Learn or study like a boss - Less and Fast (TOP 10 efficiently learning how-to Ways)
In this hub I would like to share with you some ways how to learn correctly. Many people just start some when and stop some when. And those who do it totally wrong even study through the night. It can work also at night (click here for my study at night guide), but this time I will provide you with some very smart and useful ideas. And you do not even have to learn longer or more. How? Read!
Nonetheless which of the following methods you would like to choose, this one is applicable to all of these. Why you learn, say the things out loud and this way you will be memorizing the information even faster!
Segments and Breaks
Subjects: Biology, History, Geography, Languages or any subject where there is tons of information to learn by heart.
I like to use this method for myself, because it really works well and is even fun!
Set your alarm o’clock 25 minutes later than your actual time (more or less, depends on how it works the best for you). Then learn intensively and concentrated on your learn material. Try to memorize as much as you can in those 25 minutes. Look from time to time on your watch so as to know how much time is left and in the last few minutes just give everything again. After those 25 minutes you have to do a break of 10 minutes. Do something entirely else. Listen to music, draw - whatever! But you have to have the discipline to go back to your school stuff otherwise this will end disastrous. And then always repeat this rhythm. I did not believe this too at first, but you memorize unbelievably fast. And do not forget to repeat briefly what you have learnt in your last segment.
Make use of the Internet!
This may take a bit more effort maybe, but for big topics like history or biology; you can make use of the Internet and type in your topic in the search bar. This way, you do not only have the stuff from school, but simultaneously build a niche. It is like making a spider web and sometimes this can come in very handy.
Write Summaries
I don’t like the sheets from schools. Why? There are just so many!! Who wants to learn 30 pages in history if you can summarise them all in only 2-5 pages? For me, it seems a lot more attractive to learn only a few pages, where everything is written down what I need to know. Do not forget to write small and including pictures is also useful. Another benefit of this is, while you summarise you are already thinking what information is actually important and how to write it short. Personally, I know 25%-50% of my stuff in beforehand and I didn’t even seriously start learning. One drawback is that it can take some time.
Make your learning interesting!
To avoid your summaries being only in short notes, you can write a short story on a chapter or subchapter. I experienced it myself and it is a lot more fun to learn and goes pretty fast in your head.
Compare your summaries with Friends
If some of your friends also write summaries then it is always wise to compare them. You can also take the summary of your friend and ask each other out or maybe think why you and your friend found this particularly important to have it in the summary.
Music, but only in some cases!
I would not advise you to listen to music while you learn (although it works for some people), but music is mostly distracting. Why do you listen to music in the first place? Because you like it and you are very likely to like it a lot more than your subject matters. But there are some songs that will help you. For biology, I can even provide you a link of someone, who composed a song about the Photosynthesis process. If you find a song based on your topic than it is a great idea to learn the song by heart, but otherwise I would let my iPod rest.
Make use of another language!
Sometimes I have to learn about 300 words on French at once. For some it maybe pretty easy to do this in hours, but for those who have serious troubles with it can make use of another language. French has some similarities to Spanish and English or Latin. My vocabulary list is a French-German one and on the German side I sometimes write down the English word or make a hint that it is similar to English. This way the learning becomes more efficient and it helps me remembering it a lot. And surely for You too!
Think about possible questions
This is more for those who already know the most part. Contemplate about possible questions in the coming exam. Sometimes, exactly some questions, which you have asked yourself days earlier, will appear in the exam and you know the answer without much thinking.
Last advice
What can it be? Nothing else than start early enough! These methods all work if you start even a day before. But starting some days earlier will enhance this and you can make the greatest use of my advice. Happy Learning!