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The DVD Release - The Movie Shrek The Final Chapter :: Shrek Forever After Movie Review

Updated on October 25, 2012

The Movie Shrek The Final Chapter Preview

Thoughts on the Movie Shrek The Final Chapter :: Shrek Forever After Movie

I finally find the time to watch a movie, unlike before I usually buy the DVD after it is released. I enjoyed watching the movie Shrek The Final Chapter. I bought "Avatar" two weeks ago, and I enjoyed it. Usually when I watch a movie, I just take it as it is devoid of social analysis because the joy of relaxation comes without it, I learned that now. For some of my friends who know me this sounds unlike me, I usually critique everything, from cinematography to film editing and music scoring and to some simple news in CNN etc.

But when one is watching , you don't really watch a movie devoid of any sort of thinking of it in your frame of mind, isn't it? As you are watching it, at times you are flown into your own world and you try to immerse in a world of make believe -- usually in films for children -- of course adult get to watch it too -- children cant go to movie houses on their own they need to bring adults with them -- to pay and to accompany them. At the same time adults watch and have some good laughs as well.

I did like the movie and I laugh out loud, thanks to Puss in Boots hehe and the Donkey, I like the feisty but down to earth Fiona and the loving yet confused at times Shrek. All in all I like the movie Shrek The Final Chapter :: Shrek Forever After Movie.

My Thoughts on the Movie Shrek The Final Chapter :: Shrek Forever After Movie

Synopsis of the movie Shrek The Final Chapter :: Shrek Forever After Movie

Shrek The Final Chapter

Starring: Antonio Banderas, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Mike Myers
Screenplay:Tim Sullivan, Josh Klausner
Director: Mile Mitchell MPAA Rating: PG for mild action, some rude humor and brief language.

Synopsis ; The film started with the contract signing between the king and Queen of "Far Far away" (parents of Princess Fiona) when Shrek rescued the princess Fiona -- that's the first Shrek series and it took off from there.

And it started from there, Shrek is bored with his family life and he wanted to be feared as an ogre. He strike a deal with the Rumpelstiltskin (Walt Dohrn) by signing a contract to trade a day to sow fear among the villagers in exchange for Shrek's life (his youth). And so the deal happens, he is once again a feared ogre, but he realized that he is no longer married without children, friends like the Donkey don't know him at all, he lost his past life -- with children and Fiona. Fiona doesn't even know him at all.

Shrek has to solve this predicament by breaking the contract which was signed or he will disappear forever. The most part of the story goes on when Shrek is trying to go back to his original life. Shrek then try to befriend again the Donkey and try to win back Fiona (who is leading a legion of ogres to save the kingdom Far Far away from Rumpelstiltskin) Remember that Shrek was never been born (as stipulated in the contract), and he wasn't able to save the kingdom and the Princess. His world is so different now , Fiona isn't in love with him she doesn't even know him. The only way to reverse the contract with Rumpelstiltskin is a kiss from Fiona -- love's first kiss, it did happen -- Fiona remembers him and they kissed. And finally Shrek finds the solution and Fiona remembers him -- they are back to the village with their children -- happily ever after.


My Take on the movie Shrek The Final Chapter

  • This is a classic example of a Dreamworks movie where usually we are transported to a world of the "importance of lessons learned in life" we don't take life for granted and Shrek realizing the importance of the family solved the problem of going back to his original life with Fiona and his children.
  • For that alone, I say this movie is good enough -- as it touches the importance of family.
  • Of course there is the 3D aspect, I can see the children screaming and laughing, to some part the movie is dark but then the overall impact of 3D is just awesome, isnt it?
  • The Puss in Boots is hilarious and funny, I would like to be politically correct -- the writer makes fun of the cat being fat (Antonio Banderas -- the voice over of Puss in Boots) is funny, and I laugh and laugh because of the Puss in the Boots, it can't move because of its weight.
  • The Donkey is funny too, well Shrek is not funny, but is a loving ogre -- and he cried too upon realizing what he did in exchange for the contract. His friends compensates for his actions and character.
  • I like the love story between him and Fiona, maybe I am just a sucker for love story even in films for children --
  • All in all I can't say it is the best movie for children, but it is good enough and a good way for relaxation, and children are laughing at the cinemas so, if they make children laugh, it is good for me.


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