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Best double stroller for toddlers 2016

Updated on November 9, 2015

A family should put quite a bit of thought into it before they buy a double stroller. Strollers are not cheap and if you can't find the right one you could be wasting a lot of money. Indeed families who are willing to pay for a high quality stroller, in the beginning, often end up spending less.

When you have multiple kids, a stroller is a crucial piece of equipment. Your mobility is totally dependent on it. Without a stroller or with the wrong one, moving toddlers from place to place can be a logistics nightmare. The right double stroller makes for happy toddlers and happy parents.

There is no one perfect double stroller. To find the best stroller for you we will look at 3 strollers. First we will look at the best value for money and most popular stroller available, then we will look at the best premium stroller, followed by the best cheap stroller available.

Combi Twin Sport 2 Side by Side Double Stroller

The stroller's strong points are:

  1. Handlebar: The single handlebar makes pushing the stroller with one hand much easier. It also improves balance which helps if one of your toddlers are bigger than the other one.
  2. Great design: Comes in apricot, papaya and carbon with a very cute design.
  3. Cup holders: The stroller has 3 cup holders, which toddlers love.
  4. Getting through doors: Getting through doors is a chronic problem with double strollers. However they seem to have gotten the width just right with this stroller. The turn radius is also really small, which makes it much easier to navigate.
  5. Folding up: It folds up surprisingly easily. Also it comes with a carry strap which is handy if you are traveling by plane or train.

The stroller's weak points:

  1. Going off-road: With those wheels there is no going off-road, running with the stroller is also not a good idea.
  2. Storage space: The stroller has tiny storage bags, not enough space for all the things I carry around with me and no cup holders for adults. The storage issues can be resolved by purchasing a separate cup holder and purse hook that attaches to the push bar.

Dollar for dollar I think the Combi twin sport is the best double stroller for toddlers.

BOB Revolution Duallie Stroller in Navy

Strong points:

  1. Handles larger toddlers well: A friend of mine with a 3 and 4 year old has no problem moving them with this stroller.
  2. Innovative front wheel: You can switch the front wheel from swiveling to locked. Which means the stroller can both turn on a dime for shopping trips and is great for going jogging.
  3. Extremely durable: Toddlers can take quite a toll on their strollers, so this strollers solid construction is a real plus.
  4. Toddler comfort: The BOB has a great suspension system which makes for a much smoother ride. Your toddler will also love the comfortable adjustable harness. Another great comfort feature are the huge sun canopies which keeps toddlers out of direct sunlight.
  5. Good breaks

If you are willing to pay for the extra features this really is the best stroller for toddlers.

Best double stroller for toddlers
Best double stroller for toddlers

Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella Stroller

This is your very basic double stroller. Now you wouldn't want to take it for long walks or off-road, but for every day trips, it will get you where you are going.

On the plus side it does fold up very compactly, so good if your car has a small boot.

In my opinion if you are looking for the best cheap double stroller for toddlers, this is your best bet.

If you enjoyed best double stroller for toddlers why not read best dolls for toddlers and outside toys for toddlers.


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