you mean the one wrote by stephan king?
I just don't have a good feeling about this.
That was one of the most awesome movies of all time. I sincerely hope he doesn't screw it up.
Molly Ringwald was in the movie too much for it to be good much less most awesome movies of all time! Sorry, I dis like that red head alot
The first 5 min. alone of that movie.... And I enjoyed all the rest as well. What was that first music at the beginning?
Having reflected upon my first statement, I still have a bad feeling about this. Have you seen "Haven"? That is a television show in SyFy Channel and it is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. It's based on a Stephen King idea and has references to all of the things he's ever written.
I haven't seen it yet. I will have to check it out. I don't have cable. I refuse to pay for t.v. that still has commercials and a package where I will only watch at most twenty of the 2000 channels.
Well thank you, I like to think it is.
No. I'm more bothered by the idea that Michael Bay might not only go on to direct another "Transformer" sequel, but he may possibly ruin another set of characters that I grew up with in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" more than I'm bothered by this. From looking at some of Affleck's previous works, I think this adaptation is in good hands. As it was pointed out earlier, he did direct "The Town", a crime movie that should've gotten more recognition from the Oscars. Plus, he was also one of the cowriters for "Goodwill Hunting", so he knows how to tell an effective story; thus I don't think you have anything to worry about. Now, if Michael Bay was directing it instead...then we'll talk...
Edit: Plus, I'm even more disturbed by the fact that George Lucas continuously butchers a classic film series that I grew up to the point that it's damn near laughable in the original "Star Wars" series. STOP BUTCHERING YOUR OWN S***, LUCAS! FOR THE LOVE OF FREAKING GOD!!!
I agree. I think Ben Affleck deserves a chance when it comes to directing any movie, let alone The Stand. Considering the talented actor he is, there's no reason why he can't do a good job when it comes to this. Maybe he'll prove me wrong, maybe not. Mel Gibson proved many wrong when it came to 'Passion of the Christ', so we should at least give Affleck the benefit of the doubt. Many blessings and best wishes with your directing career, Ben Affleck, I hope it works out.
@Stevennix best comment yet
@Nat, There is no way in God's golden courtyard you are ever going to win the argument that Ben FARGING Affleck is in any way as good of an actor as Mel "William Wallace" Gibson. Two different class of actors completely. The only thing I can give Ben credit for is his role in Phantoms, as Jay so poinitly put in Jay and Bob Strike Back, "You was the MAN in Phantoms yo!"
Wait a minute, you're saying that Ben Affleck isn't a good actor? Granted, he's no Johnny Depp or Will Smith, but he's definitely a good actor when given the right material to work with. If you don't believe me, then check out the following movies:
Chasing Amy
Jersey Girl
The Town
Goodwill Hunting
Trust me, he can definitely act. As for Mel Gibson, no offense, but he has a tendency to over act sometimes. Don't get me wrong, like Affleck, he's great if you put him into the right role, but he's not a great actor. Not that there's anything wrong with it, as a lot of actors are like that.
I saw all those films except The Town. I think he is ok but most I think he is the same in even movie. In my opinion he is in there with the likes of Ryan Reynolds or Channing Tatum. I have yet to see a role beyond Armagedon or Pearl Harbor where I forgot I was watching Ben Affleck.
The mark of a good actor is their ability to make the viewers forget they have seen them in anything else. Depp, Denzel, Mel, Geoffrey Rush, Tilda Swinton, Cate Blanchett and others like them have that ability. Put a work like The Stand, a story of relationships and faith, in the hands of someone who is seasoned and knows how the dynamic of a cast of 20+ people works not in the hands of someone who is still cutting their teeth in the business.
As far as Good Will Hunting goes, I think that time has shown the talent pooled there came from Matt Damon. I mean look at his role in Euro Trip!!
Best Matt Damon role evah!
I hate to break it to you, but Ryan Reynolds and Affleck can actually act; whereas Tatum he's basically just a carbon copy of Vin Diesel with blonde hair.
No offense, but you honestly thought those god awful pieces of crap were any good? Seriously? Oh well to each their own. I do apologize if that came off as offensive, but I just can't believe anyone would like those two movies...
