Keep putting off the dentist because you just can't cope with the gagging reflex and fear? Here are some practical tips to help.
Two simple, natural ingredients can provide an effective overnight treatment for dandruff that works in just 12 hours.
Looking For a WAHM Business Name? Here are some ideas!
Companies like Polaris, Better Women's Network and Empower Network are all illegal pyramid schemes. Companies like Tupperware, Amway and Javita are not. So what's the difference?
Only 5% of people are seeing your page posts. Is there a secret cheat to avoid paying to promote? Here we take a look at what works!
Looking for ways to streamline your use of Facebook? Lists are a great way to do just that!
Facebook has specific guidelines for running a competition on your page. Using a free app is the best way to make sure you don't break these rules. Plus, you don't need to worry about collecting and organising all the entries and manually picking a...
Trying to stop a certain age, country or gender from seeing your Facebook page posts? Here's how.
Wondering why your mobile data is being used quickly? If you surf Facebook regularly there may be a simple explanation! Here's away to lower your download limits.
Facebook is currently experiencing a glitch with its latest app updates. Many people cannot see their newsfeed.
Need to save money on energy and heating? Start here.
Sick of being sick? Here are some tips to get better, faster.
Need to stay awake? Here are some ways you can.
Sick of spending stacks on power bills and still being cold in winter? Try these tricks to stay warm!
Ever wished you could look older, or even look your age? Here's how!
Sick of having a runny nose? Get rid of it with these easy methods.
Just had oral surgery? Had your wisdom teeth removed? What can you eat? Eating can be hard, and it is important for healing to eat only soft foods for a few days. With these suggestions, you won't get bored with food!
Llama Pictures Are Showing Up All Over Facebook. What is the first thing you open? Here's the answer!
Facebook has hidden the OTHER inbox from both its mobile site and its smartphone app. Here's how to find it on mobile!
Sick of Farmville, Candy Crush and Criminal Case notifications and game requests from friends? Here's how to get rid of them, the easy way!
Why do we use letters in math equations? What's the history of alphabetic characters in math?
Nearly everyone has had a new job - or in many cases, several. When you begin a new job, one of the first things that you do is attend an induction course. An induction might only be a simple introduction by a trained staff member. Or in more...
Most people enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee - or even hot chocolate. No matter what kind of hot drink you enjoy, you've probably either boiled a kettle or seen someone else boil one. And it may have struck you as odd that a kettle makes noise. We...
Caesarean Sections, also know as 'C Sections' are a surgery performed either electively or in the event of an emergency to remove a baby from a woman's uterus. There is wide and varied opinion on the pros and cons of c-sections, which now...
Carrots are often a daily part of our lives. They appear on our plates in roasts, mashes, boiled or broiled. They can even be found in sweet desserts such as carrot cakes. Of course we don't often think about the color of carrots. Most of us have...
The mad hatter was a character in Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking glass, two stories about a girl called Alice who went down a rabbit hole into a strange new land. The books were written by Lewis Carroll. The mad hatter is a strange...
Nearly every country in the world has a term attached to it to refer to the country's inhabitants. Although some of these can be taken to have a derogatory meaning, many originally racist slurs have now become a jovial way of referring to a person...
The term Wog has been in use in different areas of the world for over 80 years. It's commonly used to refer to Italian people but can also be used as a reference to any dark skinned person, in particular those of Indian or Asian descent. Please be...
With the recent advent of movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean with the likes of lovable pirate Jack Sparrow, pirates have once again come into the lime light. Pirates have a legendary history of fighting tooth and nail to steal and plunder,...
Pigs are often visualised as having curly tails. But do all pigs have a curly tail? Is there a good reason for curly tails? Is there a genetic or evolutionary reason?
If you're a facebook addict like many people today, chances are you have a lot of friends. And statistically speaking, over 20% of the average facebook user's friends are people they've never met face to face. So why is that? Well it can vary. That...
Ferrous is a word that is generally used in words that describe objects that contain iron. The word ferrous originates with the Latin word for iron, Ferrum. Similar words to ferrous that also mean containing iron include: Ferric. Fe is the...
Google is one of the largest internet search engines on the web today. Most of their competitors, including Yahoo, Bing and Ask, are too busy trying to keep up to bother trying to equal or surpass Google. Google is an innovative search engine with...
Bread is a very common meal ingredient in most cultures. It's used to make sandwiches, breadcrumbs, stuffing, desserts and lots more. If you've ever made a loaf of bread from scratch, chances are you've wondered how a small mound of dough can...
Eggs are a great way to start the day - or finish it. Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled, they are a great food to have on any occasion, breakfast, lunch or dinner. Eggs are full of protein, great for building muscle and people who do a lot of...
You may have heard someone refer to a print screen button or tell you to print screen. So what exactly are they talking about? Should you just hit the print button and wait for your computer desktop to appear, chugging slowly in vibrant colours out...
Discover why your goldfish has changed color from gold to white, red or black.
Perhaps you've attended a traditional Greek wedding, heard a story, or seen this strange custom in a Hollywood movie. If so, you may have asked yourself: why do Greeks break plates at weddings?
If you've ever had a watermelon explode, you know it's a messy business. But why did your watermelon explode?
Lemon and salt are common accompaniments for tequila. However what is the reason for this strange mixture?
Nearly every man (and a whole lot of women) enjoy a good beer. Whether it's a single can after a long day at work, or a whole series of glasses lined up on the bar with your mates, chances are that you relish a well earnt beer. Of course the idea...