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Memory Making Activities to do With Your Child in Winter

Updated on August 7, 2018
Karen Hellier profile image

Karen Hellier is a freelance writer. She currently lives happily in the mountains of North Georgia with her husband and her dog.

A walk in the snow is a great way to spend an snowy afternoon.
A walk in the snow is a great way to spend an snowy afternoon. | Source

Great Ideas for Family Bonding in the Cold Winter Months

The winter season is a wonderful time to create memories with your children, especially if you live in a cold climate. Here are some ideas for you that your child will remember for the rest of their life.

* Go sledding or tobogganing with your child - This is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air, but also have fun. By starting with children when they are young, parents can teach kids how to steer clear of obstacles in their path, so when they are old enough to go it alone, they will know how to stay away from trees and ponds. There is also a shared camaraderie when families undertake this activity together.

* Sit Around a Fire Together - Build a fire in the fireplace, throw some pillows on the floor and sit in front of your fireplace drinking hot chocolate or hot apple cider together. This is especially wonderful after doing the above sledding activity!

* Make Snow Angels Together - There's something fascinating about snow angels. They are like little blessings in your yard. Making them together with a parent is great fun for a child because it is enjoyable to see different sizes next to each other. Not to mention that the sheer enjoyment of falling backward into fresh, powdery snow is great fun for all involved!

* Take a Walk Through Falling Snow - Taking a walk through falling snow is a magical journey. All the world is different when seen with a covering of fresh snow. If you live in an area that is not too populated, the world is even quieter during a snowstorm. Make sure not to talk for awhile during your walk and just listen to the quietness of the snow falling. If you can't get out in a snowstorm to walk, even a hike in a park is nice when the roads are cleared, but there is still snow on the ground.

* Take Your Children to an Indoor Concert or Ballet - When the weather is nice, kids gravitate to outside activities. When it's cold out, take advantage of all the many musical programs and concerts going on inside. Many communities have free indoor concerts on Sunday afternoons, and it's a way to expose your children to cultural events while also staying warm.

* Build an Indoor Fort - One of the best things to do when kids are stuck inside is to build an indoor fort. Start with a card table and cover it with blankets. Set the card table up a few feet away from a couch so the blankets can be draped over the couch and secured in place with books so the fort can be longer than the edge of the card table. Let the kids bring pillows, stuffed animals and their favorite books inside the tent. A card table tent makes a great place to escape to and take a nap, read books, cuddle in, or use their imaginations. If you leave it set up all day, your children will have a wonderful escape from the ordinary confines of a house.

* Go to a Museum - In the warm weather, most children want to do outside activities. But when the weather turns cold, there are many museums in your community that have plenty of educational benefits. The Winter is the best time to go exploring in these museums because it's often too cold for children to play outside for long periods of time.

* Teach Your Child a Craft - Since you and your children will be spending a lot of time inside during the cold Winter months, it's the perfect time to teach them a craft. They can do this activity all Winter long, and it will help while away the hours until the weather warms up. It will also give them a lifelong activity to do whenever they are searching for something to keep away boredom, or a special gift to give to others. Woodworking, fly tying, jewelry making, painting, drawing, knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting and scrapbooking are all examples of crafts that can be done indoors and also be carried on throughout their lifetime. The fact that their parent taught them this craft will be a special memory for them to carry on and possibly pass on to their own children.

* Play Board Games - Although this can be done year round, it's a great activity for when you and your children are stuck in the house due to cold weather. Board games teach children patience, how to get along with others, and good sportsmanship. And games played together as a family creates lots of fun memories. Plus it's a better alternative than the kids being glued to the computer hour after hour. Choose a family game night, or just pop out the games when kids seem bored and have nothing to do.

A walk in the woods in the snow can be a fun and calming experience in winter.
A walk in the woods in the snow can be a fun and calming experience in winter. | Source
Even pets like to cozy up by a fire on cold winter nights!
Even pets like to cozy up by a fire on cold winter nights! | Source

© 2013 Karen Hellier


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