172 Fun Things and Crazy Activities To Do With Kids
Bringing up a kid involves becoming a better kid yourself. This list of fun activities might may embarrassing, it might be uncomfortable, it might seem silly; but the more you do these with your kids, the more in touch you will be with your kids and their childhood. Each of this touch gives your kid substance, verifies his presence and value, and makes him feel special, giving him memories that will last forever.
1. Go on a nature walk and collect different things. Make a collage.
2. Go to a pond in the park and feed the ducks.
3. Do some hula-hooping
4. Finger painting
5. Blow bubbles on a child's belly
6. Read some comic books
7. Wear some crazy and funny socks
8. Chase the ice-cream truck
9. Draw with chalk on the cement floor
10. Dress up and have play pretend
11. Experiment with Make up
12. Do some crayon arts
13. Fly a kite
14. Catch fish from the drain
15. Climb the tree
16. Blow and give balloons to people
17. Play fire crackers
18. Buy a very cool lunch box to bring to bring to school
19. Play hop-scotch
20. Have a water balloon fight
21. Have a water fight with the garden hose
22. Hold a baby chicken in your hand and place it against your cheek
23. Set up a track and play remote control car
24. Set up a track and play remote control helicopter
25. Racing remote control cars
26. Learn some magic tricks and put on a show
27. Look for shapes in the clouds
28. Make a bridge across a stream.
29. Make a tent over your bed with sheets and pegs
30. Play cops and robbers
31. Play hide-and seek
32. Play kick the can
33. Put on some big rubber boots and go puddle-jumping
34. Racing motorized boats
35. Take the kiddie rides in the mall
36. Roll down a hill
37. Build a model train
38. Set up a treasure hunt
39. Take the child to your work place for a day
40. Play foot race
41. Skip
42. Learn to juggle
43. Hide in the bushes
44. Walk in the mud with no shoes
45. Walk anywhere with no shoes
46. Honk and wave at strangers
47. Find worms in the garden
48. Spin until you are dizzy
49. Stand on your head
50. Take off your shoes and splash your feet in a fountain
51. Write down your wishes in a book and check periodically to see how many has come true
52. Make play dough
53. Make popcorn and watch a movie (play “cinema at home”)
54. Watch a movie using the projector
55. Take a trip to the museum
56. Plan a picnic indoors
57. Have breakfast food for dinner
58. Bake cup cakes and have a decorating party
59. Bake cookies with creative and fun shapes
60. Paint the bedrooms
61. Hold a singing contest
62. Hold a dance contest
63. Have a photo taking contest
64. Create books using pictures from newspapers and magazines
65. Visit orphanage, bring musical instruments and put on a show
66. Make banana splits with all kinds of toppings and sprinkles
67. Make smoothies
68. Make juices with different kinds of fruits and vegetables
69. Play online games together
70. Make bubbles
71. Make play dough
72. Play board games
73. Design a family website
74. Bring the bike during a driving holiday trips and cycle
75. Visit the zoo
76. Go rollerblading
77. Attend musical concerts
78. Press flowers, make cards and book marks
79. Draw pictures and mail to close relatives
80. Write a letter to far away grandmother
81. Play charades
82. Decorate a small notebook and write daily journal
83. Decorate a small notebook and write daily thank you list for things to thank for the day
84. Collect rocks, leaves, sticks and paint them
85. Paint on a T-shirt
86. Do yoga with kids
87. Rent a dance video and learn a new dance
88. Feed the birds
89. Wash the family cars together
90. Make necklace, bracelet, earrings etc with macaroni
91. Visit a farm
92. Fishing a pond
93. Go sea fishing
94. Go squid jiggling
95. Arrange photo albums
96. Buy a stamp album and arrange stamps
97. Do brain teasers
98. Make birthday or gift cards with things from the garden
99. Play card games
100. Decorate or paint clay pots from the garden
101. Plant flowers in the decorated pots
102. Do jigsaw puzzles
103. Sleep outside under the stars
104. Make paper bag puppets
105. Make potato stamp art
106. Play scrabble
107. Do Science experiments
108. Create a secret family code
109. Create a family language
110. Read a joke book
111. Go bowling
112. Play indoor golf
113. Play indoor bowling
114. Have a fashion show at home
115. Study a topic and hold a debate
116. Visit an auction
117. Learn to use a compass
118. Try to break a world record
119. Ride horses
120. Play Frisbee
121. Build a small igloo with snow
122. Run in the rain
123. Cycle in the rain
124. Cycle over puddle of water
125. Walk or hike through the forest
126. Look for rare species in the forest
127. Rare a caterpillar and see how it turns into a butterfly
128. Go camping
129. Visit a fire station and take a tour (Call the station earlier to make arrangement)
130. Plant a garden
131. Make musical instruments out of items in the house
132. Decorate picture frames with sea shells or things from the nature
133. Paint with water colours
134. Make paper dolls that look like each child
135. Create a scrapbook together
136. Make homemade ice-cream
137. Sing songs together
138. Make a gingerbread house
139. Cut out pictures from magazines and make a collage
140. Let the child help you make breakfast, lunch or dinner
141. Make a paper cup telephone
142. Make crafts with popsicle sticks
143. Go for a walk after the rains and stomp in the puddles
144. Ride bikes together and explore the area near the house
145. Go watch a movie in the cinema
146. Plan a family vacation together
147. Read a book together
148. Write a story together
149. Make a bird house or pine cone bird feeder
150. Make Christmas tree decorations
151. Have a barbeque in the backyard
152. Have a tea party
153. Write a poem
154. Go to a professional sporting event
155. Draw on a T-shirt with markers
156. Write a journal
157. Put on a puppet show
158. Take silly family pictures
159. Make a cereal necklace, bracelet and earrings
160. Play out a princess story
161. Ride a boat in the pond or river
162. Build a snowman
163. Roast marshmallows over the stove
164. Make paper airplane and have a flying contest
165. Teach a child to sew and make a blanket or a pillow
166. Make a paper plate mask
167. Start a collection together such as stickers, stamps, coins, etc
168. Make a meal that you can eat with just your fingers
169. Draw pictures with your toes
170. Paint on your fingernails or toe-nails
171. Do a crossword puzzle or word search together
172. Give them a big hug and tell them you love them very much !
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