Women in UK given right to choose Caesarean, if the're afraid to push.

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  1. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 13 years ago

    Caesareans used to be given for medical reasons at the discretion of doctors, but now the Govt are giving women an option to choose, incase they are afraid or don’t want to push. There doesn’t need to be a medical need.

    It will cost £1000 more per person – Health Care is FREE in the UK.

    Any thoughts?

  2. QuestionMaster profile image72
    QuestionMasterposted 13 years ago


    It's not just the UK - breastfeeding and natural births are becoming more and more uncommon in a lot of places. Which is a pity, because unless necessary because of health or emergency, natural is the healthiest and best way for baby and mother.

    And having pushed out a baby without drugs... just like billions of other women in history have done... I know that yes it hurts, but it is possible!

  3. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    I think women can have a lot of reasons to opt for caesarians. And so why should that choice not be vested with them?

    For example if a woman has a higher risk of stroke during natural birth, should the doctor be allowed to decide she should risk it, regardless of her wishes?

    1. QuestionMaster profile image72
      QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think that in high risk pregnancies, many doctors do offer the choice.

      However "being afraid to push" isn't exactly an indication of a high risk pregnancy.

      Many women also think of a c-section as the 'easy way out', little realizing the complications and pain that can follow.

  4. IzzyM profile image83
    IzzyMposted 13 years ago

    Too posh to push, the headlines used to read.

    It's such a pity I have stopped having babies.

    I had my last baby in 1995 when I was 38. I dreaded going into hospital to give birth because all the other mums were so much younger.

    I did not realise how much younger.

    One wee lass was 14, and she'd opted for a Caesarian section, believing a natural birth to be too painful.

    I was lucky in that the ward was filled with older mums my age or a little bit younger, and we sat that wee lassie down and explained to her the difference afterwards of a natural birth to a section birth.

    Her eyes popped at the tales she heard, from women who had gone through Sections.

    There are two ways to look at it. You have all the pain before birth, or you have lingering pain(and for longer) afterwards.

    All my babies were born naturally (I had 6) but immediately after giving birth I was pain free and fit.

    Not so those who had Sections.

    Mothers now are demanding the right to have Caesarian Sections, without realising how much harder they are on the body.

    For the Health Services to fall into line is pathetic.

    Caesarian Sections should only be offered in cases where the woman's pelvis can not open wide enough to emit the baby, or where the baby's life is at risk.

    This is not an argument about money, this is pure and simple common sense.

    Oh and that wee 14 year old had a natural birth, both she and her baby were fine, it was a quick and easy labor, and no doubt by now, she has had another 5 babies. Who knows?

    1. Gordon Hamilton profile image99
      Gordon Hamiltonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is a minefield for any man to comment upon - regardless of his opinion, his experiences, or what he may say... I just want to say that I agree with Izzy and think her experienced answer is the one I accept... smile

    2. QuestionMaster profile image72
      QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well said.

      1. IzzyM profile image83
        IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you..and can I also add that a very close friend of mine could not give birth naturally.

        First time around they tried to let her, but after something like 36 hours of hard labor they have to deliver her child by c-section.

        We called them Sections in those days.

        Her little boy was born blue due to congenital heart defections that they couldn't then detect prenatally.

        Afterwards, they told her that she could not carry more than 3 children as her body could not recover from having more than 3 c-sections.

        Her little boy died after less than a year of fighting for his life (back in the 70s) despite his having pioneering surgery. The official title for his condition was 'transposition of the great vessels".

        His heart arteries and veins were mixed up.

        She later had another little boy and years later another little girl, all born by c section because her pelvis could not open wide enough.

        Both were, and are, healthy.

        There is a case for c section, but it is a last resort, and should be treated as such.

        1. QuestionMaster profile image72
          QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Agreed. I personally am scared to death of knives and needles so I'd choose labour pains over c-section pains anytime if I could help it!

          I also know of several people who had labours over 30 hours resulting in c-sections - one friend had her baby stuck up under her ribs so no amount of labouring would have got him out.

          1. IzzyM profile image83
            IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Ach I must be in the mood for sharing things tonight, but when I had my twins, baby 1 was head down and ready for birth, and baby 2 was just chilling out, on her back, crossways.

            They told me (and I read up on it extensively) that I would go through a natural labour for baby 1, but if baby 2 turned breech after baby 1 was born, I would need a Caesarean Section.

            As luck would have it, I went though the labour of baby 1, she was born naturally and perfect, but baby 2 did in fact turn breech.

            The young consultant present (and God love her she did a great job)showed all her students how to do it. (Oh I didn't mention my birthing room was crowded out by medical students).

            She grabbed my little Alison and the foot and gently eased her through the birthing canal.

            It wasn't painful for me, I was well-medicated.

            I have since learned that this technique is dangerous for both mother and baby, but hey we both survived and I thankfully didn't need that dreaded c section.

