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Healthy Student Back to School Tips

Updated on July 31, 2017

Back to School

I need to stay healthy and safe for this school year, and omg these books are so HEAVY MOM!
I need to stay healthy and safe for this school year, and omg these books are so HEAVY MOM!

Welcome Back Students!

As the school year comes back, so do health issues. Back to school safety is an issue everyone needs to be aware of. Most general tips for safety in school are common sense so most people follow them - on the other hand there also increasingly easy to forget at the same time. Lots of things are hazardous like pointy objects, heavy books, and germs. But what is it your little one can do about it? This is where it is good to keep tabs and make sure these are followed for a more successful school year AND to stay healthy. An easy thing can be all the difference between coming home and going to the hospital for a week. So here are a few of the most general health tips that will keep students SAFE and HEALTHY:

  • Always Wash Your Hands - Seriously, half of all colds are started this way. Wash before you eat or rub anywhere on your face.
  • Hand Sanitizer - This stuff is great. Without time to go wash hands and to be sure they are clean, use hand sanitizer to stay healthy.
  • Cut down on Stress - Stress can make funny things happen emotionally and physically to everyone. Some kids handle it better then others. Make sure your child knows others are the same way on the first day of school so they are not alone.
  • Cell Phone - Kids who walk or ride a bike home alone, get rides from friends, or take any method of transportation that isnt a school bus should have a cell phone with the parents numbers for safety. If they fall off their bike, get abducted, or even just to cut down on stress due to questions like "Where are you Mom?" "Where are you Joey your Mother was suppose to give me a ride."
  • Backpack Safety -
    • Pick out a backpack with padded shoulder straps that are wide with a fully padded back.
    • Pack as light as possible. Organizing a backpack to use all of its compartments uselly helps change how the weight is. Pack heavier items closest to the center of the back. A backpack shouldnt weigh more than 10 to 20 percent of a child’s total body weight.
    • Use both shoulder straps at all times. Slinging a backpack over one shoulder can cause painful strain on muscles.
    • Consider a rolling backpack. This type of backpack may be a good choice for students who must tote a heavy load. Especially females who might not be strong enough to carry books all the time. Remember that rolling backpacks still must be carried up stairs, and they may be difficult to roll in snow.This is also one of the leading causes for back issues early and late in life!

Just following these simple but effective tips will help improve overall performance and health of the student. With less stress grades will go up. Also with less sore throats and sick days grades are likely to increase. Who really wants to be sick anyway? No one likes that feeling, and this way the school year can set off right. No bad backs, no coughing, and no stress!

Remember to get a good night sleep so you dont fall asleep in school!
Remember to get a good night sleep so you dont fall asleep in school!

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