My Brother Has Left the Building...
An Untimely Demise
When you lose somebody special
Somebody you love so much
Just think of all the good times
The one with the special touch.
by Tracey Nichole Graham
Yes undoubtedly my brother has left the building, and I say this because he is in fact out of my life now for good. Wow. some of you may be asking, what could have happened for anyone to write their brother off that way? Well in fact it was he that wote me off and the rest of my family off as well....
He that had been taking advantage of eveyone in our family without a thank you, catch you later, I'm sorry, or even a wham bamm thank you mam.
Anytime he is confronted with anything that could be concieved as his fault, he recoils and dismisses you with a wave of a hand and wont talk to you again for months or whenever he thinks the storm has blown over. And there have been many storms.
His wife who lives in the same vicinity as my mother hasn't visited her, given her a Christmas card, a Mothers day acknowledgment or even a visit at her many trips to the hospital. Not even a phone call to see how she is doing. In fact she has pretty much let it be known that she doesn't want anything to do with any of my family and I guess we have taken many many hints and have ignored them but they cannot be ignore anymore. At least I wont ignore them..
My brother and his wife have even changed their daughter's name to her mothers name so as not to carry my maiden name, as if she wants to expunge it from her family vocabulary as well as the lineage for good.
Now you have to understand that this is not something that has happened overnight, it took years to get to this point and spending my mothers birthday with my sisters and mom brought eveything to it's head. I realized that my brother doesn't care.
- we let it go when he changed his daughter's name,not that we could do anything about it.
- we let it go when his wife hasn't visited my mother for over 20 years after many times of crying and pleading from my mother.
- My older sister forgave him thousands of dollars that he owed her and never payed back, she just said forget about it because blood is thicker than water.
- we have all prayed for him and brought up his name in church so everyone can pray for him.
- He has disrespected my mother countless times by yelling at her and making her cry, of course he doesn't do this in anyone's presence but my mothers.
I am not much for remembering bible verses but I do know that I read in the bible that a person should go to their brother and ask for forgiveness if there are unresolved issues there, whether it be your fault or not(Which everyone in my family has done). It says if your brother accepts that then everything is fine, if he doesn't respond and doesn't accept than walk away, you have done your part and you can do no more. Then it is up to the brother and God. So there you have it, My brother is now dead to me, and I wish it could be different, but unless he changes or trys to reconcile then it wont be. He calls himself a christian of the fittest, but how can it be so when he has treated his family like this? Not possible!
Therefore, My Brother has left the Building leaving in his wake many empty, broken hearts and souls within our family and yes we will mourn him but we have been mourning him for many years already, as if we already knew he would eventually make his exit in this way for good. Go with God my brother, Go in Peace.
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