Tips for Connecting With Your Child
Parenting is tough. It is far from easy and the older your children get, it seems like the more challenging it becomes for parents. If you are having trouble with your child, perhaps part of the problem is that you don’t connect with your child enough. The following are tips that could be useful in helping you learn how to reconnect once again.
Spend 30 Minutes With Each Child
As difficult as it might sound, try spending 30 minutes of quality time with each of your children every day. Thirty minutes probably sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t. It will most likely pass by a lot faster than you think it will. In thirty minutes you can read a book or two together, paint a picture, or play a board game.
Create a Scrapbook Together
Scrapbooking is a terrific family project. Not only will it provide quality time together, but you will have so much fun looking at pictures and reviewing memories. As you build this book of family memories together, your children will have even more memories of creating it together with you.
Talk About Fun Memories
Kids love talking about things they’ve done. They love reliving memories. As you scrapbook, that is the perfect opportunity to recall all the fun memories your family shares. Ask them questions about the memory like how it made them feel, why they enjoyed it, or when they’d like to do it again.
Create a Family Tree
Family trees are another great project for bringing families together. Not only do you have a project to work on with your immediate family, but you will need to involve extended family as well. Let your children call relatives to interview and gather additional information about your family tree. This is a great way for you to connect with your children, and for your children to connect with their own heritage.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2008 Hope Wilbanks