Scotty McCreery's Audition - American Idol 2011 Season 10
January 26, 2011 - American Idol 2011 Milwaukee Auditions
Here are some of the best American Idol 2011 auditions in Milwaukee.
Scotty McCreery, 16 - A student from Garner, North Carolina. Jennifer comments right away that he got a deep voice for a 16-year old, to which Scotty replies "I get that a lot." He sings Josh Turner's "Your Man." Jennifer says he makes her smile. Randy says wow. Steven asks him to sing another song with a little higher tune. Scotty sings Travis Tritt's "Put Some Drive in Your Country." Steven says something that was bleeped and then says it was beautiful. Jennifer says yes and Randy says he loved his throw back country style. He got three yeses, a big round of applause from the judges, and a golden ticket to Hollywood.
Scotty McCreery Audition in Milwaukee
Scott Dangerfield, 23 - a student teacher from Milwaukee, WI. Steven right away comments about his red lips and asks if that's his lips natural colour. Scott says he was kissing a girl backstage. Scott sings Amos Lee's "Dreaming," wowed the judges. Jennifer says he might be her favourite she's seen so far. Steven says yes. Jennifer says yes. Randy says one hundred million percent yes. An easy golden ticket to Hollywood.
Jerome Bell, 27 - a Bar Mitzvah and wedding singer originally from Texas and now lives in New York City, sings Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On." Steven says "Damn!" Randy says hot crazy vocals, in tune, controlled and tender the right moments. Jennifer says loud, soft, sweet, powerful, cute. And Steven says beautiful and so so good. He gets three yeses and he's off to Hollywood!
Thia Megia, 15 - a High School student from Tracy, CA. She sings "Chasing Pavements."Jennifer says her name is a movie star name. While she's singing Jennifer whispers "She's amazing!" Jennifer calls her the total package and Steven loves her voice. All three give her yeses and she's off to Hollywood.
- Thia was chosen by the judges to be in the Top 24 and was voted by America to be in the Top 10 plus judges picks which made it to Top 13. Thia was eliminated in a double elimination on March 31, 2011, with fellow contestant Naima Adedapo.
Hailey Reinhart, 18 - A student currently living Wheeling, Ilinois, but is originally from Palatine, Illinois. She auditioned last year but didn’t make it and was told to come back. She sings The Beatles' "Oh! Darling." Steven says "Damn! What a beautiful choice." He says it was beautiful when she hits the notes it goes "Bating!" so nice. She gets three yeses and off she goes to Hollywood.
- Haley reached Top 3 with Lauren and Scotty. Haley got eliminated on May 19, 2011.
American Idol 2011 Milwaukee Auditions - see Chris Medina and his girlfriend Julie
Chris Medina, 26 - a Barista/Caretaker from Oak Forest, IL. His fiancée got into a car accident and suffered a brain injury two months before their wedding, and now he and her mother are her caretakers. He sings Script's "Breakeven," and his touching story made the song especially touching. The judges asks if they could meet his girlfriend and Chris was just blown away because he said that will make Julie's day. He gets three yeses and a golden ticket to Hollywood.
- Chris was not picked to be in the Top 24. Jennifer Lopez cried after she gave him the bad news.
Naima Adedapo, 25 - a 25-year old artist from Milwaukee, WI. She works at the Summerfest grounds as a cleaner and she is mother of two little girls, whom she wants to give a better life. She sings Donny Hathaway's version of "For All We Know." Jennifer says she likes her a lot and that voice-wise and package-wise one of the best they'd seen. Steven says very nice and it was great. Randy says he likes her a lot. She gets three yes and a golden ticket to Hollywood.
- Naima was chosen by the judges to be in the Top 24, but was not voted by America in the Top 10. The judges gave Naima a chance to sing for her life and she nailed it with "For All We Know," and she made it to Top 13. Naima was eliminated on March 31, 2011, a double elimination with fellow contestant Thia.
So there... those were some of American Idol 2011 best auditions in Milwaukee. Again, many more golden tickets to Hollywood were given out, but we didn't see their auditions.
And now for the not-so-good American Idol 2011 auditions in Milwaukee... as I've said, there are a lot of tone deaf, self-delusional people everywhere.
Next stop is Nashville.
American Idol 2011 - Milwaukee Auditions
American Idol 2011 - Milwaukee BEST Auditions
American Idol 2011 - Milwaukee WORST Auditions
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