            That same night, I was hopping in and out of bed (well smokers need to go for a ciggie) much to the surprise of the other new mothers, especially those who had suffered a c section, who couldn't actually move very well for days.

  5. tjustis profile image59
    tjustisposted 13 years ago

    I agree that with higher risk pregnancies that there needs to be the option for a caesarian section, but c-sections are major abdominal surgery and can't be taken lightly. I was a c-section baby...my mom couldn't have a child naturally. I just had a baby in June, and my baby's birth was natural. No drugs and only took about 4 hours of labor (talk about quick and intense), but I wouldn't have had it any other way given the choice. Yes, it took a little while for me to be back on my feet and ready to take on the world, but I did not have to heal for many weeks from an incision in my stomach. I don't think that c-sections are bad, but I don't know if I believe in voluntary c-sections in many cases.

  6. PaulaHenry1 profile image65
    PaulaHenry1posted 13 years ago

    I had an emergency c-section with my second child due to her low heart rate.It was twice the pain and twice the recovery. PLUS I now have scars and no feeling at the incision site. I don't believe that the risk of infection, the surgical costs and the overall "morals" of this is worth it.
    People are forgetting what a beuatiful experience child birth is. I remember everything from the birth of my first. I had no drugs and it was completely natural. The raw emotion that came with that was unforgetable. We had an instant bond. My second child I honestly dont remember anything until I was in recovery. No bond, no first cry...nothing.

  7. MelissaBarrett profile image60
    MelissaBarrettposted 13 years ago

    I've had four natural births.  My last was born facing up (which was probably the most pain anyone can endure and not die of a spontaneous brain explosion).  The doctors were standing around at the foot of the bed discussing whether they needed to do a C-section or not when I managed to get a "Um... guys?!?!" out.  Lily decided the question for them about 5 minutes later.

    Granted, if given a knife I would have likely cut her out myself, but it goes to show how often C-Sections are considered when they aren't particularly necessary... (however, as I was screaming for pain medication for the first time in any delivery-a little nubane or even a shot of Southern comfort would have been nice)

    1. QuestionMaster profile image72
      QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You mean posterior? My baby turned posterior near the end of labour then tried to turn again halfway out. And yes you're right. It does hurt a lot!

      1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
        MelissaBarrettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        *smiles* yep.  We called her sunny side up.  At 7'4 she hurt about three times as much as her 9'2 brother.  I was inventing curse words.  She stayed posterior the entire labor and delivery, despite several attempts at turning her.

        TMI, but I delivered in a kneeling position because laying flat on my back was horrific.

        1. QuestionMaster profile image72
          QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Mine was over 8 pound. I had a waterbirth though, which I think helped with the contractions, thank goodness!

          I'd never deliver in a lying down position. The thought of it just freaked me out in labour, painwise. I had to be standing or kneeling the whole time!

          1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
            MelissaBarrettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I would have loved a waterbirth, but I was wicked high risk.  I actually had to do the sterile bright delivery room that no one actually uses anymore... It was horrid.  What should have been nice and calming instead had three doctors, a slew of nurses and an 8 person NICU team in attendance.

            Lily came out looking around like "What the hell is all this about?"

            1. QuestionMaster profile image72
              QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Poor you! I wanted as few people there as possible and the lights were dimmed and everything was quiet.

              1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
                MelissaBarrettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Me too, but they were really cool about it after they decided everything was alright.  We were in a homey birthing room and nursing in 15 minutes.  My nurse/midwife did respectfully request that I not have another one until he had a two or three year rest... Hmmm... Lily turns three next month...

                1. QuestionMaster profile image72
                  QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      2. IzzyM profile image83
        IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        It doesn't hurt that much if you are given correct pain relief.

        It is worth remembering here girls, that this is read by searchers out there, and many of them may be frightened young pregnant girls.

        OK it does hurt, and far worse than any period pain despite what the brochures tell you, but there is pain relief available. Sometimes you have to demand it!

        But after baby is born, it is all forgotten and worth it.

        1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
          MelissaBarrettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          *Smiles* I voluntarily chose to go without pain medication for all four.  Only the last was horrible but I was stubborn. By the time I asked for it things were too hectic for anyone to dose me. 

          I chose to do it four times and it was so worth it.  From what I've heard about the epidural, there's hardly any pain at all... just some pressure.

        2. QuestionMaster profile image72
          QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You're right.

          But I must say that with the exception of the pushing, I did find most of the contractions similar to bad period pain, and that was without drugs or gas. I really think the water provided awesome natural pain relief.

  8. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 13 years ago

    Thanks so much for your interesting and very help comments.

    It will also help many mothers or women who hope to have a baby sometime. Even I have learnt a few things.

    @IzzyM - I love what you and the other women did for that 14 year old. It's nice when you sit a woman down and go through all the facts - even better, when she can talk to women who have been through both sides (natural or C Section)

    Thanks for sharing the stories. smile


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