How Can I Become A Singer, or A Musician?

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  1. ngureco profile image76
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    How Can I Become A Singer, or A Musician?

  2. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    Give Simon Cowell a call.  Good Luck smile......................

  3. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    Well, first you should have some talent. Not everyone can sing or learn to play a musical instrument.

    Taking lessons is a good start. Then if you have an aptitude, maybe you can form a band. Then you can perform with that band to learn stage presence.

  4. bettyboopbbw69 profile image60
    bettyboopbbw69posted 15 years ago

    Whatever moves you, that is what you focus on. There are a lot of people out there with the expertise to either help you develop your talents, or let you know where your weaknesses are.

    If you have the talent, work on refining it and weeding out any problems you have in your performance. Understand that talent is not for you, but for the people you wish to entertain. So being the best you can be is important.

    Be realistic with yourself as well. If you have another calling besides music, be honest with yourself and don't waste your time doing anything that will not help you grow. Life is too short. You should spend the time on something that will help you grow, and also succeed.

  5. NaomiR profile image69
    NaomiRposted 15 years ago

    Taking lessons is key. Even if you have natural talent, you'll need lessons to perfect it. I'm not a singer so I can't really answer anything about that, but in terms of being a musician, first really think about what instrument you want to play. Do you love what a piano sounds like? Then go for that. When I was a kid and switched from piano to flute, I chose to give up piano because I just didn't get any joy out of playing it. So connecting with the instrument is definitely important. If you decide to take lessons, it helps to rent or own the instrument so you can practice. Start out with 15 minutes a day and work from there, but makes sure that it's consistent.

  6. profile image52
    JerseyMicposted 15 years ago

    Once you pick up an instrument or start practicing, they best way (IMHO) is to start going out and playing. Look up open mics in your area. They're usually weekly or monthly and meet at nights. You can get feedback from the audience and meet up with other musicians.

    I run, a website for open mics in New Jersey. You can ask me anything you want!

  7. Glenn Stok profile image94
    Glenn Stokposted 15 years ago

    Start by becoming comfortable with signing for other people. With friends and at Karaoke venues. I wrote a hub about this...

  8. profile image0
    handsomebluzzyposted 15 years ago

    first of all you need choose your part on becoming a singer, and a little idea of what you want to be and your belief about how good you can be.
    you can become a singer and musician. it takes dedication, motivation and discipline all summaries into you making up your mind of what you want to be
    i think this hubs will be of immense help to you; check it out … ng-Artiste

  9. profile image0
    marija karaliuteposted 15 years ago

    You can study music at the College;
    But if you were born talented you'll have no problem even if you will not study. Just, go on with your practise. Never believe if people say that you can't...most of them have no good taste for real music

  10. FridgeWheeL profile image68
    FridgeWheeLposted 15 years ago

    You can have a look at this hub of mine. Hope it helps smile

  11. Wayne Brown profile image80
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    Practice, practice, practice.  I am going to assume that you have some aptitude and talent for these choices.  There are those who have natural talents or skills coupled with the desire.  There are those who have talent and skills and no desire to use it.  Then there are those who have no talent or skills but have the buring desire to perform.  The latter are the ones that really torture people.  You need to find out which bin you fit into.  If you have potential then the next step is to settle on an instrument. Obviously, the guitar or piano works best for solo performers.  Learn the basics of playing.  You follow a similar approach then with the voice and begin to sing along as you play.  Find others who have more knowledge than you and let them help you along.  Thanks. WB

  12. ruvim profile image58
    ruvimposted 14 years ago

    JOIN BAND!!!!! NO DUHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Second Act profile image77
    Second Actposted 14 years ago

    You need to want to become a musician more than anything else in the whole world...  everything else in your life needs to take a backseat, if you are to be successful as a musician.  In the fifth grade, my violin teacher asked me, "Do you really want to spend the rest of your life by yourself in a room the size of a closet trying to get the same 11 notes in tune?".  When I answered in the affirmative, she told me, "OK then, now we get to work..."

  14. cookie8888 profile image67
    cookie8888posted 14 years ago

    Here is a story I wrote about learning to sing.

  15. chaz cecil profile image61
    chaz cecilposted 14 years ago

    You want to be a singer or musician....You need first to have the desire to overcome obsticles such as negative feedback, negative support and critisism.  Second, Set goals.  Set these at intervals which are attainable.  Third, focus!  Keep your mind focused on the goals you set and continually learn everything you can about singing or playing.  Fourth, After you have followed the previous steps, continually return to these and practice, practice and then practice more.  Practice until you hurt.  Push yourself and turn the negatives into positives till you have perfected your talent(SO KEEP PRACTICING>>>YOU WON'T EVER BE PERFECT!)  Good luck in you quest!  I love music and make an essential part of my life!

  16. Dr Nancy Kenyon profile image61
    Dr Nancy Kenyonposted 12 years ago

    Listen...Whisper softly/back-up,,,avoid acappella.(always)              Dress & "become" the "character"  you sound most" like"...:for example: a Frog....or (thinking more positively here)..a Bird...perhaps? audience  "participation?....Maintain  an open mind is sometmes suggested.....May I Solicit helpful hints here?


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