I think you mean the mark of a GREAT actor, and NOT a good one, as there is a key difference. A great actor is able to have the ability to lose themselves in a role as you said. However, a GOOD actor can still be entertaining even though you know it's them playing a role. Such actors are people like John Wayne, Kevin Spacey, and Jeff Bridges for example. Those are good actors, but lets face ALWAYS know it's them playing a damn role, but you enjoy their performances anyway because of their charismatic personalities tend to carry almost any movie they're in. Therefore, there is a difference between good actors and great actor, so lets just be clear about that for starters.
Don't get me wrong, there have been some movies where Jeff Bridges has been able to lose himself in a role like his performance in "True Grit", but the vast majority of films that he does, you know it's freaking Bridges in the damn role. As for those that might give me flak for calling John Wayne a good actor versus a great one, let me ask you one movie where you didn't see John Wayne playing John Wayne in a role. Name just one. If you can't, then I rest my case.
Well only time will tell. Although, I think you might be jumping the shark here if you know what I mean. Then again, that's just me. Like I said, only time will tell here.
That's fairly debatable. Don't get me wrong, I think Matt Damon is a pretty good actor, but a lot of the films that he's starred in were good because of other various factors. Sure, he played a part in why they were good, but the other factors were what carried the good films that he's done.
I can't comment on "Euro Trip", as I've never seen it.
Again, that's debatable. I personally thought his best role was in "The Departed", but that's just me. To each their own is what i say.
Dude, my posts are generally sarcastic. Just so you know and I agree to each his own, after all you think Ben Affleck will do good directing The Stand
No, I dig you man. That is the mark of a good actor vs a great actor. John Wayne is over rated by our standards but acting then was different. The women were sappy and the men were sneering, greasy haired, over enunciating*spelling, tough guys. He fit the time period. Like Monroe, she was good for the time but would be lost in the shuffle today.
Armageddon is a great popcorn flick despite the plot holes and Pearl Harbor has great cinematic quality. Those are the two greatest films he has been in, not saying it was due to him, just saying that he has been in. I think the best film Ben did that was all him was Phantoms. Seriously, it was a great movie because of him and in all seriousness I am nervous for him to take the helm of this ship, but only time will tell as you said.
Btw Ryan Reynolds has never done anything memorable. He was funny in Best Friends, he was badass in Blade but he has never done anything that wowed me, I think the only guy in the business that started off with a bang was Leonardo Decaprio. That kid came out swinging and never looked back. Time after time he chooses great roles and puts everything he has into the part, Ben Foster is the same way. He is uncompromising when it comes to the craft.
And I'm afraid you misinterpreted my intentions as well, as I thought we were just talking like two old buddies debating over a film. I never thought any of us were taking this conversation too seriously, as I thought this was just a light hearted discussion at best.
Well we'll have to wait and see. As I said before, only time will tell.
Well, we'll have to wait and see how it turns out. Granted, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt right now based on his previous work, but you do have a point, as there's still a distinct possibility that he may not be able to transcend genres of story telling. It happens to every film maker eventually...or at least most of it should be interesting to see what happens.
I don't think I ever recalled saying that he did.
No offense again, but I didn't really care for that movie. Sorry. Maybe it's my own personal tastes, but when you grow up watching so many of the same romantic type comedies regenerating the same damn cliches and story lines over and over again, then you tend to get more cynical about them. Don't get me wrong, there are some good romantic comedies out there like "Crazy, Stupid, Love", but most of them like "Best Friends"....aren't exactly memorable romantic fact, it's depressing more than anything else to me...
I never saw "Blade Trinity", as I stopped watching after the second one. After the second, it just seemed like they were running out of ideas at this point, so I stopped watching for a while.
I don't disagree with that sentiment either. I've been a huge fan of DiCaprio way before it became popular, as he's definitely a great actor. I still say that he got snubbed this year from the Oscars, as he not only should've been nominated for "Shutter Island" in the best acting role, but he should have won it easily if you ask me. No offense to the other actors nominated, but Leo deserved the Oscar for "Shutter Island."
I agree, two buddys talking movies.
I can't say that I follow the oscars. I have 5 kids and most of the films I see are like Arther and the Invisables and such. Still haven't seen Shutter Island.
Perfect fit. The Stand is so much literary Muzak that Ben should be right at home with it.
Are you sure you are at peace with that conclusion "Troubled" man? Sorry, it was there and I had to take it.
Oh yes, someone offered me to read The Stand some years ago saying it was their absolute favorite book. I read it and almost threw up. Terrible. I felt I was watching tv.
