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Tips For A Picky Eater

Updated on August 1, 2019
Brooke Charlston profile image

Brooke has many years of childcare experience. In a home setting and a daycare setting.

It is almost guaranteed that sometime in your toddlers life they are going to go through their "picky eater" stage. For some kids it lasts for a month for other kids it lasts for years.
But no matter how long it lasts, it is very frustrating. It can also be quite worrisome when you have a child not eating. Trust me, I know I have been in childcare for multiple years and I have seen it all.
So I want to share with you some tricks and tips that I have learned over the years.

1. Don't Show Your Frustrations

Having a child that is refusing the same meal that they ate yesterday is very aggravating. But showing your frustrations usually makes things so much worse.
Showing anger or frustration for some kids is very upsetting and they will start having a melt down and then it is pretty much guaranteed that they there is no chance in them eating. For others They thrive off the negativity and will refuse to eat even if they are hungry because they know they can get a rise out of you. I know it is so hard, but just try to stay calm.

2. Sneak In Fruits And Veggies

One really great trick I found was to make a smoothie. Most kids love smoothies, and you can add fruits and veggies in it. Adding in spinach does not alter the flavor at all!
Plus you can add in fruit, which adds a natural sweetness without all the added sugar. Another great thing to add in is yogurt and milk, this will add protein and calcium.

3. Vitamins

A lot of people don't think of this but if you have a child whose entire diet is mac and cheese. They are obviously not getting the nutrition their little bodies need.
So a great way to supplement some of that is by a daily child vitamin. This is obviously not a cure-all and the child can't live on mac and cheese for 10 years. But this is something that helps.
give parents a peace of mind. Plus it is something that is good for your child. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the best vitamin for your little one.

4. Family Dinner

Instead of putting your child in their high chair and sitting and staring at them. Bring them to the table and have family dinner; this is especially good
if your child has an older sibling. Just sit at the table and have a nice discussion. Try and include the child without having the focus on them.
Hopefully, what will happen is the child will see everyone having fun and eating. Then in turn they will do the same.

5. Keep Trying!

No matter how annoying, keep trying. Try three meals a day, seven days a week. If you start to give up the child will think that they can get away with not eating.
Also, don't make the same foods every day. Try something new, even if it just sits on the plate. Keep trying and one day they might try it and like it.

Remember your child is unique, and their taste buds will develop as they get older. This is probably one of my least favorite stages of all the stages.
It is a very worrisome and frustrating stage. But just remember it is just temporary and that it will pass. Just stay calm and if you have any major
worries talk to your doctor. Hopefully, you will find some of these tips helpful!!
Good Luck,


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