What Are Some Good Summer Activities For Kids? In terms of in home activities.

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  1. organicflower profile image60
    organicflowerposted 15 years ago

    What Are Some Good Summer Activities For Kids? In terms of in home activities.

  2. anujagarwal profile image34
    anujagarwalposted 15 years ago

    There are lot of activities and creative things that kids can do in summers and especially in summer vacations. They can do some drawing and painting, enhance their imagination skills by painting and drawing things that they use to imagine. As this... read more

  3. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    - Catching fireflies.
    - Start a lemonade stand.
    - Grow a "kids only garden" with good snack foods (cherry tomatoes), fun flowers (giant sunflowers) and smelly herbs (mint, lemon balm).
    - Buy some play sand and make sandcastles in the backyard.

  4. profile image52
    sarahradcliffeposted 15 years ago

    There are lots of things to do around the house.  Make a list with your kids one night.  Include fun things like make s'mores in the microwave, have a famiy movie night, catch fireflies. It's fun to have something to look forward to, so mark these on the calendar.

    In between, try home made play dough, word searches, treasures hunts in or around your house, playing outside in the sprinkler or going to the pool.

    Also, consider signing up for a summer reading program at your local library.  They usually give prizes for reading a certain about of books, give out weekly coupons, and its a great way to keep your kids reading during the summer.  While there, check out their other programs, like story time or craft time.

    For more summer activities check out my article, How to Entertain Your Kids During Summer.

  5. profile image48
    jacksmith3299posted 14 years ago

    Hi there, I think the best idea to engage kids at summer is to make some space to them to have some home school activities. Here are some of them.

    Prepare Yourself.

    Determine Your Home school teaching Style.

    Eclectic blends of different styles.

    Plan Your Curriculum.

    Look for local support.

    Establish Your Home school Legally.

    Prepare Your Children.

    Inform Extended Family.

    Allow time to adjust to change with older children.

    Gather Supplies.

    Plan Your Day.

    Look for hands-on activities.

    Keep a portfolio of each child's work.

    Periodically evaluate your progress.

    Go With Your Gut.

    Make sure your home schooled children are not socially disadvantaged.

    Source Site:


  6. TheMusiconomy profile image68
    TheMusiconomyposted 12 years ago

    I would recommend learning a musical instrument. It's an activity that builds discipline, patience, and reward through achievement. It's also an activity that develops the brain that will help children do well in their academics in school. Summer time is a great time to start because the beginning stages of learning a musical instrument are the toughest.

    I wrote a hub about it if you'd like to read it: "Summer Activities For Children: The Joy of Achievement Through Music"

    http://themusiconomy.hubpages.com/hub/S … chievement


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