At what age would it be acceptable for your daughter to wear make-up?

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  1. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    At what age would it be acceptable for your daughter to wear make-up?

    I have noticed a lot of girls from the age of 10 are beginning to wear make-up and I personally feel there is no need for it.

  2. Hiperion profile image60
    Hiperionposted 15 years ago

    A child of 10 years is only a child. Our children are growing too fast. In this case, wear make-up, never before 18 years old.

  3. profile image61
    awannabewandererposted 15 years ago

    Like many family issues there are few magical answers that are the same for every question. Allowing your daughter to wear makeup is a decision that is best handled by you and your daughter. Your values will make a big difference.
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  4. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    I have successfully raised two girls who have their heads on straight. They were not allowed to wear makeup until they were 16. IMHO, there are only two circumstances where children younger than 16 should wear makeup -- if they're participating in a play or a dance recital.

    Let's face it, women only wear makeup because of what other people think. Young children need to learn to be comfortable in their own skin and with who they are before they start worrying about what others think of them.

  5. Ladybird33 profile image68
    Ladybird33posted 15 years ago

    I believe around 13 years of age, with mascara only or lip gloss, I think that when they are a 'teenager" you want to help them understand the benefits of make up and how a little goes a long way.  This is such a personal decision that I wish you the best of luck.

  6. bala99 profile image60
    bala99posted 15 years ago

    When the strap less gown stays up without strangling her, I guess!

  7. profile image0
    Hasifa101posted 15 years ago

    I think 16 would be a good age...not too young. and at the same time, she is still under your supervision, so you can teach her the proper way to use beauty products. in any case I would hope that my daugther knows that she does not need make up. but I doubt any mother would be that lucky with a teenager. so you are right...there is no need for it, but I am sure she will not feel the same.
    Good luck however.

  8. Silver Poet profile image72
    Silver Poetposted 14 years ago

    Lip gloss or lip balm at any age, as it prevents chafing and moistens the lips.  Some lip glosses also contain SPF sunblock.

    A little powder never hurt anyone, especially if your preteen girl tends to have oily skin or is beginning to develop acne, at which time a bit of concealer would also be helpful.

    A light hint of blush around 11-13 is very feminine and helps girls identify with their own gender.  A little eyeliner for teens is very becoming and not at all trashy when done in moderation.

  9. asheliz2 profile image59
    asheliz2posted 14 years ago

    my mother didnt let me wear makeup in public until the 8th grade
    all i wear in ete makeup(mascara shadow and liner) and lip gloss/color
    i am in testing stage of cover up
    but 10 years old NO WAY

  10. profile image0
    Anouserposted 14 years ago

    If you want an age limit, I think 16 is good, but if you don't like it I think you can wait until 18 (or whenever she reaches the age of majority in the country you live).

    Circa 20 years ago, I think most girls aged around 10-11 would ever think of wearing make-up.

  11. Retsuzen Shikata profile image58
    Retsuzen Shikataposted 13 years ago

    Never it is against the 5 precepts for my daughter to wear makeup. She is on the Buddhist path and so for me there is no acceptable age. Besides that, who wants to paint their face like a clown anyway. Shouldn't we be teaching our daughters that they are perfect how God created them there is no need for any man made additions?


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