So which band was better, The Beatles or The Stones?

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  1. jj200 profile image66
    jj200posted 14 years ago

    So which band was better, The Beatles or The Stones?

    Oft asked, frequently analyzed, never proven, this question deserves more characters than you can fit into an Answer window.

  2. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    It don't think either one was better, their music was different and each is great in its own way.

  3. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 14 years ago

    are you  talking about 'better' or 'like', often people confuse the terms and presume that because they like something it is better. the Beatles and the Stones are both good, they are different and one isn't better than the other. I like them both and I think they are both good.
    I like the Sex Pistols, but I know they are not good; I dislike Bach, but I know his music is excellent.

  4. Mike Lickteig profile image82
    Mike Lickteigposted 14 years ago

    If both bands broke up in 1970 and had a similar period of time to develop a body of work, I would opt for the Beatles.  With an extra 40 years of work, it's hard to dismiss the Rolling Stones. 

    Because I can listen to any Beatles song (not just classic hits) more easily than I can listen to any Rolling Stones song, I would personally give the nod to the Beatles.  As Uninvited Writer suggests, however, each band is great in its own way.

  5. saddlerider1 profile image58
    saddlerider1posted 14 years ago

    My first band choice would be the Beatles, although I am a fan of both. I grew up around both groups, saw the Beatles perform live in Montreal in 64 at the Montreal Forum. Both groups had diversity in music, over the years changes took place and I would have to say that the Beatles music culture had a huge impact on the cannabis followers and I was truly one of them. I can't tell you how many HIGH times I enjoyed listening to the songs the Beatles created. The Stones are most definitely my second choice, but neither one of these groups can be put side by side, they are so vastly different. I am so glad I grew up in the sixties to have enjoyed their music and live in it. I slip a CD every other day of both these groups into my player and reflect to a time when life was simple as I close my eyes and enjoy two groups that inspired me.

  6. telltale profile image60
    telltaleposted 14 years ago

    Personally, I like The Beatles... aware that both bands play different types of music, somehow, could not get adapted to The Rolling Stones music, although I do like one or two of their songs like "Ruby Tuesday"... purely a preference, on my part..

  7. jj200 profile image66
    jj200posted 14 years ago

    Hey all, I was actually asking this question of a particular person, I'm not sure how it works, but I guess anyone can answer. I used "better" because it can be interpreted literally, as in "the better talented band" or in a more subjective manner, as in "the better band to listen to, in your opinion." To use "like" would have limited the breadth of possible responses. I was aiming for giving more room for interpretation as to what "better" means and hoping the person's answer would include a qualifier, and not just cop out by saying they are different and that both are good, no offense. I was just hoping to spark some discussion on it and hear what people think of the merits of each band and why.
    I love both bands, I've listened to more of the Beatles, but I think that the Rolling Stones were better because they were seemingly unfiltered in their song writing. Both the loose style and the diversity of subject matter that often entered the realm of the moody and dark. They had gusto and swagger that I don't think the Beatles had. More rock, less pop, perhaps.

  8. nifty@50 profile image71
    nifty@50posted 14 years ago

    Score board goes to they Beatles, Money, girls going nuts , I prefer the Stone their music is more raw Bad ass rock and roll.

  9. Torch Harrison profile image69
    Torch Harrisonposted 14 years ago

    Oh wow.  That's a toughie.  The Beatles were more creative...but the Stones were more down to earth and raw.  Both were or are among the best groups ever created.

  10. Walkster profile image59
    Walksterposted 14 years ago

    If this is based on sales and chart postions that's easy the Beatles win hands down. From a personal standpoint i like them both and where would music be without both their contributions!

  11. Wayne Brown profile image82
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    In terms of the quality of the material in the overall catalogue of each group, I would have to go with The Beatles. They crossed lines and continued to sell records that were well-known.  The vast majority of their albums contain original song groupings whereas the Rolling Stones have been known to recycle songs multiple times on to various albums.  Now, for selected material and a rock n' roll mood, I gotta go with The Stones...give me "Start Me Up" anytime, anywhere. That's one hot lick! Thanks. WB

  12. JonnyBRock profile image60
    JonnyBRockposted 14 years ago

    I love the Rolling Stones --- but I still do not hesitate for even a second in saying The Beatles. I am a Beatles freak.

  13. puebloman profile image61
    pueblomanposted 14 years ago

    If you like white middle class college boys playing black blues, its the Stones. If you like art school boys trying to sound like they're Americans, the Beatles of course.

  14. gg.zaino profile image72
    gg.zainoposted 14 years ago

    both equally as good in their own right. the stones reaction to social issues became evident in a different form than the beatles. The beatles took a peaceful approach of love and tolerance  where the stones almost became the anti hero band and didn't mind getting their fists bloodied. good vs bad boys images...
    this can't be answered with just a quick offhand generalization. it's in the eye and ears of the the beholder no?

  15. kashmir56 profile image77
    kashmir56posted 14 years ago

    I'm a fan of both but I like the Beatles the best, I never get tired of playing their music, I need a daily fix of Beatles music !

  16. cookie8888 profile image67
    cookie8888posted 14 years ago

    Both bands are phenomenal, but personally, I would have to go with The Beatles.  The music throughout The Beatles' career is very diverse.  I thoroughly enjoy this quality about their music.

  17. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image76
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 14 years ago

    Great music is usually a matter of opinion. . . .especially with regards to age groups, and a trillion other factors. . .but I have to say that the Beatles were more influential, on a macro level-with regards to the whole culture of mankind, and not just the States, and those Islands across the pond.

  18. CaravanHolidays profile image60
    CaravanHolidaysposted 13 years ago

    I have to admit that Arthur Lee's 'Love' were a better band than both of them put together.  All three bands came out of the same era, but only one of them was truly innovative

  19. Tim Quam profile image60
    Tim Quamposted 11 years ago

    First of all I like them both.  And I feel that when you're comparing the two you're talking about two of the greatest songwriting collaborations ever.  But I like the Beatles over the Rolling Stones.  Just look at the many indelible songs they left on the pop landscape over just nine years of recording.  In 1973, three years after their breakup, the Beatles released two huge volumes of presumably their best work on two two-vynil-disk sets, commonly referred to as the Red and Blue albums.  This is what Beatle fans were waiting for because some of their most famous songs were released as singles but weren't originally included as part of an album.  That being said, here's my list of memorable Beatle tracks that didn't make the Red and Blue collections: Birthday, Dear Prudence, For No One, Got to Get You Into My Life, Happiness is a Warm Gun, I Will, Julia, Oh! Darling, She Came in Through the Bathroom Window, She's Leaving Home, and When I'm Sixty-Four.  My point is they were prolific.  And they were a great studio band.  They chose to be.  They stopped touring in 1966 and became strictly studio artists.  This led to great creativity, beginning with the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band.


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