Stephen King is to literature as the Bangles were to music.
So what is your review of Stand by Me or The Green Mile or The Dark Half or, my personal favorite Stephen King story, Dolan's Cadillac? There are twenty other titles I want to ask you about since you have read all or at least most of his work to have such a strong feeling about his writing.
Sorry, it was all I could do to drag my way through The Stand, I simply couldn't read another King book after that. I doubt any of his other books are any different.
I know sales of literary dung like Kings books are high, but they are still literary dung.
Yes, a movie is in the works and not one made fore T.V. apparently he is attached to direct. I'm more than annoyed that this blunder of a person in the business is taking on such a epic project.
Nope, it doesn't bother me in the least. So, Ben Affleck is directing another movie based on a book by Stephen King. He directed The Town and Gone Baby Gone, and did a pretty good job with each of those. The major problem I see is it's such a damned fat book that he's never going to be able to capture all of it. And of course it will be constantly compared to the TV mini-series, which isn't really fair since that carried on for weeks and could really be developed. He's got a challenge facing him, that's for sure.
I dont see a problem with it. I'm sure king will be around to help out.
Dude, King was around for the mini series too in the 90's and it wasn't anywhere near as good as it should have been! Don't get me wrong I know that movies are never as good as the books but it's kind of like Peter Jackson taking on LOTR. He did it supurb justice. Then again he made the easiest exciting concept of all time, King Kong, a snorefest.......... I guess my issue is that I haven't seen a Ben Affleck film that was any good due to his own merit. It frightens me to think that he has control of a story as complex and serious as The Stand.
I think making action stars out of orlando bloom,jude law,justin timberlake,taylor lautner is far worse then having ben direct the stand!
The town was awesome! The problem is he wont be able to make everyone happy. If he makes it flow like the town people should like it!
I didn't catch the town. I'll have to rent that soon.
Be happy that you didn't have to sit and watch it in a movie house seat. I never sat thru a movie so drawn out and boring. How anyone would let him do anything but act; makes my head hurt.
He is a great actor! I hope he plays the role of East Texas.
BOO I hope he just goes back to letting Kevin Smith direct him.
I like ben and mel but mel is a better actor then ben.ben was also good in changing lanes,armeggedon and many more.
I am a huge Stephen King fan, and The Stand is one of my absolute favorite books. The mini-series was decent, but not great. On that note, I HATE Ben Affleck!!!! He isn't that great of an actor. I loved his early movies, Dazed and Confused, Mallrats, that sort of thing (back before he took himself to be a serious actor). This is a horrible mistake to have him direct something as epic as The Stand!! He doesn't have the mental capacity to direct Stephen Kings dog to take a poop! The Town is nothing like The Stand!!! That would be like having Kevin Smith or Rob Zombie direct a remake of Gone With The Wind. They are nothing alike, and truthfully, I might avoid seeing the movie if he is directing it. I don't want The Stand tainted in my mind. I hope Stephen King launches a protest. It's his book, he should get some sort of say.
by tHErEDpILL 7 years ago
Ben Affleck is the next Batman. How do you feel about that?Well the "Man of Steel" sequel has a new Batman......Ben Affleck. Yeah the guy from "Daredevil". At least they picked an American this time. Anyway, what do you think?
by Stevennix2001 11 years ago
According to the young turks, they've reported that supposedly some comic book fans are so pissed off that ben affleck is playing batman that many are starting a petition to send to the obama administration to make it illegal for ben to play anymore superhero roles for the next 100 years. ...
by Geekdom 11 years ago
What do you think of Ben Affleck being cast as Batman/Bruce Wayne?It was just announced that Ben Affleck will be playing the Dark Knight in the new Superman & Batman movie. What are your thoughts?
by Chris Lopez 10 years ago
What's your opinion of the new Batsuit worn by Ben Affleck?
by Movie Arbiter 9 years ago
Who would make a better Batman than Ben Affleck?Which actor would you select given the chance to recast the role of the dark knight in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? Attempt to support your answer if possible.
by Stevennix2001 12 years ago
According to IFC, it seems like Ben Affleck is the front runner to direct WB's impending "Justice League" film; which could even involve Ben starring as one of the heroes himself. No official word is announced whether he will direct the movie, but from reading the article, it...
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