

        1. Aficionada profile image77
          Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          That's so cool that you yourself are able to watch them!  I love seeing the pictures and videos that are available. 

          Most of my current "obsession" has to do with trying to see what possible links there could be between solar activity and earthquakes.  As I mentioned, I'm aware that the scientists say there is none.  But we all know that scientists keep adding to the knowledge base and updating information all the time, so I'm willing to keep watching and wondering.


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