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Katy Perry - A Hero to Little Weirdos Everywhere

Updated on November 19, 2020
TJHousel profile image

Tawnya is a freelance writer and mom of a tiny gymnast. When it comes to buying gymnastics-related gear, I'm an industry pro.

My daughter's handmade costume for the Cleveland Katy Perry Concert

My daughter's California Girl inspired costume complete with a purple wig
My daughter's California Girl inspired costume complete with a purple wig

5 Interesting Facts about Katy Perry

  1. Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill spurred Katy's interest in non-Christian music
  2. Katy was first signed to Def Jam records at the age of 17
  3. Russell Brand proposed to Katy Perry while setting on an elephant watching fireworks, in India
  4. Her cat, Kitty Purry, has its own blog
  5. This pop princess loves wigs, but her true hair color is blonde

Katy Perry is a Weirdo and I LOVE It

I love going to concerts and have wanted to take my 10-year-old daughter to a concert for a very long time, but wanted her first live concert to be something special. I know my first concert, Boyz II Men, was special and forever etched in my heart and I wanted it to be the same for my little girl. For this reason, I bought tickets to Katy Perry 6 1/2 months early. I did this to not only make sure that she got to go to the concert, but that we had great seats too. Then, I set out to have her costume created. Since, I'm not very handy with a needle and thread, I had my daughter's costume made by a very talented mom that I know. I was completely impressed with what she created based on my desires and so was my little Katycat. She choose the California Girl costume because this was when she first became aware of Katy and all her awesome weirdness and when she began to realize that this pop princess was very different than others she listened to before.


Why I Think Katy Perry is a Hero to Little Weirdos Everywhere

Calm down, Katycats and moms everywhere, let me explain. First, it's important to realize that I LOVE Katy Perry. Not only do I love her songs, but I like her style and her outlook on life. As far as the weirdos thing goes, you have to understand that I use that term as a term of endearment. I, myself, am a bit weird and so is my daughter. What I mean is that there isn't a mold out there that I fit into and I'm okay with that.

In fact, when it comes to my daughter, I want her to understand that she never has to conform to what people want and think she should be. While I certainly encourage her to have manners and behave properly, I don't constrict her ideas, although they are outrageous at times, and I encourage her on a daily basis to be as weird as she wants.

The most important thing I want my daughter to take away from being a "weirdo" is confidence and if I do say so myself, she has nailed it. For this reason and a variety of others, I love that my daughter loves Katy Perry. I hope Ms Perry doesn't take offense to this, but she is a weirdo and she is one of the most confident, successful weirdos out there.

Walking the Red Carpet at the Cleveland Katy Perry Tour

My daughter enjoying her moment at the Katy Perry concert in Cleveland on August 14, 2014.
My daughter enjoying her moment at the Katy Perry concert in Cleveland on August 14, 2014.

Walking the Red Carpet Like a Celebrity

When my daughter transformed into Katy Perry to attend the Prism concert in Cleveland, her already confident demeanor was even more obvious. While some shyer girls and moms avoided the red carpet, my little Katy fan proudly waited in line and took in all the glory while she sashayed down the red carpet. She even winked at other concert goers and gave high fives as we walked in to find her seats. Here, in this atmosphere, my daughter truly felt at home and for that I am eternally grateful to Katy Perry for being who she is and giving other little girls and I'm sure some grown-up girls the confidence they need to be whoever they want to be. For that, I have labeled Katy Perry a hero to little weirdos everywhere.

Katy Singing Happy Birthday to a Fan in Cleveland

Katy Fans...Let me Hear You Roar

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Learn More about Katy Perry for the Little Girls in Your Life

If you are tired of Selena, Lindsay, Britney, and Miley ruining your little girls' attitude about confidence and doing things appropriately, introduce them to Katy Perry. While she certainly isn't perfect, who is? She is a great role model when it comes to confidence and being who you want to be. Take her divorce from comedian Russell Brand as an example. Although the media placed a great deal of influence on her marriage falling apart, Ms Perry did not. Instead, she handled the matter privately and never bashed her ex or divulged details that should never leave the comfort of home, even when the marriage is over. She has also had her handful of scandals, think John Mayer and snapshots of her with female strippers, but each and every time, she handles these situations like a confident lady should and for that reason...I love her even more.

Katycats Love Dress-Up

Not only did I attend the Katy Perry Cleveland concert with my little Katycat, but her dad got in on the action too.
Not only did I attend the Katy Perry Cleveland concert with my little Katycat, but her dad got in on the action too.

Facts about the Prism Tour

  • The Prism Tour is scheduled to end March 22, 2015
  • There are four legs to the tour
  • At completion, the Prism Tour will have performed 67 shows

© 2014 Tawnya


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