25th March.1971.Pakistani Army Enclouding Dhaka.
Rain of Blood over Dhaka
25.03.1971, Dhaka; a tribute! to Pakistani Army.
They came at night.
The invading army,
Might had been in need to attune the agony of the pebbles,
Being played at the hand of mighty ocean shores
By the Dover beach in the moon blanched night,
As set by Arnold.
The blinded army stormed in
Into the city slept in peace nestling in the
Peace loving dwellers.
The brutal army knew the art of having fun with drops of blood
Streaming out of the innocent.
With such profound delicacy do they like the
Semi human beings, as they treated them, fall down
One after another singing
‘Death Be Not Proud’.
They knew the art of shooting.
How well they trigger their bullets without
Fearing any encounter, which they really loved.
But not more than watching blood sprang out
Of their chests.
Once the flow started slowing down,
Smiles played on over their faces
Hiding desperately a silhouetted blood sucking monster.
They got ready with their bayonets.
It’s time to prove their skill in spilling out the last drop of blood,
To drink the lives of thousand innocents to the last.
Atiqur Rahman