Who is your role model? Why?

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  1. rumanasaiyed profile image74
    rumanasaiyedposted 11 years ago

    Who is your role model? Why?

  2. Laura Schneider profile image82
    Laura Schneiderposted 11 years ago

    My parents are my biggest role models, although I am lucky to have many others, too. Though very different from each other, yet my parents are very similar: brilliant, creative, and eccentric. They respected my sister and I and interacted with us as though we were adults: always treating us with dignity, respect, trust, and honesty and expecting such in return, though that was never spoken aloud.
    My parents are my most important role models, even at age 40+, because they are super-smart and still not afraid to be themselves and were not afraid to let my sister and I be ourselves as we were growing up. Consequently I think I am a much richer person and much more rounded/grounded/comfortable in my own mind, independent and strong, than I would have been had I not had these parents.
    If I have kids, I want to treat them exactly as my parents did me and my sister. Meanwhile, I embrace uniqueness just as they do.

    1. rumanasaiyed profile image74
      rumanasaiyedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Laura for your reply, It was pleasure to hear from you about your parents. You are among the very few who give all their credits to their parents. Great.

  3. MKayo profile image68
    MKayoposted 11 years ago

    Without a doubt, my four-year-old daughter is my role model.

    Not that long ago, I discovered something broken in my studio (I am a professional illustrator) and I was certain that my daughter was responsible, despite her repeated denials. At this time in her life, she had recently discovered that lying could be used beneficially to get certain things. Lying had become a regular habit for her.

    I did not believe her story and decided that discipline must be administered swiftly. As a parent, I knew my duty and she was punished accordingly.

    Several weeks passed and I discovered, to my horror, that she was indeed NOT responsible for the breakage. As a parent, I felt just terrible about wrongly disciplining her. As a human being, I knew that I must apologize to her immediately.

    I summoned her to her bedroom where I sat on the edge of her sister's bed while she sat on the edge of her bed facing me. I stammered, I stumbled, I was suddenly at a loss for words. A few words made it out past my lips but I was not communicating clearly what I longed to say. How does one explain this to a four-year-old?

    In spite of my sudden loss for words, this sweet, perceptive and loving four-year-old child was able to quickly discern what I was trying to say. Immediately, she jumped from her bed and stood next to me where I was still sitting on her sister's bed. She wrapped her sweet, compassionate arms tightly around my neck and whispered in my ear, "It's OK, Daddy. You don't need to say you're sorry. I love you."

    I simply broke down. What a sweet moment. I had experienced true, unconditional love - from a child. Yes, she is my role model. I try to pass that love on to others each and every day. Oh that there were more role models like her in the world. smile

    1. rumanasaiyed profile image74
      rumanasaiyedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Mkay you have shared a very touching experience with us. I could not imagine,  such a small child can have this  much understanding ! Truly you should be proud of her smile

  4. cjpooja26 profile image63
    cjpooja26posted 11 years ago

    My parents are my role model because I have seen them working so hard to achieve success in life.

    1. rumanasaiyed profile image74
      rumanasaiyedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      yes, I think we all should be proud of our parents. Because they are responsible for the success he enjoy today.

  5. padmendra profile image49
    padmendraposted 11 years ago

    Like others,  I also have an ideal but that person is not popular or a celebrity, she is one who has brought me in this world. I learned  to live the life with ethics, love others before you love yourself,, do  not hate the poor,, think positive and fight till the end with the zeal to achieve, and always believe in simplicity. Today whatever I am is because of her love  and  teachings..

    1. rumanasaiyed profile image74
      rumanasaiyedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great Padmendra...

  6. teaches12345 profile image75
    teaches12345posted 11 years ago

    I would say my parents were my role models who inspired me in my faith and in living a good moral life.  It is an example of love I so appreciate today, years after they have passed on to heaven.

    1. rumanasaiyed profile image74
      rumanasaiyedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the reply teaches12345


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