Frankenstein And Comic Book Guy Room Mates?
As many of you know I spend some of my free time creating claymation cartoons. Recently I just finished a claymation tribute to my 95 year-old grandmother, "Nanny Claymation tribute," and that went quite well. For quite awhile I have been toying with the idea of combining a few characters we've used in other cartoons in a single cartoon. In this case I chose Frankenstein which was originally made for our claymation cartoon, "Frankenstein Needs A New Brain Part 1." Accompanying him is our own Comic Book Guy, not too be confused with the one from Simpson's (although they are similar in appearance). He first appeared in our short claymation film, "Captain America Gets Mad," which also featured a clay version of Captain America! Which you can find on our youtube channel, the link is at the bottom of the page.
The combination of their to personalities I felt would clash in quite a humorous fashion and possibly leave the viewer wanting more. This may become a series of short films if the response to it is what I am anticipating. Either way check out the video by clicking it to the right or read on for more info on the making, premise and generally why we do what we do.
In this cartoon which if you've watched some of our other cartoons takes place a little while after, "Frankenstein Needs A New Brain." At this point Frankenstein has settled into normal life and has taken up residence as the room mate of the Comic Book Guy. As we progress through this short film we find that Frankenstein seems to get on the Comic Book Guy's nerves sometimes. As with the Comic Book Guy's first appearance however we should keep in mind that he can be at times somewhat rude and cranky. Frankenstein for the most part plays it cool and seems to like annoying the Comic Book Guy.
For this cartoon I quickly wrote the script one night and planned each camera shot. I used a Panasonic GS-500 video camera set with 1/2 second exposures and thus was able to take each shot without a flash. Keep in mind as this is stop-motion animation each frame was taken as an individual photo and strung together to create the cartoon. We reused the living room set from the Nanny claymation we made previously but added some new furniture and props to make is more of a bachelor pad. These include a leopard print like rug, a small end table, coffee table, a lamp, TV and stereo.
As always we put our film together in Adobe Premiere CS5 and added sound and voices recorded by ourselves. Sound was edited in Audacity to get rid of background noise and refine the voices. The video was processed into high definition but can also be viewed online at smaller resolutions, basically whatever your computer can handle is fine.
So that concludes our article on Frankenstein And Comic Book Guy Room Mates? Claymation. I hope you enjoy the funny video and let us know what you think we love your feedback!
More cartoons are being worked on as we speak. So if you like this sort of thing check out our website: or our youtube channel: and feel free to share this article or the video via facebook, twitter, Digg, Stumble Upon, Reddit and others at the bottom of this page. Just click the share button, thanks.