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Perfect Storm

Updated on January 7, 2017

The Oxford English Dictionary has published references going back to 1718 for "perfect storm", though the earliest citations use the phrase in the sense of "absolute" or "complete", or for emphasis, as in "a perfect stranger".

Alternate Definition Quoted from Wikipedia


THINGAMABOBS (aka emotions)

Take an average day, make it into anything you've ever dreamed of. No excuses this time. Just close your eyes, and meet me on the edge of fear. This is what we all want; to find that edge within our own scope of perception, and see someone staring back with warmth. Life can be very brutal, as we all learn, but are you going to sit down? No, you're going to swing back. This is an attempt to reach out to all the wild ones that refused to stay down. Those that took an emotional experience, and found strength they never knew they had within. This, is also an attempt to reach anyone who forgot today that they are wild, and they are made for something great. I was instructed to make this factual based, not like a personal journal. Difficulty is, I write in a journal the same way i speak to others, with thought and whim. As such I feel a disclaimer stating that I am writing fact, to my knowledge, seems wise.

This sharing is inspired by a very recent reminder. Whenever we forget we are loved, we stop swinging back at life. We all too easily give up, or give in, to a feeling of sadness/hopelessness. It starts with staring at screens in hope of entertainment. It often leads to asking doctors for a miracle pill to stop the process our heads have been using to think. Anxious and depressed, the majority walk around looking at their feet; feeling unloved or unhappy with themselves. What if the entire time you felt that way, there is another that is fighting the same exact feelings? Fighting within themselves, and swinging back. Hoping that one day you will join them on that edge. No matter what you're going through, remember it isn't as strong as true love. Your age, nor situation is going to overcome the person waiting for you. Are you going to leave them swinging back alone? Maybe you are married, or single; widowed or a child. The truth is this still applies to you. Out there in your world, somewhere, there is a person that is fighting with all they have to get the chance to love you. So right now, when life overwhelms many with every drama we can articulate, I write this pointedly to whomever the universe sends my way.

The factual part of this entire instruction, as I see it, lies in the fact; that emotions exist whether we asked for them, or not. We must learn to enhance our emotions that aid our health and motivation. Knowing we are loved is simply the start to a better quality of life. I could quote many scientific articles, but i feel that has been done enough. Please feel free to search online if interest is present. Furthermore, I compassionately understand that there is no wording in the world that can possibly teach the instruction above better, than the physical proof of such claims. I pray this evening that this reader enjoys the blessing of being shown their own proof, and can read this with a smile of understanding. With that, I say good night. Kindly keep in mind my hubs will keep coming for further reading.


No matter what you're going through, remember it isn't as strong as true love.

Out there in your world, somewhere, there is a person that is fighting with all they have to get the chance to love you.

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