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Hey, Hollywood, Leave Our Kids Alone!

Updated on May 11, 2016


You have a child / children. You do your best to teach them the difference between right and wrong. Try to teach them about God and how important He is in their life.


Then You Turn On The T.V...

Ah, The Dreaded T.V...killer of families, creativity, intelligence...

When our girls were around 4 and 5 years old and our son was 1 (back in 2001), we tried - at times - to find something entertaining on T.V. for all of us to watch. My wife would put on the "Disney Channel."

All it showed on their programs were kids as early as 10 years old - of being concerned about experiencing "their first kiss !"

Are they nuts?

I said, no way am I letting our children watch this crap! Once that "switch" gets turned on folks, there's no turning it off and you know what I'm talking about!

It's bad enough that they are doing there best to convince our children that T.V. is so much fun and exciting! And on these shows, these little "actors and actresses - as little as what - 3 years old - say stupid things and everyone laughs!

As adults we know that there is no one laughing, those are all "laugh tracks". The other day, one of my girls told me that one of her classmates said something similar to what was said on some show and all the other kids laughed, while the teacher just stood there.

Let's see...what else are they teaching our children? So far we've covered the following;

  • that life is all a big joke, that it's ok to act "stupid"

  • that at 10 years old, you should be more concerned about getting a date for the school dance and how to handle your first kiss than developing good study habits

What's next?

Yes, of course, the wardrobe? Here we go...

  • that it's ok for girls to wear skirts and shorts - a couple of sizes too small

  • and it's ok to wear shirts too small, to tight, to open

I took my girls shopping one time in one of those young girls specialty stores, when they were about 10 & 11. While they where looking around, I noticed on a table, what I thought were small scarves or handkerchiefs of some kind. They turned out to be "thongs." Why would a child that young be even slightly interested in wearing that?

I said to one of the sale girls, are you guys nuts?

Then, my daughter, innocently enough came up to me with a pair of shorts that she had picked out. They definitely were her size but they were very, very short! I quietly asked to pick out a larger size.

I then turned to a woman next to me and asked - why do these manufacturers design clothes that make our daughters look like whores? I don't get it? Oh, I forgot, it's so our little girls can look "sexy."

Let me ask you a question. Why would we want your babies to look "sexy"?

The word that we used to describe how not only our babies looked, but also our young girls as well, was - "CUTE "!

The difference is, when we used to describe someone as looking cute, they basically were fully dressed.

By the way, I took my daughter shopping a few wees ago for shorts. She brought over 3 pairs to me and I could tell she was annoyed about something. When she came over, she said would you believe how short these are? Why do they have to make clothes that make us look like tramps!


Here we go, my favorite - The Children's Beauty Pagaent...

I'm sure this will cause some of those people who have unfulfilled lives and trying to live theirs through their children to eat an extra Twinkie from reading this story...

Are you nuts! So, you teach a 5 year old to look, dress and act like an 18 year old! Then, because she was already taught how to act 18, how do you think she is going to act when she turns 18? You're right, 5!

What's wrong with this picture? What about that woman that was in the news a few months ago that gave her daughter - Botox injections? Don't ask me where I'd like to stick her needle...


Another One Of My Least Favorite?


Why not? She can turn out just like this...

Selena Gomez bares all in Elle

Lindsay Barton


The magazine shows Gomez wearing some skimpy outfits and looking less "innocent" than in her early days.

Selena Gomez is showing a lot of skin.The Disney star turns up the heat in the July issue of Elle, posing as July’s cover girl. Her fans are in for quite a surprise.

Would you like to know how my 16 year old daughter acts? She studied really hard this past semester and got 4 A's and 1 B on her report card!

We're at the Mall and they have teenage girls with skirts up to here and what ever else needed to get peoples attention - coming up to me and saying - HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR CHILD BECOME A STAR ON T.V. !!!

The only response that I can put on this thing is...

You mean so they can grow up without an ounce of decency?

To throw away any chance of living a normal life?

Of being screwed up for the rest of their lives, even before their lives actually gets started?

To lose any kind of normal ambition to be a successful human being?

As I said, the rest of what I told her, I can't say on this thing.





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