Cut the stress inside the home
Families with a problem-solving strategy in place are more likely to resolve both types of issues. It is essential for families who become stuck and are unable to resolve an issue to learn and apply a problem-solving process. Families who effectively and promptly resolve issues have acquired skills to control their issues. They are aware of the steps in the problem-solving process and they continuously apply them to resolve issues. Problem-solving is a process skill that, like other skills, can be learned by the family. The following six steps will support you in developing a problem-solving process in your family.
- Problem Identification and Agreement
- Creating Options and Alternatives
- Evaluate Alternatives
- Choose A Solution
- Monitoring the Solution
- Evaluating the Success of the Plan
Family Dynamics
These days the "typical family" can be pretty much anything. Two moms', two dads', Grandparents', foster families. In any case family is family. Regardless of what the family dynamics are, one thing is certain-there's going to be stress. Stress from work, school, bills, whatever the case-they all have a tendency to spill over into the home. Family conflicts arise and pretty soon there is complete chaos inside the home. As with most things in life, the answer is never simple and will likely take time and energy. Family is one of the most important and valued things human beings can have. Families provide us each a sense of security, a sense of belonging and a sense of comfort. We rely on our family to be there through rough times, or to be proud of us when we accomplish something. Without family life can become very lonely. Being there for our family members also provides us with a sense of feeling needed and wanted.
One of the keys to successful family functioning is the family's capability to resolve issues. All families have issues to deal with. However, studies suggest that effective families resolve issues when they arise; while, families that avoid problem-solving, or seem incompetent of dealing with many of their problems have more issues. Problem-solving is the family's capacity to settle problems on a level that preserves effective family functioning. Family issues come in all shapes and sizes. Some problems include day to day decisions regarding money or the children and school.
Problem-solving is a key to successful family functioning. Research indicates that families who practice problem-solving techniques are more likely to pass this skill on to their children.
Studies have found problem-solving to be a factor that encourages resiliency in children. Problem-solving skills amongst family members will result in more effective resolution family issues.