How do you keep a young child entertained?

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  1. sangre profile image93
    sangreposted 12 years ago

    How do you keep a young child entertained?

    You have to babysit a three year old for a few hours, how do you entertain them besides relying on dvd's.

  2. lovelife08 profile image61
    lovelife08posted 12 years ago

    You can play games with them or tell them stories. You can use household items to "invent" things. The possibilities are endless. Use your imagination. smile

  3. Ms.B profile image59
    Ms.Bposted 12 years ago

    Depending upon the age and interests of the child depends upon what may hold the childs attetion.  Remember that childs attention span is not very long and their sense of exploring is a way of their learning.

    Is the child visual, tactile, kenestic, audio?  what are the ways in which the child comprehends more?

    I understand as a mother you get tired easily but as an educator the best way we as educators are able to communicate with the students is through different methods.
    1. maintain a schedule for yourself and the activity involved.
    2. incorportate 2 options the child may chose from and allow the child to focus on that particular activity for a specific amount of time.
    2. use different methods available, music, media, computer, puzzles, drawing, reading, snake time, or identifying objects,catorizing objects and colors, building objects like leggos, lunch time, play time, rest time, and interacting with other children such as a park or child specific areas.
    Be sure to always have a disinfectant available to wash their hands afterwards and a change of clothing just incase.  Water is always good to have on hand too.

    Hang in there and remember to take time for yourself and communicate with other mothers or join a support group.

    Remember children are a blessing and are growing and are not rebellious by nature they are curious and this is how they learn.
    Good Luck

  4. Marietracy profile image60
    Marietracyposted 12 years ago

    The best thing to do is keep them engaged in some sort of activity.  Most three year old children do not want to sit for periods of time in front of the TV nor should they ever be made to.  How long is a few hours to you?  Two or three hours versus six can make a big difference.  If it is only for two or three hours I would do puzzles, read a story, build with blocks, and do an art project of some sort.  The order in which you do it doesn't really matter.  However, if it is for six hours then I would do loud activities first such as building, playing outside, or dancing, and then do the quiet activities after so that the child can wind down.  However, this is a general response.  The individual personality of the child makes a huge difference in this question.

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Play with them!  Three year olds are incredibly fun so make up a game.  Take the food out of the pantry and make a grocery store.  Let them check and bag.  Or play library with all the books on the kids shelf.

    My granddaughter and I used to play Vet's office. I would come to her room carrying a stuffed animal, and she would have a clipboard and check us in.  Then diagnose the animal and check its ears and give it pretend medicine. The time went really fast and we had so much fun.

    We used to also play Diego Animal Rescue because she loved Diego on TV.  So I hide several stuffed animals and then would pretend to call her on the phone for an animal rescue.  She would search out and save the animals.  Great fun...I miss my kids being small.

  6. Elskemek profile image41
    Elskemekposted 11 years ago

    Oh my God. There is so much to do. When spending time with children you have the world at your finger tips.

    Simon Says even if they never listen to the Simon part.
    Blocks and Playdough
    Coloring pictures
    Dancing and running around to music
    Noise toys
    Toy cars
    They like to play outside and go on slides
    Hike and Seek
    They will do easy exercises if you participate


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